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Ayurvedic diet in breast cancer

diet in breast cancer

1) What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts with abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue. It can start with one or both breasts. Most commonly seen in women, rarely in men. Breasts are two soft glandular organs on the upper front chest of our body. in this article, we also discuss the  Ayurvedic diet in breast cancer.                                                                                               

The breast is made up of following different parts:                                                                                          

a) Skin: The skin is made up of the nipple and areola. The nipple is an area at the center of the areola with an opening to release milk (in women after childbirth). The areola is a circular darker colored area of skin surrounding the nipple.

b) Lobes: Each breast has 15-20 sections known as lobes. Small sections of tissue within then lobes that contains gland which produces milk are called a lobules.

c) Glands: The breast contains glandular tissue made up of lobules or small sections of tissue that contain tiny bulb like glands which produces milk ducts are the tubes that connect lobules, lobes and bulbs that lead to the nipple.

d) Fat: The breast is made up of fatty tissue or adipose tissue, which fills the spaces between the lobules and ducts. The ratio of fat to glandular tissue can change depending on a woman’s age.

e) Ligaments: Dense bands of connective tissue called ligaments that supports the breast.

f) Blood vessels– The breast receives blood from multiple vessels like internal thoracic artery, axillary artery and thoracoacromial artery. The breast skin receives blood from subdermal plexus.

g) Lymph vessels– The breast also contains lymph vessels that carry lymph fluid to lymph nodes. They are found in clusters in the armpit, above the collarbone in the neck and in the chest.                                      

2) Types of breast cancer:

There are two main types of breast cancer- Invasive type and Non-Invasive type                                                                                    

Invasive breast cancers are-

a) Invasive (infiltrating) ductal carcinoma (IDC): This is most common type of breast cancer that starts in the milk duct and spreads to nearby breast tissue. Seen in 70-80% cases

b) Invasive lobular carcinoma: This is second most common type of invasive breast cancer that begins in the cells lining the lobules and spreads to nearby breast tissue.                                          

Non-invasive breast cancers are-

a) Ductal carcinoma in situ: Like IDC, the breast cancer starts in your milk ducts. This cancer does not spread beyond your milk ducts.

b) Lobular breast cancer in situ: The breast cancer starts in cells that lines lining the breast lobules, the glands that produces milk. It is rarely seen. Most likely to affect both the breasts.

The non-invasive breast cancers are not life threatening and generally confined to the area they are originated, but can turn into invasive ones if left untreated.

Other types of breast cancers includes inflammatory breast cancer, Metastatic breast cancer, lobular carcinoma in situ and triple negative breast cancer.


3) Signs and Symptoms of Breast cancer:

a)  Generally breast cancers are benign tumors. Symptoms include a lump in the chest that is a thickened area of the skin which feels different from the surrounding tissue, a lump in the armpit, pain in chest, bloody discharge from the nipple. Changes in the size, shape or appearance of the breast.

b)   A nipple that looks flattened or turned inwards.

c)  Changes in the skin over the breast such as skin that looks dimpled or looks like orange peel. Scaling, peeling, crusting or flaking of the skin on the breasts.


4) Concept of Ayurveda-

‘Ayu’ means lifespan and ‘Veda’ means science. It is system of traditional Indian medicine that believes in natural approach in all aspects of health and well-being. It deals with diagnosis based on tridosha, saptadhatu, panchmahabhuta, dashavidha roga pariskha and uses herbal and herbo-mineral drug combinations along with panchkarma therapy. It has following concepts-

Tridosha concept:

There are three doshas or bodily humors -Vata, Pitt and Kapha that governs physiological and psychological processes in the body. Ayurveda believes that balance of doshas is health and an imbalance results in disease. Imbalance in Vata causes constipation, anxiety, dry skin, constipation, cognitive disorders. Imbalance of Pitt causes burning sensation, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat and anger, imbalance of Kapha causes obesity, sinus congestion, diabetes, cough etc.

Panchmahabhuta Concept

There are five natural elements- Earth, water, fire, air, and space. Everything in the universe including our body and mind is made up of these five elements known as panchmahabhuta. This concept is very much useful in nidan (diagnosis) and chikitsa (treatment) of various disorders for the aim of Dhatusamya (balance e of fluids in our body). A combination of each of the five element known as panchmahabhuta makes up for three doshas.


5) Types of chikitsa-

There are three types of chikitsa-

a) Daiva-vyaprashray which is divine therapy, a non-pharmacological approach.

b) Yukti-vyapashray chikitsa which is using logical reasoning and planning to treat patients.

c) Satvavajaya chikitsa which means mental restraint, psychotherapy or mind control therapy. Traditional mental health promoting practices includes Swastavritta (good health regimes), Sadavritta (good conduct) and yoga.

The therapeutic principles of Ayurveda is based on pacification of doshas, potentiation of dhatus, functioning of Agni, cleaning the obstruction and preventing formation of Ama.


The word panchakarma means ‘five actions’. There are five major treatment methods like vamana, virechana, nasya, basti and raktamokshana that helps to detoxify our body and helps in restoration of imbalanced doshas. It is effective in stimulating metabolism, boosting the immunity, unblocking energy, rejuvenating cells and tissues and relieving stress.


It is a practice used for centuries whose origin is seen from the period of Rigveda and Atharvaveda. Yoga sadhana is for promoting physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Yoga includes practicing certain asanas, meditation and mudras. It emphasizes on proper breathing techniques, proper postures, proper relaxation with dhyan-dharana and positive thinking. It establishes connection between body, breath and mind and builds strength and flexibility. This approach helps in better healing from a diseased state.


8) Concept of Oja-

Oja is a Sanskrit word which means ’vigor’ or ‘essence of vitality’. It is essence of all sapta dhatus (7 tissues). It is explained as’ Bala’ which is strength. It is the vital energy that rules our immunity, strength and happiness. In cancer patients particularly Oja kshay is seen at a vast extent.


9) Role of diet in cancer management-

A well balanced diet may help reduce the risk of malignancy, provides better tolerance to treatment and its side effects, helps in better recovery, keeps up energy and vitality in cancer patients.

There are two perspectives in case of cancer patients-

  1.  Research has shown that obesity is one of the risk factors for 13 types of cancers like cancer of breast, colorectal, esophagus, liver etc. The chronic inflammatory state in an overweight person is linked with lesser life expectancy and increase in chances of complications along with other metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Obesity also increases the risk of those dying from cancer and influences treatment choices. Hence keeping a healthy weight is very important.
  2. Other aspect is cancer and its treatment can sometimes negatively affect your appetite, making it difficult to have a balanced diet. It may lead to cachexia which is associated with severe weight loss, muscle loss and fat loss.

Diet and nutrition is an integral part of cancer related treatment. A healthy nutrient dense diet is very important.

Ayurvedic texts have detailed discussion about concept of ‘Aam’. Aam denotes the abnormal and impaired process of digestion and metabolism that leads to build up of toxic byproducts which cannot be neutralized or eliminated by the body. In Ayurvedic view, all diseases including cancer are originated from this ‘aamdosha’ . Aamdosha is formed due to malfunctioning of ‘Agni’ that is digestive fire. To correct Agni, proper diet management is a crucial step.

Modern dietary regime for breast cancer-

  • Eating plant-based diet.
  • Keep small and frequent meals.
  • High protein high fibre diet.
  • Limit sugar and fats.
  • Eating variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit caffeine.
  • Optimum hydration by drinking water.
  • Stop processed and cured foods.
  • Rainbow diet.
  • Stop tobacco and alcohol use.
  • Organic foods.
  • Anti-Estrogenic herbs.

Ayurvedic Dietary recommendations for breast cancer –

  • Focus on wholesome foods- This category includes whole grains like cereals, millets and pulses which are great source of complex carbohydrates. According to ayurveda they come under Shukdhanya and Shamidhanya. It is advised to eat one year aged rice (old rice) mainly from Shashti shali subtype. Yellow moong dal is considered to be best among pulses as it is a good source of complex carbohydrates, protein and easier to digest so optimum for cancer patients who are struggling to eat and has very low appetite.
  • Plenty of vegetables. There is detailed description of vegetables under shaka varga. Among them gourd family and cruciferous vegetables are said to be good for cancer patients.
  • Milk- Low fat milk and milk products are beneficial for cancer patients. Low fat milk includes cow’s milk and goat’s milk.
  • Ghrita- Ghee is rich source of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Also a source of omega-3 fatty acid which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In ayurveda different disease specific medicated ghritas (ghee) are advised.
  • Mansa varga- Mutton soup and chicken soup is recommended, good for bone and muscle strength.
  • Pathya Kalpana- Pathya Kalpana is preparing food to treat diseases, make it more fruitful and curative. These preparations increases digestive capacity, increases nutritional value of food. They include manda, peya, vilepi yusha and yavagu. Manda (liquid gruel), peya (thin gruel), vilepi (thick gruel) is made from rice while yusha (soup) and yavagu are made from green and yellow green gram.
  • Flax seeds- It is called as ‘alasi’ in ayurveda. It helps to stimulate breast milk production post-partum. From this we can say flax seeds have action on milk producing glands and cells. Lignin’s a type of phytoestrogen and flax seed oil can change estrogen metabolism hence believed to potentially reduce breast cancer.
  • Turmeric- Curcumin found in turmeric is said to have anticancer and chemo-preventive effects in breast cancer. In ayurveda it is called as ‘Yoshitpriya’ means dear to women. It is used widely in treating pcos, also improves insulin resistance. From this we can say it turmeric has action on ovaries.
  • Avoid simple sugars, processed foods, canned foods, aerated drinks, junk foods, stale foods, caffeine, sour and pungent foods.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Individualized calorie intake should be taken into consideration along with its digestion capacity. Hence quantified diet plan is to followed according to conditions like obesity or cachexia in order to maintain healthy weight and better recovery from cancer and cancer related treatment.


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