Colon cancer, which is also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that originates in the colon or the rectum. Colon and the rectum are the organs of the digestive system.
Colon: Colon is the first and the longest part of the large intestine. It absorbs the water and the nutrients from the digested food materials. The leftover digested food material is called stool that is then excreted out.
Rectum: Rectum is the lower part of the large intestine and it is where the body stores the stool until excretion.
Colon cancer mostly starts as polyps. Polyps are sessile or pedunculated in nature. This polyps grows in the inner lining of the colon. Most polyps are non-cancerous in nature but some accumulates additional mutation and that further lead to cancerous transformation.
What are the stages of Colon Cancer?
There are four primary stages that classify colon cancer and further signifies how much cancer has spread through the body. This includes”
1) Stage 0: Stage 0 colon cancer is also known as ‘Carcinoma in Situ’. In this stage of cancer, the cancer cells are localized within the inner lining of the colon or the rectum, but not the adjacent or the neighboring tissue. Stage 0 of colorectal cancer is highly localized and can be completely excised by the surgical removal of the involved area. Prognosis is generally good with high rate of cured cases.
2) Stage I: Stage I colon cancer is designated when cancer cell has proliferated or spread till second layer of the colon but is yet to spread to lymph nodes or the distant organs. The common treatment for this stage is typical surgical excision of the affected colon.
3) Stage II: Stage II colon cancer is designated when cancer cells has proliferated beyond inner layers of the colon or even the surrounding adjacent tissue has not reached the lymph nodes. This stage is further subdivided into:
a) Stage II A: Cancer cells has reached through the muscle layer to the outer most layer of the colon.
b) Stage II B: Cancer cells has reached the outer most layer but not the neighbouring tissues.
c) Stage II C: Cancer cells has invaded through the colon walls to the neighbouring tissues but not the lymph nodes.
4) Stage III: Stage III Colon Cancer is designated when cancer has spread to the lymph nodes but not to the distant organs. Stage III colon cancer is further subdivided in to three sub-types:
a) Stage IIIA: Cancer has spread through the muscle layer and also few neighbouring lymph nodes.
b) Stage IIIB: Cancer has spread to more lymph nodes or nearby tissues
c) Stage IIIC: Cancer has spread to four or more lymph node or nearby tissues.
5) Stage IV: Stage IV colon cancer is designated when cancer had spread to the distant organs most likely liver or lungs. Stage IV colon cancer is further subdivided in to three sub-types:
a) Stage IVA: Cancer has spread to one distant organ.
b) Stage IVB: Cancer has spread to more than one distant organs.
c) Stage IVC: Cancer cells have invaded or spread to the lining of the abdominal cavity, and possibly other areas.
Treatment and prognosis of colon cancer depends stage of the cancer. Currently, available treatment options for colon cancer are: 1) Surgery. 2) Chemotherapy. 3) Radiotherapy. 4) Targeted Therapy. 5) Immunotherapy.
Treatment of Colon Cancer through Ayurveda
Dr. Ravi Gupta, a renowned Ayurvedic Cancer Consultant has gained immense recognition in treatment of Colon and Rectal Cancer through Ayurveda. Dr. Ravi Gupta has a strong belief and further implements in his practice traditional Ayurvedic principles for the treatment of colon cancer. He strongly believes that by addressing imbalance in the doshas and lowered immune system in current era we can enhance colon cancer patient’s ability to fight against cancer.
Key principles of Ayurveda in Colon Cancer Treatment:
1) Balancing Doshas: Ayurveda strongly believes and emphasizes that imbalance is the doshas is the core causative factors in colon cancer. This three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) also contributes in progression of colon cancer. Dr. Ravi Gupta through its traditional Ayurvedic approaches helps to restore the balance in the doshas.
2) Detoxification: Dr. Ravi Gupta strongly believes that detoxification plays a crucial role in Ayurvedic Colon Cancer treatment. There are many Ayurvedic formulations and dietary recommendations that helps to cleanse the toxins from the body and further supports overall healing of colon cancer patients.
3) Boosting Immune System: Ayurveda has many herbs and herbo-mineral formulations that helps to that can helps to boost the immune system. By boosting the immune system, colon cancer cells can be effectively combated and overall healing process can be supported.
4) Diet and Lifestyle modifications: Dr. Ravi Gupta, Ayurveda Cancer Consultant strongly emphasizes the need and importance of balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains in colon cancer patients. He also emphasizes that doing daily regular exercises and stress management is crucial in treatment and Ayurvedic management of colon cancer patients.
Consultation with qualified Ayurvedic Cancer Consultant like Dr. Ravi Gupta can help to receive personalized colon cancer treatment is must.
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