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Ayurvedic Diet for Cancer Patients

Cancer is a challenging journey that affects the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to supporting cancer patients through personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations. An Ayurvedic Diet for Cancer Patients aims to balance the doshas (body energies), strengthen immunity, and enhance overall well-being, which can be particularly beneficial for those undergoing cancer treatment.

Understanding Ayurveda and Cancer

Ayurveda views cancer as a result of an imbalance in the body’s doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These imbalances can lead to the accumulation of toxins (ama) and weaken the body’s natural defenses. By restoring balance through Ayurvedic Diet for Cancer Patients, lifestyle, and herbal remedies, Ayurveda seeks to support the body’s innate healing abilities.

Key Principles of an Ayurvedic Diet for Cancer Patients

1) Personalized Nutrition

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of individualized dietary plans based on a person’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and the nature of their dosha imbalance (Vikriti). Consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner is crucial for developing a tailored diet plan.

2) Sattvic Foods

Sattvic foods are pure, light, and easily digestible, promoting clarity, vitality, and balance. These include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and dairy products like milk and ghee. Sattvic foods help maintain energy levels and support the immune system.

3) Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce inflammation and support the body’s healing processes. These include turmeric, ginger, garlic, green leafy vegetables, and berries. These foods contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that combat oxidative stress and inflammation.

4) Digestive Health

A strong digestive system is essential for cancer patients to absorb nutrients effectively. Ayurveda recommends including digestive spices like cumin, coriander, fennel, and black pepper in meals. Warm, cooked foods are preferred over raw, as they are easier to digest.

5) Hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial. Ayurveda suggests drinking warm or room temperature water, herbal teas, and soups to support digestion and detoxification. Avoid cold and carbonated beverages, which can disrupt digestive fire (Agni).

6) Immune-Boosting Herbs

Certain Ayurvedic herbs can help strengthen the immune system and improve overall health. Ashwagandha, Amalaki (Indian gooseberry), Tulsi (holy basil), and Guduchi are commonly recommended for their adaptogenic and immune-boosting properties.

7) Mindful Eating

Ayurveda encourages mindful eating practices, such as eating in a calm environment, chewing food thoroughly, and avoiding overeating. This helps enhance digestion and nutrient absorption.

By following these principles of an Ayurvedic diet for cancer patients, individuals can support their body’s natural healing processes, maintain their energy levels, and enhance their overall well-being during cancer treatment.

What is the Role of Nutrition in Aurvedic diet?

Nutrition is the most important aspect of every living organism, and it further helps every living organism to sustain their respective life and procreate. Nutrition is defined as a method or process by which consumed food is utilized to obtain essential nutrients in order to sustain growth and development of a living organism, and further to maintain health. A human body needs nutrition on a regular basis to carry out bodily functions properly, and to maintain health. For those undergoing cancer treatment, an Ayurvedic diet for cancer patients can be particularly beneficial in ensuring the body receives the necessary nutrients for healing and strength.
An Ayurvedic diet for cancer patients focuses on personalized nutrition, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, and using immune-boosting herbs to support the body’s natural healing processes. By following an Ayurvedic diet for cancer patients, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and improve their body’s ability to cope with the challenges of cancer treatment. Here are many essential nutrients that are vital to the body:
Ayurvedic Diet

1) Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates is the primary source of energy of the human body and is found in foods like grains, legumes, vegetables etc.

2) Proteins

Proteins are made up of amino acids, and are vital for growth, repair, and maintenance of the body. Meat, fish, eggs, beans etc. are the primary source of proteins.

3) Fats

Fats also known as lipids are vital for cell structure, and oils, butter, ghee etc. are the most important source of fats.

4) Vitamins

Vitamins are the essential micronutrients that help in various biochemical reactions and bodily functions. Major source of vitamins are green leafy vegetables, fruits etc.

5) Minerals:

Various minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium etc. are also essential for daily bodily functions, and important for bone health, brain and nerve functions, and most important of all to maintain fluid balance in the body.

It is important to note that nutritional needs varies based on multiple factors like age, gender, physical activity of the individual etc., and accordingly quality and quantity of the food to be consumed by the individual is also considered.

Concept of ‘Anna/अन्न and Ahara/आहर’ in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, ‘Anna/अन्न’ and Ahara/आहर’ are applied to denote ‘Food’ and ‘Diet’ respectively. Anna/अन्न means food that is ingested through mouth, and Ahara/आहर signifies a much broader term which is defined by all the substances or food that is consumed by an individual, and the science of its nutritive value and the amount of the food that is to be consumed. In the concept of Ahara/आहर the state of mind and sensory organs is also taken into consideration while consuming the food. Let’s further concentrate on multiple aspect of Anna/अन्न and Ahara/आहर:

1) Fundamental classification of the food on the basis of their effect on digestion:

Digestion of the food is based on qualitative and quantitative aspect of the food. Food is basically divided into two main type based on their effect on digestion:

A) Laghu Ahara or Light Diet:

Laghu Ahara denotes food or anna that is easily or quickly digestible. It has prominence of Vayu and Agni mahabhuta, and it further stimulates Agni or the digestive power. Laghu ahara is less harmful even if it is consumed till full satiety.

B) Guru Ahara or Heavy Diet:

Guru Ahara denotes food or anna that is slowly digestible. It has prominence of Prithivi and Jala mahabhuta, and it further does not stimulate the Agni or the digestive power. Guru Ahara if taken in excessive amount can prove harmful to the body.

Some examples of laghu ahara or light foods are shali and shashtika rice, green gram, common quail etc., and examples of guru ahara or heavy foods are milk, and different milk preparations, black gram, fish, sugarcane juice etc.

2) Classification of the foods based on its beneficial or harmful effects on human being:

Further as per Ayurveda, the food can be divided into two group based on the effects on the body:

तस्य खलु ये ये विकारावयवा भूयिष्ठमुपयुज्यन्ते, भूयिष्ठ कल्पानां च मनुष्याणां प्रकृत्यैव हिततमाश्चाहिततमाश्च, तांस्तान्यथावदुपदेक्ष्यामः||३७|| Charak Sutrasthana 25

1) Pathya (Beneficial) Ahara:

Pathya ahara are the types of food that proves beneficial to the body, gets digested easily, and provide appropriate nutrition to the body. Some examples of pathya ahara mentioned in Ayurveda are: Red rice (Oryza Sativa Linn.), Green gram (phascolus mungalim), Rock salt, Jiwanti (Leptadenia reticulate), Common quail (lava), Cow Ghee and milk etc.

2) Apathya (Harmful) Ahara:

Apathya ahara are the types of food that proves harmful to the body, hard to digest, and predispose to different types of diseases in the body. Some examples of apathya ahara mentioned in Ayurveda are: Yavak (wild barley), Masha (Phaseolus radiations linn), Sheep ghee and milk, derivatives of sugarcane like refined sugar etc.

Apathya ahara even if consumed in small amount can prove harmful to the body, and pathya ahara when consumes in excessive amounts can also prove harmful to the body.

Let’s further discuss food that will prove beneficial in Cancer patients according to Ayurveda or ‘Best food for Cancer in Ayurveda’:

1) Cow Milk in Cancer Patient / कैंसर के रोगी को गाय का दूध

स्वादुशीतंमृदुस्निग्धंबहलंश्लक्ष्णपिच्छिलम्।गुरुमन्दंप्रसन्नंचगव्यंदशगुणंपयः॥२१७॥तदेवङ्गुणमेवौजःसामान्यादभिवर्धयेत्।प्रवरंजीवनीयानांक्षीरमुक्तंरसायनम्॥२१८॥ Charak Sutrasthana 27


Cow’s milk prove extremely beneficial in Cancer patients. The nature of cow’s milk is sweet, cold, heavy, and has common properties that is similar to the vital essence of the body called as ojas. Cow’s milk can prove a good vitalizer of health in cancer patients, and further help rejuvenating the health of cancer patients.

It also important to note that before advising cow’s milk to cancer patients his Agni or digestive is to be taken into consideration. If Agni or the digestive power of the cancer patient is good then it is best for the cancer patient to stay on complete cow milk diet.

2) Goat Milk in Cancer Patient / कैंसर रोगी को बकरी का दूध

छागं कषाय मधुरं शीतंग्राहिपयो लघु। रक्तपित्तातिसारघ्नंक्षयकासज्वरापहम्॥२२२॥ Charak Sutrasthana 27

As per Ayurveda and modern research, goat milk can prove beneficial in multiple wasting disorders like cancer, tuberculosis etc. Goat’s milk is astringent in taste, light to digest, and prove beneficial in bleeding disorders, cough, fever, and cancer related cachexia.

It is important in Cancer patients who are developing wasting disease or cachexia, and further such patients Agni is lowered and digestive power is reduced. Goat’s milk proves extremely beneficial in such conditions as it help to control wasting in cancer patients, and help them to gain weight.

3) Mutton (Goat Meat) Soup in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगियों में मटन (बकरी का मांस) का सूप

नातिशीत गुरुस्निग्धं मांसमाजमदोषलम्॥६१॥ शरीर धातु सामान्यादनभिष्यन्दि बृंहणम्। Charak Sutrasthana 27

As mentioned in Ayurveda, soup made from flesh of goat proves extremely beneficial in cancer patients. It help the cancer patients who is losing weight or developing cachexia to gain weight and prolong their respective life. Flesh of goat is not to heavy or cold. So it is easily digestible in cancer patients.

According to Ayurveda, soup of goat flesh helps to keeps doshas in harmony, and is very nutritious to cancer patients. It will also help in building up the loss of muscle in cancer patients.

4) Chicken Meat in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगियों में चिकन (मुर्गा ) मांस /

कुक्कुटो बल्यानां| Charaka Sutrasthana 25

According to Ayurveda, chicken’s meat can proves extremely beneficial in cancer patients. It provide nutrition and energy to cancer patients, and help them gain and maintain weight.

5) Rohu fish in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगी को रोहू मछली

रोहितो दीपनीयश्च लघुपाको महाबलः। Charak Sutrasthana 25/82

According to Ayurveda, rohu fish is proves extremely beneficial in cancer patients. It is well known fact that rohu fish increases appetite of cancer patients. Rohu fish is easy to digest and promotes strength in cancer patients.

6) Soup of Green Moong in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगियों के लिए हरी मूंग का सूप

कषाय मधुरोरूक्षः शीतः पाके कटु र्लघुः।विशदः श्लेष्मपित्तघ्नोमुद्गःसूप्योत्तमोमतः॥२३ Charak Sutrasthana 25

As mentioned in Ayurveda, Green mudga or moong is considered the best of all the pulses. It is astringent and sweet in taste, and is easily to digestible in cancer patients. Moong daal is excellent aphrodisiac, and can help cancer patient to increase their health and potency.


Green moong daal help in increasing the strength of the cancer patients, and increase the fecal volume in cancer patients so as to deal with constipation.

7) Grapes in Cancer Patients / कैंसर के रोगी को अंगूर या किसमिस

तृष्णादाहज्वरश्वासरक्तपित्तक्षतक्षयान्।वातपित्तमुदावर्तंस्वरभेदंमदात्ययम्॥१२५॥तिक्तास्यतामास्यशोषंकासंचाशुव्यपोहति।मृद्वीकाबृंहणीवृष्यामधुरास्निग्धशीतला॥१२६॥ Charak Sutrasthana 27

According to Ayurveda, grapes or kismis is very effective in treating different symptoms of cancer patients like persistent thirst, post-radiotherapy burning sensation, fever, hoarseness or change in the voice, loss of taste, and persistent cough. Grapes or kismis is useful in cancer patients because it is very nourishing, and aphrodisiac.

It help to increase strength, and is very effective in controlling weight loss in cancer patients. Grapes or kismis also help to deal with constipation in cancer patients. Grapes are cool in potency, and can provide substantial relief in burning sensation in cancer patients.

8) Date or Khajur in Cancer patients / कैंसर रोगियों में खजूर

मधुरं बृंहणं वृष्यं खर्जूरं गुरु शीतलम्।क्षयेऽभिघाते दाहेच वातपित्तेचतद्धितम्॥१२७॥ Charaka Sutrasthana 27

According to Ayurveda, Date or Khajur is one of the vital nourishing supplement in cancer patients. Date or Khajur is sweet in taste and cold in potency, so it beneficial in cancer patients who are suffering from increased heat in the body post-chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Date or Khajur is beneficial in cancer patients who are suffering from loss of weight or developing cachexia.

9) Sonth in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगियों में सोंठ

सस्नेहं दीपनं वृष्यमुष्णं वातकफापहम्।विपाके मधुरंहृद्यंरोचनं विश्वभेषजम्॥२९६॥

Ginger is unctuous, and stimulates Agni or increase digestion in cancer patients. Dry ginger is a good aphrodisiac, and so increase strength and immunity in cancer patients. Sonth increases the appetite of cancer patients.

10) Rock Salt or Sendha Namak in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगियों के लिए सेंधा नमक

रोचनं दीपनं वृष्यं चक्षुष्यमविदाहिच।त्रिदोषघ्नंस मधुरं सैन्धवंलवणोत्तमम्॥३००॥

According to Ayurveda, rock salt or sendha namak can prove as a good appetizer in cancer patients. Rock salt or sendha namak helps in treating imbalance in the doshas that is one of the main reasons in causing Cancer. Sendha Namak or Rock Salt is an appetizer, and so proves beneficial in Cancer patients

11) Butter milk in cancer patients / कैंसर रोगियों के लिए छाछ

शोफार्शो ग्रहणी दोष मूत्रग्रहोदरारुचौ।स्नेह व्यापदि पाण्डुत्वेतक्रंदद्याद्गरेषुच॥२२९॥

According to Ayurveda, butter milk is very beneficial in cancer patients and helps to deal with edema, piles, urine disorders, abdominal disorders and various other complains in cancer patients.

Butter milk help to deal with anorexia and anemia in cancer patients. Most important of all Butter milk or छाछ help in chemotherapy related side-effects, the same is mentioned in Ayurveda is called as gara visha poisoning.

12) Tulsi in Cancer Patients / कैंसर रोगियों में तुलसी

हिक्का कास विष श्वास पार्श्वशूल विनाशनः।पित्तकृत्कफवातघ्नः सुरसःपूतिगन्धहा॥१६९॥ Charak Sutrasthana 25

According to Ayurveda, Tulsi or holy basil is beneficial in cancer patients. Tulsi or holy basil leaves can be added into different foods of cancer patients.

Tulsi leaves is effective in cancer patients who are suffering from hiccups, dyspnea, cough, and different disorders due to kapha and vata. Tulsi leaves can also help in pleural effusion due to lung cancer.

About Team ‘Cancer in Ayurveda’

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is a dedicated group of researchers who are exploring the benefit of Cancer in Ayurveda. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ has a holistic approach of toward overall care and support of cancer patients. Kindly connect with Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ for successful treatment of Cancer through Ayurveda.

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