About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a traditional and ancient system of Indian medicine that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of an individual. Ayurveda promotes balance and harmony between the body, mind, and the spirit, and the same is the definition of true health. When the balance is disturbed or not in harmony, then disease can occur. Ayurveda can play a complementary role in improving overall well-being. A key aspect of Ayurveda for stomach cancer involves dietary modifications. A balanced diet consisting of fresh, organic, and easily digestible foods is recommended, including a variety of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits. However, it is important to avoid processed, spicy, and oily foods, as well as items that are hard to digest. Additionally, Ayurveda employs various herbal remedies that may help support the body during cancer treatment. It is crucial to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the appropriate herbs and formulations for individual needs.
Ayurveda, is also a holistic system of Indian Medicine which treat the root cause of the disease, not just the symptoms of the disease. Ayurveda strongly believes that every individual is unique in terms of combination of doshas, and there are three type of doshas: 1) Vata. 2) Pitta. 3) Kapha. Doshas are the governing principles of the body, and the mind too. Doshas, in balance, promotes physical and mental health, and well-being of an individual. To promote physical and mental well-being of an individual, Ayurveda offers wide range of treatment like: 1) Herbal medicines. 2) Ayurvedic Diet. 3) Yoga. 4) Meditation .
Ayurveda helps in improving overall health and well-being of cancer patients, and also reduce stress and anxiety in cancer patients. Ayurveda can improve sleep and boost immune system in cancer patients. Ayurveda can also help in improving digestion and relieve constipation in cancer patients.

What is stomach?

Stomach is a muscular organ situated between esophagus and the small intestine, and it is located in the upper abdomen. The most important function of the stomach is to store food which it has received from esophagus. Stomach breaks down the food into smaller pieces, and further mix it with digestive juices to facilitate in its digestion. Stomach plays a vital role in regulating appetite through sending signals to the brain of fullness or hunger.
Specialized glandular cells in the stomach produces digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and the mucus which helps in breaking down proteins, killing organisms like bacteria, and most importantly to protect the stomach linings. Digestive enzymes and Hydrochloric acid helps in breaking down ingested food into semi-solid liquid called chyme. Later the chyme passes in to part of small intestine called duodenum through opening of pyloric sphincter.
Histologically stomach consists of different layer of tissues with its own unique characteristics. Mucosa is the innermost layer of the stomach and is further subdivided into three sublayers: 1) Epithelium. 2) Lamina propria. 3) Muscularis mucosae. Gastric epithelial layer secrete mucus, hydrochloric acid, and the digestive enzymes.

Another three layers of stomach from inner to outer side is submucosa, muscularis externa, and the serosa. Submucosa consists of connective tissue like blood vessels, lymphatic vessels etc. Muscularis externa consist of a layer of smooth muscle which provide motility to the stomach. And the last layer serosa helps in anchoring the stomach to the adjacent structures.

What is stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer, which is also commonly known as gastric cancer is a form of malignant tumor that develops in the cells lining the stomach. Gastric cancer is common form of the cancer worldwide and its incidence varies across different regions of the world. There are many different types of gastric cancer, but the most common type of stomach cancer is adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma arises in the glandular cells lining of the stomach. Other common types of stomach cancer includes lymphomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST’s), and the carcinoid tumors.
There are many factors that increases the risk of developing stomach cancer, but exact cause is still unknown. The risk factors are 1) Chronic H pylori infection. 2) High salt diet. 3) Chronic alcohol and tobacco abuse. 4) Family history of stomach cancer also increases an individual predisposition to cancer. Stomach cancer is diagnosed by Endoscopy, CT Scans, Ultrasound, Biopsies, and Laboratory tests.

Stomach Cancer Statistics

Stomach cancer is a significant health concern in India, and worldwide too. Stomach cancer which is also commonly known as gastric cancer originates in the stomach lining. Further is few statistics related to stomach cancer in India and worldwide too.

1) Incidence:

Stomach cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer worldwide, and the second most common cause of cancer related deaths. In India, stomach cancer cases is comparatively high, and 34,000 new cases are diagnosed annually. The male to female ratio of newly diagnosed stomach cancer cases in India is 2:1.

2) Mortality:

Stomach cancer is 02nd most common cause of cancer related deaths and has resulted deaths in approximately 768,000, accounting of roughly 8% cancer-related deaths.

3)Age & Gender:

Stomach cancer seems to affects more populations of old age, and the majority of cases are seen occurring in people over the age of 55 years. Men are more likely to develop stomach cancer.

4) Risk factors:

Several risk factors have been found to be associated with increased incidence of gastric cancer. This risk factors include chronic H-Pylori Infection, diet rich in salt, low vegetable and fruits intake, tobacco smoking, alcohol, obesity etc.

5)Disease specific survival:

Survival rates in cases of stomach cancer generally depends upon stage of diagnosis of the respective cancer, and overall many other factors. But prognosis in stomach cancer is generally poor, and 5 year survival rate is approximately 20% to 30%. Survival are good when the cancer is diagnosed early and receive appropriate treatment.

6) Regional Variations:

Stomach cancer incidence varies greatly globally and is most common in East Asia (mostly in China, Japan, and Korea), parts of Central and Eastern Europe, and certain part of South America like Chile and Colombia.
Statistics can help to identify and analyze disease trends, and further help government or health authorities in targeted interventions. Statistics also helps in identifying the risk factors involved and further help in mitigating the risk like smoking, alcohol etc. Statistics can also help in developing new disease control strategies for preventing and controlling stomach cancer cases. Overall statistics can also analyzing the effectiveness of the disease control methods and save lives.

Stomach Cancer Causes

Stomach Cancer which also known as Gastric Cancer is a significant health concern in India and worldwide too. There are multiple risk factors identified but exact causes is still unknown. Further is mentioned some factors which can contribute to the development of stomach cancer:

1) Helicobacter pylori infection:

H. pylori is a type of bacterium that can infect the inner mucosal lining of the stomach, and can further lead to its inflammation. Long term inflammation of the inner mucosal lining of the stomach can lead to formation of gastric ulcers, and stomach cancer too.

2) Diet:

Unhealthy diet of an individual consisting mostly of salty, smoked, processed meat or pickled foods can significantly contribute to the risk factor of stomach cancer. Low intake of fruits and vegetable have been found to contribute to the increased risk factor for stomach cancer.

3) ) Tobacco and alcohol use:

Cigarettes smoking and excessive alcohol intake have been linked to increased risk of stomach cancer. Smoking cigarettes while drinking alcohol can have synergistic affect in the development of stomach cancer.

4) Family history:

Individual with close relative who have or had developed stomach cancer are at a increased risk of developing stomach cancer. Genetic predisposition of an individual to stomach cancer is yet to be fully understood.

5) Age and gender:

Statistically, it is a well-known fact that older individuals are at a increased risk of developing stomach cancer and a median age of developing stomach cancer is 55 years old. Generally men demonstrate higher incidence of stomach cancer compared to women, and the ratio is incidence of stomach cancer cases in men and women is 2:1.

It is most important to note that presence of a risk factors does not warrants the development of stomach cancer, and individual who are without any known risk factors can also develop stomach cancer. Periodic and regular health checkups and cancer screening can help to mitigate the risk of developing stomach cancer, and facilitate in early detection of cancer.

Types of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer can be categorized into several types based on the specific type of cells in the stomach from which the cancer develops or originate. The main types of stomach cancer are:

1) Adenocarcinoma:

Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of stomach cancer, and accounts for almost 90% cases of the stomach cancer diagnosed. It originates from the cells that form the inner lining or mucosal layer of the stomach. Adenocarcinoma is further classified into two subtypes:

This subtype of adenocarcinoma typically develops in areas affected by chronic H. pylori infection and chronic inflammation. This subtype of cancer typically presents with well-defined mass, and progress slowly.
This subtype of adenocarcinoma infiltrate the stomach wall diffusely, and without formation of a distinct mass. Histopathological finding of this subtype typically reveals scattered cancer cells throughout the stomach lining. Prognosis of this subtype of adenocarcinoma of stomach is typically guarded.

2) Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs):

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) is a rare type of stomach cancer, and can develop anywhere from the cells of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract including the stomach. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are diagnosed based on the presence of certain genetic mutations like KIT or PDGFRA mutations

3) Lymphoma:

Lymphomas of the stomach typically originates in the lymphatic tissue associated with the stomach. Lymphomas of the stomach can be further categorized into various subtypes but major subtypes are Diffuse large B – Cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and Mucosa – associated lymphoid tissue (MALT).

4) Carcinoid tumors:

Carcinoid tumors are rare type of neuroendocrine tumors that can develop in stomach, and it arise from hormone producing cells in the stomach lining. Carcinoid tumors are usually slow growing and generally tend to have better prognosis compared to other types of stomach cancers.

Histological classification helps in determining and diagnosing the specific type of cancer involved. Histological classification also guides us further in determining treatment approaches and prognosis of specific type of cancer.

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer which is also known as gastric cancer can present various symptoms. However, it is important to note that stomach cancer at earlier stages can presents no symptoms, and may produce symptoms as the cancer growth advances. Below is mentioned some symptoms of stomach cancer:

1) )Indigestion or discomfort in the abdomen:

This can be evident by feeling of fullness or bloating in the abdomen after heaving meals. Stomach pain of mild to moderate grade, and frequent burping can be present in stomach cancer patients.

2) Persistent heartburn or acid reflux:

Stomach cancer can show symptoms of chronic acid reflux which can be evident by sensation of heartburn, irritation, and or discomfort.

3) Nausea and vomiting:

Unexplained and gradual worsening of episodes of vomiting or nausea can be a symptoms of gastric cancer. This episodes of nausea or vomiting may not respond to conventional line of treatment.

4) Loss of appetite:

This can be evident by unexplained reduced desire to eat and this symptoms can also gradually worsen.

5) Feeling of fullness:

Sensation or feeling of fullness in stomach even after having small amount of meal, and it can gradually worsen over time.

Many other symptoms of stomach cancer are present which can be evident by feeling of persistent and unexplained fatigue, and weakness, black or tarry stools, blood in the vomit or stool etc.

It is most important to note that the above mentioned symptoms can be present in many other health conditions, and does not necessarily means that you have developed stomach cancer. It is strictly advisable to consult your health care professional appropriate diagnosis.

Treatment of Stomach Cancer

Treatment of stomach cancer depends over multiple aspects like stage of diagnosis and histological classification of the stomach cancer, overall general health of the patient, and in current era individual treatment related preferences is also taken into consideration. A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professional, including oncologists, surgical oncologists, gastroenterologist will collaborate together and chart out personalized treatment plan. The treatment plan for cancer include:

1) Surgery:

Surgery is the main line of treatment in early stage stomach cancer. The goal of the surgery is to remove the tumor, and if possible then the nearby lymph nodes. Different surgical approaches adopted depending on the stage of the cancer are 1) Subtotal Gastrectomy: Partial removal of the stomach. 2) Total Gastrectomy: Removal of the entire stomach. 3) Lymphadenectomy: Removal of the nearby lymph nodes.

2) Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapeutic drugs can kill the cancer cells and further prevent them from growing

3) Radiation Therapy:

Radiation Therapy uses high energy beams to kill cancer cells.

4) Targeted Therapy:

Targeted therapy drugs specifically target certain molecules or pathways which is critical for the growth and survival of the cancer cells.

5) Immunotherapy:

Immunotherapy helps to stimulate the immune system and help them to identify and kill the cancer cells.

6) Palliative Care:

Palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life of end stage or incurable cancer.

Treatment plan for each cancer patients needs to tailored made, and the same can help to achieve best optimum results for the patients depending on the stage of the diagnosis of the cancer, still it is most important to note that early diagnosis and prompt treatment is key to achieve good prognosis.

Ayurveda For Stomach Cancer or आयुर्वेद में पेट का कैंसर:

In Ayurveda, no such specific term for stomach cancer is mentioned but its ‘Dosha Samprapti or Etiopathology’ can be compared with the topic or roga called ‘Arbuda/अर्बुद’. When the same dosha and dushya samprapti mentioned in Arbuda/अर्बुद affects Amashaya, it is called आमाशय अर्बुद.

It is important to note that the composition and set of doshas (vitiated Kapha and Vata Dosha) which when affects Mansha dhatu causes ‘Arbuda/अर्बुद’, and when the same set of doshas affects आमाशय it causes ‘Stomach Cancer or आमाशय अर्बुद.

A balanced vata dosha is responsible for controlled cell division, and balanced Kapha dosha provides the building blocks for healthy cell growth, and necessary signals for cell proliferation. And when both get vitiated or imbalanced it can lead to uncontrolled and abnormal growth or cell division due to sustained proliferative signaling leading to the development of ‘Stomach Cancer or आमाशय अर्बुद’. But as mentioned in Arbuda/अर्बुद, the vitiated doshas affects mansha dhatu, and here when the same composition of doshas when affects Amashaya / आमाशय it can lead to stomach cancer or आमाशय अर्बुद.

Stomach/ आमाशय in Ayurveda

नाभिस्तनान्तरं जन्तोरामाशय इति स्मृतः|

अशितं खादितं पीतं लीढं चात्र विपच्यते|| Charak Vimanasthana 2/17

As mentioned in Ayurveda, Stomach or आमाशय is situated between the breast line and the umbilicus. आमाशय / Amashaya is a part of body where all that is eaten, masticated, licked and drunk food get digested.
Acharya Chakrapani have divided Amashaya into two segments, the upper segment (urdhava amashaya) and the lower segment (adho amashaya). As per Acharya Chakrapani, the upper segment of the amashaya (urdhava amashaya) belongs to Kapha Dhatu and the lower segment of amashaya (adho amashaya) belongs to pitta dhatu. Anatomically, the upper segment of the amashaya (urdhava amashaya) can be called stomach, and the lower segment (adho amashaya) can include small intestine. It is also important to note that आमाशय / Amashaya belongs to Kledaka Kapha and Pachak Pitta.
So it is important to note that by Stomach Cancer we mean Cancer which develop in the upper segment of the amashaya (urdhava amashaya).

Treatment of Stomach Cancer or आमाशय अर्बुद in Ayurveda

The main goal of Ayurveda therapy is to find the cause of the Cancer, while the therapeutic approach of Ayurveda is just given in one category: Oral Medications

1) Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yasthimadhu) in Stomach Cancer

Glycyrrhiza glabra which is also commonly known as liquorice, belongs to family Fabaceae and is a perennial herbaceous plant. Glycyrrhiza glabra is a native plant of Mediterranean region and is found in parts of Asia like India, Iran, and China.

Glycyrrhiza glabra has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic system of medicine for its potential health benefit. Roots of the Glycyrrhiza glabra is most commonly used part of the plant, and it includes various compounds. Glycyrrhizin is the most important compound of Glycyrrhiza glabra, and has many health benefit including of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and the antimicrobial effects. It is used in various digestive issues, respiratory issues, and skin ailments.

Glycyrrhiza glabra has potential anticancer properties, and has been used in Ayurveda since many centuries for various other ailments. The anticancer properties of Glycyrrhiza glabra is elucidated further:

1) Anti-inflammatory effects and Antioxidant properties: Glycyrrhiza glabra contains various compounds like glycyrrhizin and isoliquiritigenin that have anti-inflammatory effects, and antioxidant properties, so ameliorating the survival and proliferation of the cancer cells. Anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant properties protects the cells from oxidative stress and chronic inflammation effectively reducing the chances of cancer development.

2) Anticancer activities: Certain compounds found in Glycyrrhiza glabra, such as glycyrrhizin and isoliquiritigenin may also have direct cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. This compounds inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and induces apoptosis in cancer cells.

It is important to note to consult a qualified health care professional before using Glycyrrhiza glabra in treatment or prevention of cancer.

Yasthimadhu Ghanvati (यष्टिमधु या मुलहठी या मुलेठी घनवटी) in Stomach Cancer

Roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra is washed clean with water and is cooked with 16 times of water. When half amount of water is remaining the mixture is filtered through cotton cloth, and the solid part is separated and discarded.

The remaining liquid is boiled again till a thick paste like stage is attained, and further cooking is stopped. Now the thick paste is further sundried and tablets or vati is prepared from it. This Yasthimadhu Ghanvati (यष्टिमधु या मुलहठी या मुलेठी घनवटी) proves beneficial in stomach cancer patients.

2) Fagonia indica (Duralabha or Dhamasa) in stomach cancer

Fagonia indica which is also commonly known as Dhamasa or Duralabha, is a small shrub native to regions of India, Pakistan, and other part of Middle East. It belongs to the family of Zygophyllaceae and is well known in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. Duralabha or Dhamasa has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties. In Ayurveda, Duralabha or Fagonia indica is used to treat wide range of diseases like respiratory conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, urinary tracts diseases etc.

Duralabha or Fagonia indica has many potential health benefits, and contains several bioactive compounds like flavonoids, tannins, saponins etc. This compounds contribute to the therapeutic benefit of Duralabha or Fagonia indica.

The anti-cancer properties of Dhamasa or Duralabha as follow:

1) Cytotoxic Effects: Duralabha or Fagonia indica has a potential to inhibit the growth of the cancer cells, and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death). It has direct cytotoxic effects on stomach cancer, and many other types of cancer like breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer etc.

2) Anti-Inflammatory properties: Duralabha or Fagonia indica has anti-inflammatory properties which can prove beneficial in inhibiting the growth of stomach cancer.

3) Immunomodulatory properties: Dhamasa or Fagonia indica has immunomodulatory properties, and helps to modulate the immune system against stomach cancer cells.

Duralabha Kshar (दुरालभा क्षार) in Stomach Cancer

Kshar, which is also known as alkali or caustic substance in English, its method of preparation is mentioned in Ayurveda since ancient times. Kshar are derived from alkaline substances, and is usually plant based, and has many therapeutic benefits.

For preparing Duralabha Kshar, the entire plant is cut into small pieces and is sun dried. The pieces are then put in earthen pot and burnt into ash. Water is now added to ash into 6:1 ratio and is kept overnight. Then the mixture is filtered with fine cotton cloth two to three times, and the filtrate is boiled under moderate flame. Water evaporates away leaving semi-solid paste which is then further sundries and salty white substance is obtained, and it is called Duralabha Kshar (दुरालभा क्षार). Duralabha Kshar (दुरालभा क्षार) proves beneficial in management of stomach cancer cases.

Suvarna Bhasma (स्वर्ण भस्म) in Stomach cancer

Suvarna Bhasma is an Ayurvedic Medicine which is prepared from gold or suvarna, as mentioned in Ayurveda. Suvarna Bhasma has multiple therapeutic benefits and is used against various ailments. It is also used to maintain general health of an individual and has a potential role in cancer treatment.

The method of preparation of Suvarna Bhasma involves purification of the suvarna or gold with different ayurvedic herbs and many other ingredients, and further involves grinding the metal into fine powder making it suitable for further processing. Last procedure involves subjecting the metal to high temperatures thereby enhancing it properties and making it suitable for human consumption.

Suvarna Bhasma has rejuvenating and immunomodulatory properties, and both prove beneficial in management of stomach cancer patients. Suvarna bhasma has anti-cancer properties due to its immune-enhancing qualities and cytotoxic effects over the cancer cells. Suvarna bhasma inhibits the tumor growth and enhances the immune response against cancer cells.

About Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’

Team “Cancer in Ayurveda” is a dedicated group of researchers and practitioners whose main focus is to raise awareness about the role of Ayurveda in management of cancer. Team “Cancer in Ayurveda” strive to bridge the gap between traditional Ayurvedic science and modern principles. Team “Cancer in Ayurveda” recognizes that cancer requires multidimensional approach, and aims to restore the balance and harmony within doshas thus to promote natural healing. Team “Cancer in Ayurveda” holistic approach toward overall health and wellness of cancer patients. Kindly connect with us for successful Ayurvedic treatment of canecr.
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