What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian Medicine and has originated in India 3,000 years ago. The word “Ayurveda” is described from two Sanskrit word “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means science or knowledge. Thus Ayurveda means “science of life”. Ayurveda focuses of health and wellness of an individual through balance on mind, body, and spirit of an individual.
Key Concepts of Ayurveda:
1) Doshas: As per Ayurveda, there are three main governing principles or doshas in the body, There three doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every person are unique combination of doshas and it influences mental and physical characteristics of an individual. a) Vata: Vata play an important role in breathing, circulation, and movement in an Individual. b. Pitta: Pitta plays an important role in digestion and metabolism, c. Kapha: Kapha plays an important role in maintain structure and immune system of an individual.
2) Prakriti: Prakriti refers to an individual and unique constitution of doshas. These unique combination of doshas remains constant throughout the life and determine health of an individual.
3) Panchamahabhutas: As per Ayurveda body and universe is composed of five basic elements: 1) Space. 2) Air. 3) Fire. 4) Water., and 5) Earth. These elements combine in various unique constitution and determine health and wellness of an individual.
What is Brain?
Brain is a complex organ and serve as a main center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most of the invertebrate animals. Brain is responsible for receiving and processing all the sensory information’s and further facilitates in regulating bodily functions and thoughts. Brain is also important in regulating emotions and facilitating cognition, memory, and behavior of an individual.
Anatomy of the Brain
a) Cerebrum: Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is divided into two hemispheres and four lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital). Cerebrum is responsible for higher functions like thoughts, motor functions, and processing of the sensory signals.
b) Cerebellum: Cerebellum is located at the posterior and lower aspect of the brain. Cerebellum plays a vital role in facilitating coordination, balance, and complex motor skills.
c) Brain Stem: Brainstem connects brain to the spinal cord and plays an important role in regulating vital functions in the body like heartbeat, breathing, and sleep cycles. Brain Stem include midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
d) Limbic System: Limbic System is a complex system within the cerebrum and deals with emotions, memories, and arousal. Key structure of limbic system are hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus.
Cellular Components of Brain
Brain is composed of various cellular components and each cells plays a crucial in brain functions. Brain primarily contains two types of cells: 1) Neurons and 2) Glial Cells. Further is mentioned overview of cellular components:
a) Neurons:
Neurons is the fundamental units of the brain and the nervous system. Neurons is responsible for processing and transmitting the electrical and chemical signals.
b) Glial Cells or Neuroglia:
Glia or Neuroglia provide support, nutrition, and protection to the neurons. There are many types of glial cells and each glial cells is with specific functions:
1) Astrocytes: Astrocytes provided structural support to the neuron and helps to maintain the blood brain barrier. Astrocytes also helps to regulate blood flow to the neuron.
2) Oligodendrocytes (in the Central Nervous System) and Schwann Cells (in the Peripheral Nervous System): Both cells form the myelin sheath and form the fatty layer around the axon. It help to insulate the axon and speed up the electrical signals.
3) Microglia:
Microglia act as a brain immune system and protects it from pathogens. Microglia helps to clear the debris and dead cells.
4) Ependymal Cells: Ependymal cells line the ventricles of the brain and produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
c) Endothelial Cells:
Endothelial cells line the lining of the blood vessels in the brain and plays a important factor in blood brain barrier.
d) Neural Stem Cells:
Neural Stem Cells has ability to differentiate into various type of neural cells and contributing into brain repair.
e) Pericytes:
Pericytes is found around endothelial cells of the capillaries and helps to maintain the integrity of blood brain barrier.
f) Meningeal Cells:
Meningeal cells constitute the meninges and form the protective layer around the brain and the spinal cord.
What is Brain Cancer and Types of Brain Cancer?
Brain Cancer is a type of cancer that originates from the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. Brain cancer can also be referred as presence of malignant tumors in the brain or its surrounding tissues. Cancerous cells in the brain tumors starts destroying the normal brain tissue and disrupts the normal function of the brain.
Tumors in the brain can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). Malignant Brain Tumors are aggressive in nature and grows rapidly contrary to benign tumors that are slow growing and can press on the brain or the nerves.
Types of Brain Cancer are elaborated further:
Primary Brain Cancer: Primary Brain Tumors are the tumors that originates in the brain or its surrounding tissues. Primary Brain Cancer are categorized based on the type of cells they arise from:
a) Gliomas: Gliomas are the most common types of primary brain tumor and it arise from the glial cells. Gliomas is further classified based on the specific subtype of glial cell involved.
1) Astrocytomas:
- Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Pilocytic Astrocytoma are generally a low-grade (Grade I) tumors and are more common in children.
- Diffuse Astrocytoma: Diffuse Astrocytoma are Grade II tumors and tends to grow slowly. Diffuse Astrocytoma can also progress to higher grade.
- Anaplastic Astrocytoma: Anaplastic Astrocytoma are Grade III tumors. Anaplastic Astrocytoma are more aggressive in nature and are fast-growing.
- Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM): Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) are the most aggressive and Grade IV tumors. Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is most common type of primary brain cancer.
2) Oligodendromas:
- Oligodendroglioma: Oligodendroglioma are Grade II and slow growing tumors. It have a better prognosis if 1p/19q co-deletion is present.
- Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma: Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma are Grade III and are more aggressive form of oligodendroglioma.
3) Ependymomas:
Ependymomas are tumors arising from the ependymal cells lining the ventricles and central canal of spinal cord.
- Myxopapillary Ependymoma: Myxopapillary Ependymoma are Grade I tumors and are often found in the spinal cord.
- Subependymoma: Subependymoma are Grade I tumors and are slow growing.
- Ependymoma: Ependymoma are Grade II tumors.
- Anaplastic Ependymoma: Anaplastic Ependymoma are Grade III tumors and are more aggressive in nature.
4) Meinigiomas:
Meningiomas are tumors that originate from the meninges, Meninges are the protective layer that surround the brain and the spinal cord.
- Grade I Meningioma: Grade I Meningioma are most common and are usually benign.
- Grade II Meningioma: Grade II Meningioma are atypical and are likely to recur. Grade II Meningioma are more aggressive in nature.
- Grade III Meningioma: Grade III Meningioma are anaplastic and are malignant and aggressive in nature.
5) Medulloblastomas:
Medulloblastomas are highly malignant tumors and it typically arise in the cerebellum. Medulloblastomas are most common in children’s.
- Classic Medulloblastoma: Classic Medulloblastoma are the most common subtype of all medulloblastomas.
- Desmoplastic/Nodular Meduloblastoma: Desmoplastic/Nodular Meduloblastoma are the subtype of meduloblastoma that generally have better prognosis.
- Large Cell/Anaplastic Medulloblastoma: Large Cell/Anaplastic Medulloblastoma are the subtype of meduloblastoma that are generally more aggressive.
6) Schwannomas
Schwannomas are the tumors that originate or develop from the Schwann cells. Schwann cells are responsible for producing the myelin sheath around the nerves.
- Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma): Acoustic Neuroma is the most common subtype of Schwannoma and affects the cranial nerve which is responsible for balance and hearing.
b) Pituitary Tumors:
Pituitary Tumors arise from the pituitary gland and are often benign. It can impact the hormone level in the body and can cause significant symptoms.
- Pituitary Adenomas: Pituitary Adenomas are usually benign and are based on the hormones they produce.
c) Primary CNS Lymphomas
Primary CNS Lymphoma are rare in nature and most commonly arise from the lymphocyte in the brain. Primary CNS Lymphoma are most common in immuno-compromised individual.
d) Secondary (Metastatic) Brain Tumors:
Secondary or Metastatic Brain Tumors are tumors which spread to the brain from other parts of the body. Secondary or Metastatic Brain Tumors are more common than primary brain tumors. Secondary tumors can arise from:
- Lung Cancer.
- Breast Cancer.
- Melanoma (Skin Cancer).
- Kidney Cancer.
- Colon Cancer.
Grading of Brain Tumors
Brain tumors are graded based on the appearance of the tumors under microscope and growth rate are also taken into consideration.
Grade I Tumors: Grade I Tumors are slow growing and mostly benign, and least likely to spread.
Grade II Tumors: Grade II Tumors are not relatively slow growing and can further progress to higher stages. Chances of spread is higher in Grade II tumors.
Grade III Tumors: Grade III Tumors are malignant and are more aggressive in nature. (e.g. Glioblastoma)
Causative Factors of Brain Cancer
Brain Cancer is influenced by many causative factors and are broadly classified into genetic, environmental, and lifestyle related factors. Evaluating and understanding these factors are crucial in identifying high risk individuals and planning out preventive strategies. Further is mentioned some causative factors predisposing an individual to brain cancer:
a) Genetic Factors:
Inherited Genetic Mutations: According to modern research certain genetic mutations or syndrome predisposes an individual to increased risk of brain tumors. Examples of genetic syndrome include Neurofibromatosis Type I and II, Turcot syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau disease, Li-Fraumeni syndrome etc.
The examples of certain genetic mutations include TP53, RB1, and PTEN, and these genetic mutations predisposes an individual to increased risk of brain cancer.
b) Family History:
It is a well-known fact that family history of brain cancer predisposes an individual to brain cancer and a possible hereditary background needs to be looked.
c) Radiation Exposure:
It is a well-known fact that exposure to high dose ionizing radiation during childhood predisposes an individual to increased risk of brain cancer. Radiotherapy treatment for other cancers or high dose of environmental radiation can predispose an individual to brain cancer.
d) Excessive and Prolonged Cell Phone Usage:
Although, it is still not clear and there is no clear evidence but some studies has suggested a positive link between long term and excessive usage of cell phones predisposes an individual to increased risk of Gliomas. As per World Health Organization (WHO) radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is classified as a possible predisposition factor of brain cancer.
Brain Cancer Statistics
1) Incidence: The incidence of brain cancer is relatively low in India compared to western countries and the age-standardized rate is about 2 – 3 per 100,000 people per year. There are approximately 28,000 new cases of brain tumors diagnosed annually in India. An estimated 308,102 people were diagnosed globally in 2020 with a primary brain or spinal cord tumor. Globally, brain cancers accounts for approximately 1.6 % of all cancers.
2) Mortality: Brain Cancers are responsible for significant cancer related death and accounts for almost 241,000 deaths globally in 2020. The age-standardized mortality rate is approximately 2.8 per 100,000 people per year.
3) Survival: Survival Rate from brain cancer vary significantly based on the tumor type and region. The 5-year survival rate from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is around 5% and much higher in lower grade tumors.
4) Gliomas (including glioblastomas) is the most common type of malignant brain cancer and medulloblastomas are more common in children.
A proper collection and analysis of the statistics of the brain cancer cases is need of the hour for improving the brain cancer treatment related outcomes. The same data can be utilized by the government agencies for better implementation of brain cancer related awareness programmes and improving better access to health care services thereby facilitating early detection of the brain cancer.
Treatment of Brain Cancer
The treatment of brain cancer depends on multiple factors like type, location, and the size of the tumors. For treatment of brain cancer patients overall health is also taken into consideration and further is mentioned certain primary treatment options:
1) Surgery.
2) Radiation: a. External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT). b. Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS). c. Proton Beam Therapy.
3) Chemotherapy.
4) Targeted Therapy.
5) Immunotherapy: a. Checkpoint Inhibitors. b. Vaccines. c. CAR T-Cell Therapy.
It is important to note that every case of pancreatic cancer is unique and will require meticulous treatment planning and implementation. Prognosis largely depends upon individual factors some cases responding greatly to a given treatment plan while some do not. So a dynamic treatment plan is necessity of the time for a greater benefit of the patient.
Brain Cancer/मस्तिष्ककैंसर in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, for brain cancer no such specific disease term is mentioned but it’s “Dosh Samprapti or Etiopathology” can be compared as mentioned under the roga called ‘Arbuda/अर्बुद’. Arbuda/अर्बुद can be compared with many types’ of solid tumors but not all, and brain cancer is one such cancer that stands out differently.
But it is important to note that the composition and set of doshas (vitiated Kapha and Vata Dosha) which when affects Mansha dhatu causes ‘Arbuda/अर्बुद, and when the same set of doshas affects Majja dhatu causes ‘Brain Cancer or मस्तिष्क कैंसर .
In Arbuda/अर्बुद, balanced vata dosha which is responsible for controlled cell division, and balanced kapha dosha provides the building blocks for healthy cell growth and necessary signals for cell growth. And when both get vitiated it leads to uncontrolled cell growth due to sustained proliferative signalling, and further spread to different part of bodies. So, when same composition of doshas affects Majja Dhatu in terms of Brain/ मस्तिष्क can cause Cancer of Brain or / मस्तिष्क कैंसर, as Brain is originated from Majja Dhatu.
Treatment of Brain Cancer/मस्तिष्ककैंसर in Ayurveda
Ayurveda is many centuries old indigenous system of Indian medicine and is well known since ancient days in preventing or suppressing various neoplasm or tumours. Although nowadays modern scientists and researcher seems keener to know more about Ayurveda and its way of living but wisdom of the Ayurveda remains the same.
The main goal of Ayurveda Science is to find the cause of the Cancer and prevent it from originating while the therapeutic approach of Ayurveda in Cancer is divided into two major categories: –
A) Oral medications.
B) Panchakarma and its allied different karmas.
Oral Medications
In Ayurveda there are multiple formulations containing herbal as well as herbo metallic drugs mentioned in texts which help in treating Brain Cancer depending on the stage of the Brain Cancer. Below we will discuss few such formulations which is beneficial in Brain Cancer:
1)Suvarna Brahmi Vati/सुवर्ण ब्राह्मी वटी in Brain Cancer
Suvarna Brahmi Vati is a herbo-mineral Ayurvedic formulation and has been traditionally used in Indian medicine since long times. Suvarna Brahmi Vati proves extremely beneficial in brain cancer patients and is well known for its neuro-cognitive properties. The primary ingredients of Suvarna Brahmi Vati are:
a) Brahmi (Bacopa moneri): Brahmi is well known for its neuroprotective and cognitive – enhancing properties.
b) Suvarna Bhasma (Ash of Gold): Ash of gold is well known in Ayurveda for its rejuvenative properties and proves extremely beneficial in malignancy cases.
c) Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis): Shankhapushpi is well known for its calming effects and proves extremely beneficial in neurological disorders.
d) Vacha (Acorus calamus): Vacha is a neuro-stimulant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Suvarna Brahmi Vati proves extremely beneficial in Brain Cancer in following ways:
a) Enhancing Cognitive Functions in Brain Cancer Patients: Suvarna Brahmi Vati improves memory and preserves cognitive functions in brain cancer patients.
b) Neuroprotection in Brain Cancer Patients: Suvarna Brahmi Vati proves neuroprotective in Brain Cancer Patients and prevents oxidative stress in brain cancer patients.
c) Improved Vitality in Brain Cancer Patients: Suvarna Brahmi Vati improves stamina and overall vitality in Brain Cancer Patients.
2) Rajat Yuktha Tapyadi Loha/ रजतयुक्त ताप्यादि लोह in Brain Cancer Patients
Tapyadi Loha (Rajat Yuktha) is a classical herbo-mineral formulations and has multiple therapeutic benefits in Brain Cancer patients. Tapyadi Loha (Rajat Yuktha) also helps to address multiple conditions in Brain Cancer Patients.
Composition of Tapyadi Loha (Rajat Yuktha):
a) Loha Bhasma (Calcined Iron): Loha Bhasma is one of the key and most important ingredient of Tapyadi Loha. Loha Bhasma helps to deal with anaemia and has multiple other therapeutic benefits in brain cancer patients.
b) Rajat Bhasma (Ash of Silver): Ash of Rajat Bhasma is used in Tapyadi Loha. It is processes and has a multiple therapeutic benefits in brain cancer patients.
c) Swarna Makshik Bhasma (Ash of Copper Pyerite): Ash of Swarna Makshik is used in Tapyadi Loha and has multiple therapeutic benefits.
d) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is rich in Vitamin C and is very good anti-oxidant. Amalaki proves extremely beneficial in supporting overall health in brain cancer patients.
e) Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica): Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) proves beneficial in improving digestive disorders in Brain Cancer Patients
f) Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) act as a Rasayan and rejuvenative in Brain Cancer Patients.
Many others herbs as added during preparation in Tapyadi Loha (Rajat Yuktha).
Therapeutic Benefits of Tapyadi Loha in Brain Cancer is mentioned below:
a) General Debility in Brain Cancer Patients: Tapyadi Loha (Rajat Yuktha) proves extremely beneficial in general debility of brain cancer patients.
b) Digestive disorders in Brain Cancer Patients: Tapyadi Loha (Rajat Yuktha) proves extremely beneficial in digestive disorders of Brain Cancer Patients.
Panchakarma is composed two words so called 1) Pancha – Five and 2) Karma – Actions. Accordingly, Panchakarma essentially means 5 karmas or actions that is used to detoxify or to do shuddhikaran of the body. It includes Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Raktamokshan, and Nasya. However some other procedures are also involved in the list of Panchakarma and the list can beyond five.Shirodhara/ शिरोधारा in Brain Cancer Patients
Shirodhara is an ancient and traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves pouring liquid over the forehead slowly. Shirodhara is derived from two Sanskrit words, “Shiro” means Head and “Dhara” means flow. Shirodhara promotes relaxation of mind in brain cancer patients and balance doshas in brain cancer patients.![shirodhar](https://cancerinayurveda.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/shirodhar.jpg)
Procedure of Shirodhara
a) The patient is made to lie over a special treatment table and eyes are covered to prevent accidental entering of medicated oil in the eyes. b) Depending on the doshas which are involved in the pathogenesis of brain cancer an appropriate medicated liquid like milk, buttermilk etc. are selected. c) The liquid is steadily poured over the forehead from a specific height and typically the sessions last for 30 mins.Benefits of Shirodhara in Brain Cancer Patients
a) Detoxification in Brain Cancer Patients: Shirodhara can helps to detoxify and ameliorate brain cancer in patients. b) Relaxation and Stress Relief: Shirodhara helps to promotes relaxation and has a calming effect on the mind of brain cancer patients. c) Improves Sleep: Shirodhara helps to improve sleep and regularize disturbed sleep pattern in Brain Cancer Patients.Anu Tel Nasya/ अणुतेलनस्य in Brain Cancer
Anu tailam is an ancient Ayurvedic herbal oil that’s prepared by boiling a variety of ingredients in rain water, then reducing the solution and boiling sesame oil in it. Here are the steps for preparing anu tailam:Contents of Anu Tel/ अणु तेल
1) Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata). 2) Devadaru (Cedrus deodara). 3) Twak (Cinnamon Usheera). 4) Daruharidra (Berberis aristata). 5) Musta (Cyperus rotundus). 6) Agaru (Aquilaria agallocha). 7) Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). 8) Bilva (Aegle marmelos). 9) Brihati (Solanum indicum). 10) Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum). 11) Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum). 12) Prishnaparni (Uraria picta). 13) Vidanga (Embelia ribes). 14) Renuka (Vitex negundo). 15) Sugandhbata (Pavonia odorata). 16) Usira (Vetiveria zizaniodes). 17) Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus). 18) Sveta Chandana (Santalum album). 19) Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra). 20) Bandra Musta (Cyperus scariosus). 21) Svet kamala (Nelumbium speciosum). 22) Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata). 23) Tejpata (Cinnamomum tamala). 24) Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum). 25) Kamala kesara (Nelumbium speciosum). 26) Taila. 27) Ajadugdha. Above mentioned ingredients is taken into 100 times rainwater and the mixture is boiled, and decoction is prepared. The decoction is reduced to one tenth and later equal amount of goat milk is added.Dosage and Administration
In Brain Cancer Patients, 2 drops of Anu Tel is instilled or administered in each nostrils in the morning. For therapeutic uses, the dosage can be increased up to 5-10 drops. Before instillation or administration of Anu Tel should be mildly warmed before use. Before Nasya facial massage and hot fomentation is done for better absorption and therapeutic benefits.About Team ‘Cancer in Ayurveda’
Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ consists of Ayurvedic practitioners who are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care for cancer. We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ believe that Ayurveda can complement modern medicine and provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their care. Our personalized approach to treatment, extensive knowledge of Ayurvedic herbs, use of Panchakarma, and modern parameters make us one of the most dynamic teams of Ayurvedic cancer experts in Mumbai.
We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ are committed to helping patients manage their condition effectively and provide them with the support and guidance they need throughout the process.
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