Hello and Welcome! CancerInAyurveda: Advice, updates and treatment.

Our Doctor

Our team of highly trained doctors have over 15 years

Dr. Pushkar Prabhu

Dr. Pushkar Prabhu

M.D. (Ayurveda)

Specialist in SookShma Aushadi and Onco -Ayurveda. Specialist in Panchakarma in

Dr. Ravi Gupta

Dr. Ravi Gupta

M.D. (Ayurveda)

Specialist in Ayurveda and Lung Cancer.Specialist in Ayurveda and Head – Neck Cancer

Dr. Pravin Mishra

Dr. Pravin Mishra

M.D. (Ayurveda)

Specialist in Ayurveda and Gastrointestinal Cancer Specialist in Ayurveda and Prostate Cancer.

Dr. Pallavi Thombare

Dr. Pallavi Thombare

M.S. (Ayurveda)

Specialist in Ayurveda and Breast Cancer
Specialist in Ayurveda and Female Reproductive Organ Cancer.




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