Colo-Rectal Cancer mostly originates from polyps. These polyps are sessile and pedunculated in nature. Most of the time these polyps are sessile and benign in nature. Gradually over time some polyp may accumulate additional mutation and may turn cancerous in nature. So periodic screening and excision of the benign polyp is required in high risk cases. Now in this artical we are providing a information about How to prevent colon cancer?
Types of colo-rectal cancer:
1) Colon Cancer: Cancer that starts in the colon is called as colon cancer. Colon is longest part of the large intestine. Colon absorbs water and nutrient from the stool.
2) Rectal Cancer: Cancer that starts in the rectum is called rectal cancer. Rectum lies in the lower part of the large intestine and stores stool until defecation.
Regular and periodic screening through colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and stools in high risk cases can help to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.How to prevent colon cancer?
Strategy for prevention of colon cancer focuses on lifestyle changes, regular and periodic screening, and a thorough planning for spreading awareness of risk factors related to colon cancer. Several strategies to reduce the risk of colon cancer is mentioned further:
1) Periodic and Regular Screening:
a) Colonoscopy: Generally colonoscopy is recommended for individual above the age of 50 years or even earlier in there is strong family history of colon cancer or exposure to other known risk factors. As it is well known fact that colon cancer generally begins from sessile or pedunculated shaped polyps. Periodic screening can help to detect this pre-cancerous polyps and excision of the polyp can be done to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
b) Stools Tests: Stool tests like the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and stool DNA tests can help to detect blood or DNA markers linked to colon cancer.
2) Dietary Recommendations:
a) To eat more fiber-rich foods: Daily consumption of diet rich in fruits, green and fresh vegetables, and mix whole grains can help to maintain optimal health of colon cancer.
b) To avoid red and processes meat consumption: Frequent and high intake of red meat (beef, pork, lamb) and processed meats (bacon, sausages) is linked to an increased risk or predisposing factors of colon cancer.
c) To avoid alcohol and smoking: It is well known and fact that frequent consumption of alcohol and doing frequent smoking can significantly increase the risk of colon cancer. Smoking cigarettes while drinking alcohol can have a synergistic effect in a predisposition to causing cancer.
3) To maintain a healthy weight:
Obesity is a significant risk factors in causing colon cancer. Post-industrialization sedentary lifestyle has resulted in significant rise in obesity and so the cancer cases are increasing. It is also well known that obese person tend to be in pro-inflammatory state that can prove extremely beneficial in cancer cells proliferation.
4) To do daily regular exercises:
Doing daily regular exercises does help to reduce the risk of just not colon cancer but most of the cancers. Daily regular exercise help to reduce the obesity and so reduce the risk of colon cancer. It also help to maintain healthy digestion and also help to reduce inflammation.
5) To check Vitamin D 3 level periodically:
It has been seen that low level of Vitamin D Levels are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Adequate exposure to the sun and consumption of diet rich in Vitamin D can reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Treatment of Colon Cancer through Ayurveda: Dr. Ravi Gupta, a well renowned Ayurveda Cancer Consultant strongly believes and advocates traditional Ayurvedic principles and methods in the successful management and treatment of colon cancer. Dr. Ravi Gupta advocates concept of virrudha ahara and by avoiding that risk of colon cancer can be reduced. There principles are:
Concept of Viruddhahar-
Viruddhahar that is incompatible diet is an Ayurvedic concept which refers to eating food combinations that can have negative effect on digestion and health. Acharya Charaka has mentioned 18 types of Viruddhahar in sutra sthana chapter 26. If these opposite properties of foods are consumed on regular basis it leads to number of disorders like skin problems called visarpa (erysipelas), insanity, fistula in ano, bloating, varieties of anemia, cervical problems, gastritis, rhinitis, fevers, coma or fainting, impotency and infertility.
From the above list of diseases it can be said that our immune system, circulatory system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive and reproductive system are affected by continuous consumption of Viruddhahar. It can be observed that Viruddhahar can lead up to impotency and infertility, thus it has an impact on Shukra Dhatu.
Shukra dhatu is the seventh dhatu (terminal tissue) of the body. It is the fertile strength of male semen and the female ovum and refers to reproductive system as a whole. It is responsible for regeneration and reproduction (mitosis and meiosis) not only related to sexual organ activities but also at cellular and molecular level. From this we can say Viruddhahar can lead to many cancers as cancer cells shows uncontrolled division which is opposite of functioning of Shukra dhatu.
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Here are few examples of Viruddhahara-
1. Veerya Virrudha (potency incompatibility)-Fish + milk.
2. Sanskar Virrudha (processing incompatibility)
Heated honey.
3. Matra Virrudha (Dose incompatibility)-
Honey + Ghee
4. Kala Virrudha (Time incompatibility)-
Cold substances in winter and pungent substances in summer.
5. Karma Virrudha (Order incompatibility)
Taking hot water after taking honey.
6. Kala Virrudha (Time incompatibility)
Taking Madhur rasa Dravya (sweet food items) at the end of the meal. Taking curd at night time.
7. Samyoga Virrudha (Combination incompatibility)
Fruit salad or Milk + banana.
8. Parihar Virrudha (Contraindication in compatibility)
Consuming cold water immediately after having hot tea/coffee. A new branch called topography (a science related to combination of food) has proved the theory of incompatible foods.
Various ahara varga (solid foods like cereals millets pulses) and dravadyavya varga (liquid foods like milk, oils etc) have been explained by acharyas in Ayurvedic texts.
Consultation with qualified Ayurvedic Cancer Consultant like Dr. Ravi Gupta can help to receive personalized colon cancer treatment is must.
Kindly call at +91-9819274611.