What is Breast Cancer?
Breast Cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the breast. It occurs when cells in the breast acquire certain genetic mutations and it starts proliferating abnormally and uncontrollably thereby forming a lump or a tumor. These tumors can be malignant and further invade or metastasize to surrounding tissues or distant organs.
Types of Breast Cancer:
1) Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS): It is a non-invasive type of cancer and are confined to milk ducts.
2) Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): In this cancer begins in the milk ducts and can further invade or spread to surrounding tissues.
3) Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): In this cancer begins in the milk producing glands (lobules) and can further spread to surrounding tissues.
4) Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC): It is more aggressive and resistant variant of breast cancer. It lacks positivity for estrogen, progesterone, and HER2 receptors.
5) HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: It is characterized by overexpression of the HER2 receptors. Treatment may involve HER2 Antagonist.
6) Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer: Cancer that grows in response to hormones like estrogen or progesterone.
Treatment of Breast Cancer through Ayurveda
Dr. Ravi Gupta, a well renowned and experienced Ayurveda Cancer Consultant provides holistic and natural treatment for breast cancer based on staunch Ayurvedic Principles. Dr. Ravi Gupta strongly believes that successful treatment of breast cancer lies in the core of addressing the root cause of the disease. Ayurveda strongly emphasizes that imbalance in the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) is the root cause of cancer.
Dr. Ravi Gupta, Ayurveda Cancer Consultant treatment principles is strongly based over detoxifying the body and boosting the immune system. It is well known fact that a strong immune system proves beneficial in cancer treatment. Below is most important principles or treatment modality of Dr. Ravi Gupta for breast cancer and it’s recovery:
1) Herbal Medicines for Breast Cancer Treatment: Dr. Gupta advises different types of Herbs that proves beneficial in breast cancer treatment. These herbs are as follows:
a) Haldi/Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric or Haldi is rich in curcumin. Curcumin is well known for its anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.
b) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha is a well-known herbs in Ayurveda and worldwide. It proves beneficial in boosting the immune system and further reduces stress and anxiety in breast cancer patients.
c) Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia): Manjistha helps to purify blood in breast cancer patients and is a good anti-inflammatory.
2) Panchakarma or Detoxification Therapy in the Treatment of Breast Cancer:
Panchakarma is one of the most important treatment modality mentioned in Ayurveda. It aims at removing the root cause of the disease or breast cancer i.e. dustha doshas (imbalance in the doshas) and toxins (ama) from the body.
The five key therapies mentioned in Panchakarma are: 1) Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis). 2) Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation). 3) Basti (Medicated Enemas). 4) Nasya (Nasal Therapy). 5) Raktamokshana (Bloodletting).
1) Virechana (Purgation Therapy) in Breast Cancer Patients: Virechana helps to detoxify and further balance Vata and Pitta doshas in the body. It also prove good anti-inflammatory in breast cancer patients. Virechana helps to remove toxins or ama from the body and so prove beneficial in breast cancer patients.
2) Basti (Medicated Enemas) in Breast Cancer Patients: Basti is of various types and it helps to detoxify vata doshas and nourish the body in breast cancer patients, Yapana Basti can help to maintain weight in breast cancer patients.
3) Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients: Dr. Ravi Gupta, Ayurveda Cancer Consultant prescribes and advises various rejuvenating herbs that proves beneficial in strengthening the tissues of the body and promote cellular regeneration. Rasayana helps to boost immunity in breast cancer patients and increases vitality and resilience against side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Certain Ayurvedic herbs like Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) proves good Rasayana or Rejuvenation drugs in Breast Cancer Patients.
4) Mind-Body Therapies:
Yoga and Pranayama: Certain practices like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) helps to calm the mind in breast cancer patients. It also help to increase better oxygenation in the body.
Meditation: Daily regular meditation help to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being in an individual.
Ayurvedic Counselling: Ayurveda helps to manage stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalance that a cancer patients experiences during treatment like chemotherapy and radiotherapy.