What does it mean to have dense breast tissue?
Dense Breast Tissue refers to the composition of the breast tissue in mammogram. The breast is composed of fibrous tissue, fatty tissue, and glandular tissue. The breast is called dense when it has a higher composition of fibrous or glandular tissues, and less of fatty tissues.
Dense Breast tissue makes it’s harder in detection of breast cancer as both cancer and dense tissue appears white on mammogram. It makes it hard in distinguishing between breast cancer and dense tissue.
Dense breast is a risk factor for breast cancer. Women with denser breast are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women to less denser breast.
Categories of Breast Density
Typically Breast Density is categorized into four levels:
1) Almost entirely fatty: In this breast is composed of mostly fatty tissue.
2) Scattered areas of fibro-glandular density: In this type some dense breast tissue is scattered throughout the breast.
3) Heterogeneously dense: In this many of the areas of tissue of the breast is dense. It can make difficult in detection of small cancer masses.
4) Extremely Dense: In this many of the areas of the breast tissues is dense. It can make difficult in detection of suspicious breast masses.
What should you do if you have dense breasts?
1) To discuss with the healthcare provider: If one is diagnosed with dense breast tissue, then you should discuss with healthcare provider and assess for risk factor of developing breast cancer.
2) Periodic and Additional Screening: As it is well known an individual with dense breast are at an higher risk of developing breast cancer they undergo periodic and additional screening with Ultrasound, MRI, or 3D Mammography, which can improve detection rates of breast cancer.
3) Healthy Lifestyle: An individual with dense breast should adopt healthy lifestyle like doing regular exercise, a balanced diet, and further to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Breast Cancer
Dr. Ravi Gupta, a well renowned Ayurveda Cancer Consultant offers a holistic Ayurvedic Treatment for Breast Cancer based on the strong traditional Ayurvedic Principles. He strongly believes in natural healing and personalized cancer care. Different treatment modalities offered by Dr. Ravi Gupta for Ayurvedic Treatment of Breast Cancer as follows:
1) Panchakarma (Detoxification) Therapy: Panchakarma or Detoxification Therapies like Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya etc. helps to clear toxins or aam from the body and so helps in amelioration of dustha doshas. These dustha doshas are the causative factors behind breast cancer.
2) Herbal Medicines: Certain Ayurvedic herbs or drugs like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Kanchanar Guggulu proves extremely beneficial in breast cancer patients. These herbs kills the cancer cells and stop its growth.

3) Rasayana (Rejuvenation) Therapy: Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy helps to boost the immunity in cancer patients. It also helps to enhance earlier recovery in cancer patients and further boost immunity.
4) Mind-Body Therapies: Dr. Ravi Gupta strongly advises healing modalities like yoga, meditation, and stress management practices. This helps to reduce stress and anxiety in cancer patients.
For treatment of Breast Cancer through Ayurveda, Kindly Call +91-9819274611.