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Ayurvedic diet for lung cancer

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung Cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the lungs, which are crucial for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. As one of the most common types of cancer worldwide, it affects individuals of all ages, though it is more prevalent in older adults. For those seeking complementary approaches to support their health during treatment, exploring an Ayurvedic diet for lung cancer may offer beneficial insights. Ayurveda emphasizes balanced nutrition and holistic care, which could play a supportive role in managing the disease and improving overall well-being.

There are two types of Lung Cancer:
1) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC):Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer and accounts for almost 85% of lung cancer cases. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) includes further subtypes such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.
2) Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC):Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) is less common type of lung cancer and accounts for almost 15% of lung cancer cases. Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) tends to grow and spread more rapidly than Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).

2) What is Ayurvedic Diet?

An Ayurvedic Diet is a type of approach that is based on principle’s laid down by great Ayurvedic sages through their vast understanding of the nature, and the importance of sharirik and mansik prakriti of an individual. Ayurveda strongly preaches and emphasizes that health of an individual depends on balance between mind, body, and spirit. As per Ayurveda, each individual has unique composition of doshas and so a tailor made Ayurvedic diet plan is advised to promote health and well-being in lung cancer patients.

Key principles of Ayurvedic Diet

  1. a) Personalized Nutrition:
    Ayurveda strongly believes and preaches that diet plan should be customized as per an individual composition of doshas. Normally the diet is composed of food that pacifies the dominant doshas in an individual. And in an individual who are suffering from a disease, the dominant causative dosha and diet chart is planned accordingly.
    b) Seasonal Eating:
    Ayurveda strongly believes that foods that are in season should always be preferred in individual’s daily diet. Seasonal foods are to be believed in the harmony with nature’s cycles.
    c) Mindful Eating:
    Ayurveda strongly preaches that eating in calm and pleasant environment is important for healthy life. Food should be chewed thoroughly and process of chewing should be enjoyed.
    d) Six Tastes in Every Meal:
    There are six rasas mentioned in Ayurveda and it is mentioned accordingly: 1) Madhur (Sweet). 2) Amla (Sour). 3) Lavana (Salty).4) Tiktha (Bitter). 5) Katu (Pungent), and Kashay (Astringent). A soundful meal should contain all the six rasas.

3) Ayurvedic diet for lung cancer

As mentioned in Ayurvedic texts, Lung Cancer is a disease of Fuffus (फुफ्फुस) or Lung. Fuffus (फुफ्फुस) or Lung is prominently affected by Vata and Kapha Dosha. So an Ayurvedic Diet for Lung Cancer Patients should include of meals that does not vitiate Vata and Kapha Dosha that too prominently Kapha Dosha. Certain diet that can be advised to lung cancer patients are:

1) To avoid Madhur Rasa (Sweet) and Amla Rasa (Sour)

Lung Cancer patients should prominently avoid excessive consumption of Madhur Rasa (Sweet) and Amla Rasa (Sour). As both the rasas helps to vitiate Kapha Dosha, so a diet or food for lung cancer should include rasas that keeps Kapha Dosha under control.

Rasas like Tiktha (Bitter), Katu (Pungent), and Kashay (Astringent) helps to ameliorate kapha dosha and helps to benefit Lung Cancer Patients. Lung Cancer Patients are mostly afflicted with diseases like Shwaas and Kaas, Prominently Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha are involved in the pathogenesis of Shwaas and Kaas,

But it should also be noted that Lung Cancer patients who have lost weight or are emaciated should first focus on gaining more weight. For that the patient will have to consume rasas which are Parthiv Mahabhuta Pradhana. So consequently he will to consume Madhur Rasa.

2) To include certain spices in your daily diet of lung cancer patients

Diet of lung cancer should include prakshepa dravya or spices like Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Roxb.), Maricha (Piper nigrum Linn.), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn.) etc. This Prakshapa Dravya’s are prominently Agni Mahabbhuta Pradhana and helps to ameliorate Kapha Dosha. This dravya’s helps to boost the Agni, and so the digestive power of lung cancer patients, Uttam Agni proves extremely beneficial in lung cancer patients. This dravya’s can improve Shwaas and Kaas symptoms of lung cancer patients. But it should also be noted not to consume excessive amount of this prakshepa dravya or spices either it can lead to vitiation of Pitta Dosha and further lead to other ailments.

3) To incorporate immune boosting food in your daily diet

Daily diets of lung cancer patients should be rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals that helps to boost and strengthen the immune system. Certain Ayurvedic formulations like Kushmanda Avaleha and Chywanprash Avaleha can be incorporated in daily diet of lung cancer patients. This helps to boost the immunity and enhance the mental and physical well-being of lung cancer patients.

Kushmanda Avaleha in Lung Cancer Patients

Kushmanda Avaleha is traditional Ayurvedic formulation that has been advised by Ayurvedic Vaidya’s for multiple ailments since ages. Kushmanda Avaleha helps to strengthen the digestive system and enhance the immunity of lung cancer patients.

Kushmanda Avaleha consists of various natural ingredients like Ash Gourd (Benincasa hispida). Ash Gourd is the main component of Kushmanda Avaleha and is also known as winter melon or “Kushmanda” in Sanskrit. Health benefits of Kushmanda Avaleha is mentioned further:

  1. a) Digestive Health in Cancer Patients:
    Kushmanda Avaleha helps to improve digestion and reduces constipation in lung cancer patients.
    b) Energy Booster in Cancer Patients:
    Kushmanda Avaleha helps to boost the immunity and energy levels in lung cancer patients.
    c) Respiratory Support in Cancer Patients:
    Kushmanda Avaleha helps to support the respiratory system of lung cancer patients and proves beneficial in multiple health issues like cough, bronchitis etc. of lung cancer patients.
  1. a) Turmeric (Haldi):
    Turmeric in anti-inflammatory and helps to boost immunity and inflammation in lung cancer patients.
  1. b) Ginger (Adrak):
    Ginger helps to support digestion and clear respiratory secretions in lung cancer patients.
    c) Honey:
    Honey is a natural expectorant and helps to improve throat and respiratory system secretions.
    d) Pomegranate (Anar):
    Pomegranate is rich in anti-oxidants and support overall health and immune system of lung cancer patients.

About Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’

Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ consists of Ayurvedic practitioners who are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care for cancer. We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ believe that Ayurveda can complement modern medicine and provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their care. Our personalized approach to treatment, extensive knowledge of Ayurvedic herbs, use of Panchakarma, and modern parameters make us one of the most dynamic teams of Ayurvedic cancer experts in Mumbai.

We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ are committed to helping patients manage their condition effectively and provide them with the support and guidance they need throughout the process.

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Managing Lung Cancer through Ayurveda

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung Cancer is a significant cause of mortality in cancer patients and is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Managing Lung Cancer through Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to this malignant tumor that originates in the lungs. Lung Cancer is caused by certain mutations or abnormal changes in the DNA, where these mutated or altered cells multiply uncontrollably and result in the formation of a tumor.

There are two types of Lung Cancer:
1) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC):This is the most common type of cancer and tends to grow slowly. There are several subtypes of Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
2) Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC):It is more aggressive type of lung cancer and spreads rapidly. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) generally have poor prognosis and is less common than Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

diet in breast cancer

Causes of Lung Cancer:

The exact cause of lung cancer is complex and smoking tobacco is the primary risk factor of lung cancer. It is also well known fact that lung cancer can also affect non-smokers due to other factors like secondhand smoke, radon gas, asbestos etc.

2) What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian medicine with a holistic approach toward health, including Managing Lung Cancer through Ayurveda. This ancient practice aims to achieve a balance between mind, body, and spirit. As the oldest holistic healing system of Indian medicine, Ayurveda offers unique strategies for addressing various health issues, including the complex challenges posed by lung cancer.

Core principles and certain key aspects of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian medicine and has a holistic approach toward health. Ayurveda aims toward achieving a balance between mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda is the oldest holistic healing system of Medicine.

a) Balance of Doshas: Ayurveda strives and preaches in maintaining balance between three doshas: 1) Vata. 2) Pitta. 3) Kapha. Doshas are the guiding principle of the body.
b) Prevention of Diseases: Ayurveda strongly emphasizes and believes in prevention of disease rather than just curing the disease.
c) Diet and Nutrition: Ayurveda strongly believes and preaches a specific diet and nutrition that help to maintain balance of doshas. A balance between the doshas is key for a healthy life and helps in curing disease.
d) Ayurvedic Lifestyle: Ayurveda strongly advocates daily routine exercises, daily sound sleep, stress management etc.
e) Panchakarma: Panchakarma helps to root out dustha doshas and so helps to ameliorate disease. Panchakarma helps to detoxify the body and to restore the balance of the doshas.
f) Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and Meditation is most important for well-being of individual. Yoga and Meditation also helps in amelioration of disease.

3) How to manage ‘Lung Cancer’ through ‘Ayurveda’?

Ayurveda, a traditional system of Indian medicine, is well known for its approaches in Managing Lung Cancer through Ayurveda, particularly in suppressing or ameliorating the growth of cancerous cells. The etiology and treatment aspects of Lung Cancer in Ayurveda are traditionally described and correlated with the Kshataja and Kshayaja types of Cough/Kasa (क्षतज और क्षयज कास). These concepts are detailed in the Charak Samhita Chikitsasthana, Chapter 18.

Ayurveda strongly believes and preaches in finding the causative factor of lung cancer and prevent it from originating. The treatment aspect of lung cancer is divided three main parts:

a) Oral Ayurvedic Medications in Lung Cancer
b) Panchakarma in Lung Cancer
c) Pranayama in Lung Cancer

Oral Ayurvedic Medications in Lung Cancer

In Ayurveda, many herbal and herbo-mineral formulations has been described in the treatment of Lung Cancer. Different Ayurvedic formulations are advised as per stage of lung cancer and different comorbidities the patient is suffering from. Certain few formulation is mentioned further.

A) Shwasa Kasa Chintamani Rasa (Suvarna Yuktha) in Lung Cancer

Shwasa Kasa Chintamani Rasa (Suvarna Yuktha) is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation and is commonly used in the treatment of many respiratory ailments like Shwasa, Kasa, and Lung Cancer etc. The term ‘Suvarna Yuktha’ denotes that the formulation contains Suvarna Bhasma or Gold Ash. Suvarna Bhasma or Ash of Gold enhances the efficacy and potency of different Ayurvedic formulation.

Key Ingredients of Shwasa Kasa Chintamani Rasa is

  • Suvarna Bhasma (Ash of Gold).
  • Shudda Parad (Purified Mercury)
  • Shuddha Gandhak (Purified Sulphur)
  • Suvarnamakshik Bhasma (Chalcopyrite)
  • Abhraka Bhasma (Calcined Mica)
  • Loha Bhasma (Calcined Iron)
  • Mouktik Bhasma (Calcined Pearl).
The above formulations is further titrated with Kantakari Swarasa (Solanum surattense), Godugdha (goat milk), Yashtimadhu Kwath (Glycrrhiza glabra), and Nagvalli Patra Swarasa (extract of Piper bettle) and approximately pills of 125 mg are prepared from it.

Benefits of Shwasa Kasa Chintamani Rasa

  • Shwasa Kasa Chitamani Rasa alleviates different symptoms in lung cancer patients.
  • Shwasa Kasa Chitamani Rasa provides significant relief in persistent cough in lung cancer patients.
  • Shwasa Kasa Chitamani Rasa improves respiratory function in lung cancer patients.
  • Shwasa Kasa Chitamani Rasa boost overall respiratory health in lung cancer patients.

B) Vasa Ghrita in Lung Cancer Patients

Vasa Ghrita is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation beneficial in Managing Lung Cancer through Ayurveda and various other ailments such as Raktapitta, Shwasa, Kasa, and Jirna Jwara. Prepared according to the methods mentioned in the Charaka Samhita, Vasa Ghrita utilizes Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), which is widely described in Ayurvedic literatures and available throughout the year.

Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) is used to treat multiple chest and respiratory ailments. Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) is used treat to diseases with excessive phlegm and menorrhagia. Additionally, Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) proves beneficial in impotence and bleeding piles. Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) is also good anti-spasmodic and anthelmintic drug.

Method preparation of Vasa Ghrita

Vasa plant is taken along with roots, leaves, branches, and flowers. Water is taken eight times the measurement of vasa plant as mentioned above. Decoction of Vasa Ghrita is prepared till the original quantity is reduced till one-eight. This decoction is taken with clarified butter (Ghrita) and kalka of vasa plant, and the mixture is cooked again. When the mixture is cooked properly and Vasa Ghrita is filtered.

Benefits of Vasa Ghrita

  • Expectorant in Lung Cancer Patients: Vasa Ghrita helps in expelling phlegm and helps to clear the respiratory passage.
  • Bronchodilator in Lung Cancer Patients: Vasa Ghrita helps in easing breathing in Lung Cancer Patients.
  • Anti-inflammatory in Lung Cancer Patients: Vasa Ghrita proves beneficial in reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract.
  • Soothing in Lung Cancer Patients: Vasa Ghrita helps to soothe the respiratory tract and improves overall health of the respiratory passage.

Nasya in Lung Cancer Patients

Nasya is one of the most important aspect of Panchakarma Therapy mentioned in Ayurveda and it involves instillation or administration of Ayurvedic medicated oil or herbal formulations through nasal passage. It plays most important role in detoxification and rejuvenation of Head and Neck region, and upper chest region as well.

Method of administration of Nasya

Preparation of Nasya: The medicated oil is warmed till comfortable temperature.
Administration of Oil: Gently Oil is instilled in both the nostrils.
Post-Treatment: The patient is allowed to rest for short while allowing oil to penetrate.

Pranayama in Lung Cancer Patients

Pranayama is a Sanskrit term that means “control of prana”, “Prana” refers to life force or vital energy. Pranayama promotes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of an individual.

Benefits of Pranayama:
1) Pranayama increases the lung capacity, digestion, and overall vitality in lung cancer patients.
2) Pranayama reduces stress, anxiety, and depression in lung cancer patients.
3) Pranayama promotes self-awareness and foster’s inner peace in lung cancer patients.

About Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’

Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ consists of Ayurvedic practitioners who are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care for cancer. We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ believe that Ayurveda can complement modern medicine and provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their care. Our personalized approach to treatment, extensive knowledge of Ayurvedic herbs, use of Panchakarma, and modern parameters make us one of the most dynamic teams of Ayurvedic cancer experts in Mumbai.

We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ are committed to helping patients manage their condition effectively and provide them with the support and guidance they need throughout the process.

Best Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Best Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a traditional and holistic system of medicine that has originated in India 5000 years ago. It is well known fact that Ayurveda is derived from two words firstly from “Ayur” that means life and second from “Veda” which means knowledge or science. So popularly Ayurveda is called “Science of Life” or “Art of Healthy and Harmonious Living”.

Ayurveda strongly believes and preaches that physical and mental health of an individual relies on balance and harmony of three doshas. These three doshas are:

1) Vata Dosha (Akasha and Vayu): Vata Dosha largely governs movement and communication related function in the body.

2) Pitta (Jala and Agni): Pitta Dosha largely governs metabolism and transformation in the body.

3) Kapha (Jala and Agni): Kapha dosha largely governs structure and stability in the body.

A state of balance and harmony between the doshas is essential for physical and mental well-being of an individual. Below is mentioned some important aspect of ‘Best Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda’:

1) Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment

As described above it is a well-known fact that like other diseases ‘Cancer’ is also caused by accumulation of Dustha or vitiated doshas. So for amelioration and treatment of cancer it is important to treat dustha or vitiated doshas. In Ayurveda two different treatment modalities are mentioned: 1) Shodhana. 2) Shamana.

a) Shodhana Chikitsa: Shodhana Chikitsa is one of the most important treatment modality in the treatment of Cancer. Through Shodhana Chikitsa vitiated or excess dustha doshas and ama (undigested food material) is removed from the body.

Shodhana Chikitsa boost overall health and well-being of cancer patients. It also boosts Agni and so proves beneficial in Cancer Patients. If bala or strength of the cancer patient is best or uttam and there is no contraindications then Shodhana Chikitsa can be given.

b) Shamana Chikitsa: Shamana Chikitsa is also called pacifying therapy in Ayurveda, and is simpler and less severe than Shodhana Chikitsa. Shamana Chikitsa mostly involves different treatment modalities that help to reduce imbalance in the doshas and boost Agni so by proving beneficial in cancer patients.

Shamana Chikitsa mostly involves oral medications and local applications that is easier to administer and proves beneficial in cancer patients. Shamana Chikitsa focuses on different aspect of cancer patients like Dipana, Pachana etc,

2) Herbal Cancer Therapy / Natural Cancer Remedies / Ayurvedic Medicine for Cancer / Ayurvedic Herbs for Cancer

Herbal Cancer Therapy or Natural Cancer Remedies as mentioned in Ayurveda helps to ameliorate symptoms of cancer and improve overall quality of life of the patient. Herbal Cancer Therapy or Natural Cancer Remedies helps the cancer patients to deal with various other comorbidities and improve standard of living of the patients. Vast number of Ayurvedic medicinal herbs is mentioned that helps in different types of cancer, such herbs are mentioned further:

a) Turmeric/Haldi (Curcuma Longa): Turmeric is a well-known for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) inhibits the growth of the cancer cells through its anti-inflammatory effects and anti-oxidant effects. Turmeric also helps to enhance to efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs and so proves beneficial in cancer patients. The active principle or ingredients of turmeric is Curcumin.

b) Tulsi/Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum): Tulsi is a holy and revered herb that is mentioned in Ayurveda which proves most beneficial in cancer patients. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immuno-modulatory effects. Tulsi/Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) helps to reduce the side-effects of chemotherapeutic drugs and improve overall health of Cancer patients.

c) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Emblica officinalis or Amalaki is rich in Vitamin C and very potent anti-oxidant that proves beneficial in cancer patients. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) helps to boost immunity, and is a good anti-inflammatory herb. It helps to promote and improve overall health of cancer patients.

Other known beneficial Ayurvedic Herbs in cancer patients Guduchi is (Tinospora cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) etc.

3) Ayurvedic Approaches to Cancer / How Ayurveda Approaches Toward Cancer

As we all know ‘Is Cancer mentioned in Ayurveda or not?’ or ‘Cancer can be called Arbuda or not?’, the following debate has been going since many decades with advent of Allopathy Science. Many eminent and accomplished Ayurvedic experts have and had a varying and contrasting views spiralling around the above mentioned ‘million dollar’ questions, some agreeing to the views that indeed Cancer is mentioned in Ayurveda and is mentioned as ‘Arbuda’, and some not agreeing to the same as ‘Cancer’ cannot be called ‘Arbuda’ as a small chapter has been dedicated to same for a Maharoga like Cancer which is definitely fatal if not treated at an earlier stages.

Best Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

In accordance to my personal opinion and different references mentioned in Samhitas, I would like to state that we can definitely define ‘Arbuda’ as ‘Cancer’. But not all types of ‘Cancer’ can be called ‘Arbuda’. It is that specific composition of dustha doshas and medha dhatu which is mentioned in ‘Samprapti of Arbuda’, and when the same affects different dhatus (Rakhtadi) and avyav (Organs) can lead different forms of Cancers, and not all can be categorized as Arbuda as it is specifically mentioned that it affects Mansha dhatu only.

4) Ayurvedic Cancer Clinics / Ayurvedic Cancer Hospitals

“Cancer In Ayurveda” is well recognized and is one of the best Ayurvedic Cancer Clinic or Hospital. “Cancer In Ayurveda” offers holistic approach toward the Ayurvedic treatment and management of cancer, and focuses on integration of Ayurvedic principles in successful cancer treatment and management. “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic focuses on Panchakarma Therapies, Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies, and different lifestyle and dietary management.

Certain key features of “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic is elucidated further:

a) Team of Expert Ayurvedic Cancer Practioners: “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic is leaded by Expert Ayurvedic Practioners who specializes and are dedicated toward successful and efficient management of Cancer. Ayurvedic Cancer Practioners at “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic imbibes true and dedicated in-depth principles of Ayurveda and implement the same in the successful Ayurvedic management of Cancer.

b) Customized treatment plan for Ayurvedic Management of Cancer: At “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic a customized treatment plan for Cancer patients is formulated and based on the stage and histological subtype of the cancer. Cancer patients overall general mental and physical health is also taken into consideration including his innate doshic constitution or Prakriti. Based on the above mentioned factors a holistic treatment plan is charted out for cancer patients.

c) Focusing on Quality of Life: “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic has a dedicated team of doctors and clinical staff that helps cancer patients in managing symptoms of cancer and different side-effects that has arose due to different treatment administered for cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ helps in supporting mental and emotional well-being of cancer patients through different therapies like yoga, pranayama, dhyana, meditation etc.

d) Different Herbal Formulations and Therapies: At “Cancer In Ayurveda” Hospital or Clinic different Ayurvedic formulations with potent anti-cancer properties is prescribed. Through different herbal formulations immunity is boosted and cancer growth is inhibited.

Kindly contact Team “Cancer In Ayurveda” for successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Cancer.


Blood Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Blood Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

What is Blood Cancer?

Blood Cancer are a type of cancer that effects the production of the blood cells, and thereby affecting the functioning of the blood. Blood Cancer can originate in the bone marrow or in the lymph nodes. Blood Cancer can affects the functioning and the production of various types of blood cells. Let’s elucidate further how functioning of different types of blood cells are affected:

1) Red blood cells (RBC’s): Red blood cells transport oxygen from lungs to rest of the body. When production and functioning of RBC’s are affected in different type of blood cancers it can lead to anemia. Anemia can be evident by fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, dullness in the skin tone etc.

2) White Blood Cells (WBC’s): White blood cells plays a crucial role and are one of the vital components in the body immune system. Immune system helps to fight different types of infections and is crucial in healthy life. When WBC’s are affected in blood cancer it can lead to a weakened immune system thereby an increased risk of opportunistic infections.

3) Platelets: Platelets plays a crucial and vital role in blood clotting and helps to stop the bleeding. When production of platelets is affected in different types of blood cancers it can lead to increased risk of excessive bleeding or bruising.

What are different types of Blood Cancer?

There are different types of blood cancer and some more important types is elucidated further:

1) Leukemia: Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that evident by excessive and abnormal production of white blood cells in the bone marrow. These large and excessive population of the white blood cells leads to diminished production and proliferation of their normal counterparts thereby leading to heightened risk of infections and stasis of the blood in the vessels.

2) Lymphoma: Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system and affects the lymphocytes of the blood leading to its abnormal and excessive production of B-Cell, T-Cell, and or NK Cells. Lymphocytes plays a vital role in human immune system. Lymphoma primarily occurs in lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, and sometime other parts of the body.

3) Multiple Myeloma: Multiple Myeloma is a type of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells. Plasma cells plays a vital role in human immune system and produces antibodies. In multiple myeloma plasma cells produces abnormal antibodies so leading to diminished immune system and increased susceptibility to infections.

4) Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS): Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a group of syndrome that leads to abnormal and increased production of blood cells in the bone marrow. Occasionally myelodysplastic syndrome can transform to Acute Leukemia.

What are causes of Blood Cancer?

Blood Cancer in short is known as abnormal and excessive production of certain blood cells thereby affecting production and function of normal blood cells. It is a well-known fact that exact cause of different types of blood cancer is not known but some known factors that can cause increased risk of blood cancer. Certain causes are elucidated further:

1) Genetic Predisposition: Genetic predisposition are certain types of hereditary genetic abnormalities that increases an individual’s predisposition to blood cancer. Genetic predisposition runs in the families and may increase an individual the risk of blood cancer.

2) Exposure to certain chemicals: Exposure to certain chemicals such as benzene can increase the risk or predispose to blood cancer. Due to certain chemical certain genetic abnormalities is acquired and it can lead to increased risk of blood cancer.

3) Certain medical treatments: It is well known facts blood cancer can develop secondary due to certain medical treatment that is given for a known cancer. Chemotherapy, immunosuppressive therapies, radiation therapy etc. can lead to development of secondary blood cancer. Secondary blood cancer generally have a poor prognosis.

Other known risk factors of blood cancer are viral infections, immune system disorders etc.

Blood Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient and traditional system of medicine that has originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The word “Ayurveda” is derived from ‘Ayur’ that means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge or science. Hence, Ayurveda means science of life or knowledge of life.

It is a well-known fact in Ayurveda that health and wellness is defined by balance and harmony between mind, body, and spirit. As per Ayurvedic principles, an individual consist of Panchamahabhutas (Five Mahabhutas) and Trayodoshas (Three doshas). The Panchamahabhutas are: 1) Aakash (Space). 2) Vayu (Air). 3) Agni (Fire). 4) Jala (Water). 5) Prithvi (Earth). The three respective doshas are: 1) Vata (Vayu + Aakash). 2) Pitta (Agni + Jala). 3) Kapha (Jala + Prithvi).

Ayurvedic treatments include different herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, lifestyle management, yoga etc. These Ayurvedic treatment or modalities helps to achieve the balance between the doshas so to improve health and wellness of an individual.

Many treatment modalities is mentioned in Ayurveda for blood cancer patients and it is described further:

1) Herbal Treatment of Blood Cancer

Herbal treatment for blood cancer consists of various herbs that can help to reduce the incidence of cancer if used in daily life and there are many other herbs also helps to treat blood cancer in developed. Few such herbs are mentioned further:

a) Hemidesmus indicus (Sariva) in Blood Cancer

Hemidesmus indicus is also commonly known as Sariva in Ayurveda has various medicinal properties and multiple therapeutic benefits. As per Ayurvedic texts Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) proves beneficial in different blood disorders like leukemia etc. and has detoxifying and rejuvenating properties.

  • Blood Purification: Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) helps to cleanse the blood and due to its detoxifying properties helps to removes toxins from the blood. Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) proves beneficial in skin ailments, allergies, and various inflammatory conditions.
  • Digestive Health: Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) proves beneficial in different digestive ailments and improves agni (digestive fire). Sariva also proves beneficial in digestion of aam (undigested material).
  • Immune Support: Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) helps to boost the immunity and so proves beneficial in blood cancer patients.

b) Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) in Blood Cancer

Tinospora cordifolia which is also commonly known as Giloy or Guduchi in Ayurveda has a long traditional and ancient history of medicinal uses. Certain medicinal uses of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) is mentioned further:

  • Anticancer Potential: Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) is well known for its cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. Tinospora cordifolia due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can potentially inhibit the growth of the blood cancer. As per Ayurveda, it is also a well-known fact that Guduchi can play a vital role in cancer prevention.
  • Immunomodulatory properties: Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) plays a vital role in supporting the immune system and so it helps in combating various opportunistic infection that blood cancer are susceptible of. Guduchi helps to balance the vitiated doshas and so proves beneficial in blood cancer patients.
  • Antioxidant properties: Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) possess good antioxidant properties and helps to reduce cells oxidative stress. Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) also helps in prevention of normal cells during different anti-cancer treatment or modalities.

2) Panchakarma Therapy for Blood Cancer

Panchakarma therapy is a traditional and ancient system of Indian medicine, Panchakarma therapy through its detoxification and rejuvenation properties proves beneficial in blood cancer patients.  It also helps to restore harmony between doshas and so restore balance between mind, body, and spirit. Balance of the doshas is most important for healthy life and disease amelioration. The five main procedure of Panchakarma are: 1) Vamana. 2) Virechana. 3) Basti. 4) Nasya. 5) Raktamokshana.

Virechana Karma for Blood Cancer

It is well known fact that Leukemia in Ayurveda is also defined as dosha dusthi that affects majjavaha strotas can lead to Leukemia, It is also well defined that as per Ayurveda, there is a relationship between Majjadhara Kala and Pittadhara Kala. For treatment of Pittadhara Kala, Virechana karma is one of the best option and so Virechana karma also proves beneficial in dosha dusthi of Majjadhara kala e.g. Leukemia or Blood Cancer.

Virechana Karma means controlled and induced bowel movements through administration of certain herbal formulations. Virechana Karma improves Agni or digestive power, eliminates dusthi in Pitta Dosha, and improves overall mental and physical well-being of an individual. It should also be noted that a blood cancer patient should take Virechana Karma from a trained Ayurvedic Practitioners.

3) Ayurvedic Clinics Specializing in treatment of Blood Cancer / Ayurvedic Doctors for Blood Cancer Treatment

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is a dedicated and a focused group of Ayurvedic Practioners and Researchers that are dedicated towards exploring the potential of role of Ayurveda in Treatment and Management of Blood Cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is dedicated toward a integrative approach of traditional wisdom and knowledge of Ayurveda and modern scientific approach. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is also dedicated toward establishing a holistic approach of Ayurveda toward treatment of Blood Cancer.

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ advises various herbal medications, lifestyle management, and dietary recommendations in management of Blood Cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ focuses on prevention, symptom management, and better nutritional support of Blood Cancer Patients.

Kindly contact Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ for ‘Best Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment of Blood Cancer’.

Mouth Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Mouth Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

What is mouth cancer?

Explore the transformative potential of Ayurvedic treatments for mouth cancer, offering holistic approaches rooted in ancient wisdom. From addressing neoplasms in diverse oral regions to targeting specific cancer types like squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, Ayurveda provides personalized care to restore balance and promote healing. Experience the power of natural remedies and tailored therapies in combating mouth cancer, rejuvenating both body and spirit.

Mouth cancer which is also synomously called as oral cancer refers to cancer or neoplasm that originates in different part of the mouth like the gums, lips, tongue, roof or the floor of the mouth (palate), and the throat. Majorly cancer in the mouth originates from the squamous cell (flat cells) that lines the surface of the mouth and is called as squamous cell carcinoma. But cancer can even originate from other cells that reside in the mouth like adenocarcinoma etc.

Cancer in the mouth originate as a non-healing sore or ulcer evident by pain in the mouth, and difficulty and pain in the mouth while chewing or swallowing. Mouth Cancer is also evident by non-healing red or white patches in the mouth, and in advanced mouth cancer can also be evident by hoarseness in the mouth, lump in the neck etc. 

What causes mouth cancer?

Mouth Cancer is caused by multitude of known factors which includes acquired or hereditary genetic abnormalities, environmental causes, abnormal lifestyles choices, and certain chronic infections mostly which are sexually transmitted. Some causes of mouth cancer is elaborated further:

1) Chronic Tobacco Use or Exposure: As it is well known and researched ‘tobacco’ contains multiple carcinogenic agents or chemicals that causes abnormal genetic mutations in the cells lining the mouth and further such more genetic abnormalities is accumulated leading to cancerous growth. Chronic tobacco exposure can be due to cigarettes and bidi smoking, tobacco chewing or commonly called as surti in India, cigar smoking, or tobacco snuff. It is estimated that tobacco will kill around 1 billion people in 21st century.

2) Chronic Alcohol Consumption: Chronic and frequent alcohol consumption is one of the major causative factor of mouth cancer. Chronic alcohol exposure causes irritation of the lining of the mouth subsequently leading to accumulation of genetic abnormalities and further cancerous transformation of the cells in the mouth. It is also well known fact that smoking tobacco while consuming alcohol has a synergistic effects and higher rate of cancer incidence.

3) Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection: Infections from certain strain of Human papillomavirus (HPV) can lead to mouth cancer but mostly orophyrangeal carcinoma. The most common strains of Human papillomavirus (HPV) involved in development of mouth cancer is HPV-16 and HPV-18.

4) Diet: It is well known and established that a diet of an individual which is low in fruits and green leafy vegetables have an increased incidence of mouth cancer. So a diet which is rich in fruits and green leafy vegetables contains essential vital nutrients and antioxidants that lowers the risk of mouth cancer.

Other known risk factors of mouth cancer is betel leaf chewing with tobacco (paan), sun exposure, poor oral hygiene, and acquired or hereditary genetic abnormalities.

Mouth Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic science that has its origin 3000 years ago. Ayurveda is not only meant for treatment of diseased individual but also a science which preaches or inculcates how an individual should remain healthy. So popularly Ayurveda is called a ‘Science of Life’.

In Ayurvedic texts many different modalities (Dincharya) are mentioned which when followed judiciously in your daily life help in the prevention of mouth cancer. Certain modalities mentioned in Ayurveda such as Kavala Dharan, Gandush Dharan, and Danta Dhavan etc. helps to cleanse the mouth of the Dustha Doshas so helps to prevent from mouth cancer. Many treatment modalities is mentioned in Ayurveda for mouth cancer patients and it is described further:

1) Herbal Treatment of Mouth Cancer

Herbal treatment for mouth cancer consists of various herbs that can help to reduce the incidence of cancer if used in daily life and there are many other herbs also helps to treat mouth cancer in developed. Few such herbs are mentioned further:

a) Khadir (Acacia catechu): Khadir possess various medicinal properties which proves beneficial in mouth cancer. Khadir through its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties potentially aid in anti-cancer treatment. Khadir also helps in cancerous growth affecting the various parts of the mouth like gums, lips, tongue etc. through it’s astringent properties.

b) Daruharidra (Berberis aristata): Daruharidra has a long history of use in traditional system of Ayurvedic medicine. Daruharidra possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that proves beneficial in mouth cancer patients. Rasanjan or Rasont is prepared from Daruharidra proves beneficial in various ailments including certain types of cancers especially mouth cancer. Rasanjan possess anti-inflammatory properties, promotes wound healing, and support the immune system.

2) Panchakarma Therapy for Mouth Cancer

Panchakarma is one of the most important traditional Ayurvedic treatment modalities that help in detoxification of the body. Detoxification helps in restoring balance and harmony in the doshas. Balance of the doshas is most important for healthy life and disease amelioration. In Ayurveda, Panchakarma also helps in rejuvenation of the body. Rejuvenation helps to restore health and well-being of an individual. The five main procedures of Panchakarma are: 1) Vamana. 2) Virechana. 3) Basti. 4) Nasya. 5) Raktamokshana.

Nasya Therapy for Mouth Cancer Patients

Nasya Therapy is a traditional modality of Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment and it involves administration of Ayurvedic medicated oils or different herbal preparations through nostril. Nasya is one of the most important Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that works well over the Head, Neck, and Upper thorax region.

During Nasya Therapy gentle face massage with Ayurvedic Medicated Oil is done and steam (swedana) karma is done while protecting the eyes. Further, head is tilted slightly back ward in the lying position and Ayurvedic medicated oil is instilled through the nose in mouth cancer patients.

3) Ayurvedic Diet for Mouth Cancer Patients

Nutrition is one of the most important concern in mouth cancer patients due to trouble in ingesting foods. During earlier stages of mouth cancer nutrition or diet of mouth cancer patients can be unhindered but as the cancer progresses nutrition or diet starts getting affected and patients start losing weight. Weight loss can also be due to effects of Cancer Progression.

Optimal weight is necessary for longevity and good standard of living for cancer patients. In Ayurveda under the term of ‘Laghu and Supachya’ Ahar certain diets are mentioned that are easy to digest and provide optimal nutrition to mouth cancer patients. Certain Diets are mentioned below:

a) Mutton Soup for Mouth Cancer Patients: Mutton Soup is prepared by taking 100gms of mutton with good amount of water in pressure cooker and desired amount of spices are added. A thin and watery soup is prepared and it is given to the patient of consumption slowly.

Mutton soup

Mutton Soup is easy to digest and is one of the best food for weight gain in mouth cancer patients. Muscle soup also helps to build muscle mass in cancer patients and so helps to ameliorate mouth cancer.

b) Green Moong Dal Soup in Mouth Cancer Patients

It is a well-known fact in Ayurveda, Green Moong Dal is one of the best of all the pulses mentioned in Ayurveda. Moong Dal soup is easily digestible and good aphrodisiac. Moong Dal soup helps the patients to gain weight and increase its health and potency.

4) Ayurvedic Clinics Specializing in Mouth Cancer / Ayurvedic Doctors for Mouth Cancer Treatment

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is group of dedicated Ayurvedic Doctors that specializes in holistic and tailored approach toward treatment of mouth cancer patients. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ comprises skilled and well trained Ayurvedic Doctors, Researchers, and Nursing Staff that takes best medical care of the mouth cancer patients.

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ takes into consideration different Ayurvedic treatment modalities in the management of mouth cancer. Different treatment modalities include herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and detoxification procedures. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ also focuses on different treatment modalities that help to further boost and enhance the immunity of the patient so as to ameliorate cancer in the mouth.

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ also prescribes different type of Ayurvedic herbal medicines for mouth cancer treatment. This herbal formulation has anti-cancer properties, and promote tissue healing.

Kindly contact with Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda‘ for successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Mouth Cancer.

Treatment of Leukemia i

Ayurvedic Treatment of Leukemia in Mumbai

Ayurvedic Treatment of Leukemia in Mumbai

Ayurvedic treatment for leukemia  in Mumbai offers a holistic approach, combining traditional remedies with modern medical techniques. Renowned Ayurvedic centers in Mumbai provide personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, focusing on enhancing immunity, detoxification, and rejuvenation. With a blend of herbal medicines, dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments, and therapeutic practices, Ayurveda aims to address the root cause of the disease and promote overall well-being. Seek expert guidance from experienced Ayurvedic practitioners in Mumbai to explore natural remedies alongside conventional treatments for managing leukemia or blood cancer effectively.

About ‘Ayurveda’

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India 3000 years ago.  Ayurveda is derived from two words in Sanskrit “Ayur” and “Veda”. “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means knowledge and science. So, Ayurveda means science that refers to art of living or life.

Key principles of Ayurveda include:

1) Doshas: Ayurveda defines three fundamental bodily energies or doshas – 1) Vata 2) Pitta, and 3) Kapha. This bodily energies or doshas govern and regulate various physiological and psychological aspect of an individual. Doshas plays an important aspect in maintaining physical and mental well-being of an individual, and every individual is unique in terms of combination of doshas.

2) Dhatus: As per Ayurveda, an individual is composed of seven fundamental tissues or known as Dhatus in Ayurveda. The seven dhatus are 1) Rasa 2) Raktha 3) Mansa 4) Meda 5) Asthi 6) Majja, and 7) Sukhra.

3) Prakriti: Prakriti is defined as an individual inherent constitution of predominant doshas in the body. This “Prakriti” is formed during fertilization of the sperm and ovum, and helps in tailoring various lifestyle, diet, and therapeutic aspects of an individual.

4) Agni: Agni in general terms is defined as digestive power of an individual and is important to assimilate the food. Agni in balanced state is important for proper digestion and health of an individual.

What is myeloid tissue?

Myeloid tissue is a type of hematopoietic tissue, and it produces different type of blood cells. Myeloid tissue is primarily located in spleen and liver in the fetal stage of an individual, and later the hematopoietic tissue migrates to bone marrow and start producing blood cells. Myeloid tissue produces different types of blood cells:

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia is a type of cancer of the blood that primarily affects the blood cells, and the bone marrow too. Leukemia originates in the bone marrow, and there is abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells. These white blood cells do not mature properly and are unable to function8.

So, leukemia can be called abnormal and large number of immature white blood cells. These immature white blood cells compete with their normal counterparts or healthy white blood cells, and outperform them, leading to various complications. It is well known fact that white blood cells plays important role in immune function, and in leukemia due to abundance of immature cells immune function is also compromised.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Leukemia

There are different types of leukemia, and are classified based on the type of blood cells affected: 1) Lymphoid Cells. 2) Myeloid Cells. It is also differentiated based on the rate of the progression of the disease: 1) Acute. 2) Chronic. So, acute leukemia is a white blood cell disease that progresses rapidly and chronic leukemia is white blood cell disease that progresses slowly.

Types of Leukemia

Leukemia is majorly classified into four main types, and the classification principles is based on type of blood cell involved in leukemia and rate of progression of leukemia.

1) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is a type of leukemia that is characterized by rapid and abnormal proliferation of immature lymphoid tissue or lymphoblast’s. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is more common in children and adults are affected too. Types of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) are:

  • B – Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): This subtype involves immature B-Cell Lymphocyte, and is most common in children’s as well as adults.
  • T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): This subtype involves abnormal proliferation and growth of T-Cell Lymphocyte, and is less common than B-Cell Lymphoma. T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) most commonly affects adolescents and adults.
  • Philadelphia Chromosome-positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Ph+ ALL): Philadelphia Chromosome-positive ALL has a specific genetic abnormality known as Philadelphia chromosome. Philadelphia chromosome is most commonly found in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) but is also found in certain subtype of ALL.
  • Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia (MPAL): Cells involved in Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia (MPAL) have characteristics of both lymphoblast’s and myoblasts.


2) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL): Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is characterized by rapid and abnormal growth of mature lymphocytes. It is more common in older adults and can be asymptomatic at earlier stages. Types of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) are:

  • IgVH Mutational Status: In this type of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia the leukemia cells may have mutations in the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (IgVH). The mutations status of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (IgVH) may influence the prognosis and treatment status of the leukemia.
  • ZAP – 70 and CD38 Expression: In this type of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia the leukemia cells may express protein such as ZAP-70 and CD 38. The mutational status of the proteins can determine the aggressiveness of the leukemia.
  • Del (17p) and Del (11q): In this type of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia the leukemia cells may have deletions in the short arm of chromosome 17 or long arm of the chromosome 11. These mutation status of the chromosome 17 or 19 may affect the prognosis and the treatment status of the leukemia.
  • TP53 Mutation: In this type of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, the leukemia cells have mutations in the TP53 gene. The mutations in the TP53 gene conveys more aggressiveness to the leukemia.
  • Richter Transformation: In this type of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, a small percentage of the leukemia can transfer into more aggressive form of lymphoma and it is called Richter transformation.
  • Complex Karyotype: Some cases of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) have multiple chromosomal abnormalities, and confers poor prognosis and disease progression to the leukemia.

3) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is characterized by rapid and abnormal growth of myeloid cells in the bone marrow. Myeloid cells acquires mutations, and develops ability of sustained proliferation and evading apoptosis. AML can occurs in both children and adults. Types of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) as follows:

  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) with Recurrent Genetic Abnormalities: This subtype of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) acquires specific genetic abnormalities. These specific genetic abnormalities displays distinct clinical symptoms and have different treatment protocols. Examples of these genetic abnormalities are t(8;21), inv(16), t(16;16), and others.
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) with Myelodysplasia-Related Changes: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) with Myelodysplasia-Related Changes may develops from pre-existing myelodysplastic syndrome or other myeloproliferative neoplasms. This subtype of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is classified on the degree of dysplasia and harbors specific genetic abnormalities.
  • Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia (t-AML): Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia (t-AML) develops due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy which has been administered for other types of cancers. Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia (t-AML) confers poor prognosis and is associated with specific genetic mutations.
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Not Otherwise Specified (NOS): Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) is a subtype of leukemia that does not fits into other defined subtypes. This subtype of AML have distinct clinical features and genetic abnormalities.
  • Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL): Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) is specific subtype of AML and is characterized by a distinct translocation t(15;17). This translocation leads to formation of PML-RARA fusion gene. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) is a distinct subtype of Leukemia responds to ATRA (all-trans retinoic acid) and ATO (Arsenic Tri-Oxide).
  • AML with FLT3 Mutations: AML with FLT3 Mutations is a distinct subtype of Leukemia and generally confers poor prognosis.
  • AML with NPM1 Mutation: AML with NPM1 Mutation is a distinct subtype of Leukemia and generally confers favorable prognosis.

4) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML): Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is characterized by excessive proliferation and abnormal growth of mature myeloid cells. CML generally progress slowly and has distinct BCR-ABL fusion gene. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) statistically happens in adults and has Philadelphia chromosome.

Leukemia Statistics

Leukemia is type of cancer that originates, and affects blood and the bone marrow. Leukemia is caused by abnormal and sustained proliferation of blood cells due to genetic mutation which can be acquired or can be hereditary. This abnormal growth of the blood cells in leukemia is monoclonal expansion and its overcrowding affects healthy bone marrow cells. When healthy stem cells are affected it can lead to anemia, infection, and bleeding issues too. The statistics Leukemia as follows:

1) In 2020, it is estimated that globally 476,000 new cases of leukemia was registered and 314,000 deaths can be attributed to leukemia.

2) Most common type of leukemia is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (24%), and the least commonest type of leukemia is Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) (1%).

3) In India in 2020, it is estimated that 103,000 new cases of leukemia was registered and 70,000 deaths can be attributed to leukemia in India.

4) In India, most common type of leukemia is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (45%), and the least common type of leukemia is Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (7%).

5) Leukemia is the most common type of cancer in childhood, and over 60% of cancer in childhood in India can be attributed to Leukemia. In adults, leukemia is also a common type of cancer and its incidence increases as the age progresses.

6) Survival rates due to cancer in India is lower as compared to developed countries and it can be owed to limited healthcare facilities.  

Symptoms of Leukemia

Leukemia symptoms vary widely across patients, and it even depends on the stage and types of leukemia the patient is suffering from. Some general symptoms of leukemia or blood cancer are:

1) Fatigue: Complaining of unexplained persistent tiredness or weakness is one of the common symptoms of leukemia. It does not resolve even after rest or sleep.

2) Unexplained weight loss: Complaining of unexplained weight loss (more than 10% of actual weight), even after not trying to do so.

3) Frequent Infections: Leukemic cells expands in numbers and hinders the normal function of the white blood cells thereby increasing the risk of the frequent infections and morbidity.

4) Fever and Night Sweats: Leukemia may be evident by persistent and recurrent fever. Leukemia may also display symptoms of night sweat.

5) Swollen Lymph Nodes: In leukemia, swollen lymph nodes may be evident in the neck and groin region.

6) Anemia: Leukemic patients can develop pale skin or anemia because of less production of RBC’s due to improper functioning of the bone marrow.

It is important to note that all the above mentioned symptoms could be present in wide range of diseases, so it is important to consult a health care provider.

Etiological factors of Leukemia

Leukemia is a multifactorial and a complex disorders roughly designated as blood cancer. There are multiple subtypes in blood cancer or leukemia, and it exact ca,use is yet not well understood or known. There are few known and recognized etiological factors associated with the development of leukemia and the same is described further:

1) Genetic Factors: Inherited genetic abnormalities can predispose an individuals to leukemia or blood cancer. Certain known genetic abnormalities or mutations like Down’s Syndrome etc. predisposes or increase an individual risk to develop leukemia or blood cancer.

2) Radiation Exposure: High dosage of ionizing radiation from medical treatments like radiation therapy or CT Scan, and or from environmental sources like nuclear exposure. is known to elevate the risk of leukemia or blood cancer.

3) Chemical Exposure: Exposure to certain chemicals like benzene, chemotherapeutic drugs which has been administered for treatment of another cancer etc. predisposes to the risk of development of leukemia or cancer.

4) Immune System Disorders: Certain predisposing conditions that effects the immune system like autoimmune disorders or inherited immunodeficiency disorders may contribute or elevates the risk of leukemia or blood cancer.

5) Viral Infections: Certain viral infections Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus (HTLV-1) and Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) is associated with increased risk or predisposition to certain types of leukemia or blood cancer.

It is important to note that having inherited certain genetic mutations doesn’t warrants that a person will certainly develop a cancer, but an additional periodic and regular screenings is required to detect the cancer at an early stage and help to mitigate the risk.

Treatment of Leukemia

The treatment of leukemia varies, and depends on multiple factors and specific type of leukemia which is being treated. Treatment of the leukemia also depends on the patient’s age, and his overall general health statistics or condition. Here are some common treatment modalities for leukemia or blood cancer:

1) Chemotherapy.

2) Targeted Therapy

3) Targeted Therapy

4) Stem Cell Transplant: a) Autologous Stem Cell Transplant. b) Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant.

5) Immunotherapy

6) Biological Therapy

Leukemia Treatment

It is important to note that treatment of leukemia or blood cancer is of multidisciplinary approach, and requires meticulous planning while taking in consideration multiple factors comprising patient’s age, overall health, financial conditions and presence of specific genetic mutations. The choice of treatment now even takes into account patients choices and its potential benefits, and drawbacks.

Leukemia or Blood Cancer in Ayurveda/ आयुर्वेद में ल्यूकेमिया या खून का कैंसर

In Ayurveda texts, no such specific term designating leukemia or blood cancer is mentioned or described, but its ‘Dosha Samprapti or Etiopathology’ can be compared with the topic or roga called ‘Vishama Jwara/ विषम ज्वर’. When the same dosha and dushya samprapti as mentioned in Vishama Jwara/ विषम ज्वर resides in Majja dhatu (मज्जा धातु) or Bone marrow it is called ‘Leukemia or ल्यूकेमिया’.

Under category of Vishama Jwara/ विषम ज्वर, 5 different types of ज्वर/Jwara is mentioned: 1) Santata Jwara. 2) Satata Jwara. 3) Anyedyushka Jwara. 4) Tritiyaka Jwara. 5) Chaturthaka Jwara.

1) Santata Jwara: In santata jwara vitiated or aggravated doshas circulate through rasavaha strotas and spread all over the body, and causes santata jwara. By nature of the disease santata jwara is extremely difficult to treat, and shows its symptoms very quickly.

2) Satata Jwara: In satata jwara vitiated or aggravated doshas circulate through rakthavaha strotas and spread all over the body, and further cause’s satata jwara. Satata Jwara manifests twice in 24 hours.

3) Anyedyushka Jwara: Anyedyushka Jwara vitiated or aggravated doshas circulate through medovaha strotas and spread all over the body, and further cause’s anyedyushka jwara. Anyedyushka Jwara manifests only once during day and night.

4) Tritiyaka Jwara: Tritiyaka Jwara vitiated or aggravated doshas circulate through asthivaha strotas and spread all over the body, and further cause’s tritiyaka jwara. Tritiyaka jwara fever manifest after a gap of one day.

5) Chaturthaka Jwara: Chaturthaka Jwara vitiated or aggravated doshas circulate through majjavaha strotas and spread all over the body, and further cause’s chaturthaka jwara. Chaturthaka jwara fever manifest after a gap of two days.

Concept of Majja dhatu (मज्जा धातु), and its relationship in Etiopathology or Samprapti of Leukemia or Blood Cancer

Majja dhatu (मज्जा धातु)

करोति तत्र सौषिर्यमस्थ्नां मध्ये समीरणः||मेदसस्तानि पूर्यन्ते स्नेहो मज्जा ततः स्मृतः| Charak Chikitsasthana 15/32

Majja Dhatu is formed when vata dhatu creates hollowness in the asthi dhatu and later this hollow cavity is filled by fatty tissue called Majja dhatu (मज्जा धातु).

Majjavaha Strotas (मज्जावह स्रोतस)

मज्जवहानां स्रोतसामस्थीनि मूलं सन्धयश्च| Charak Vimansthana 5/8

Majjavaha Strotas originates in bones and joints.

Causes of vitiation of Majjavaha Strotas (मज्जावह स्रोतस)

उत्पेषादत्यभिष्यन्दादभिघातात् प्रपीडनात्| मज्जवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति विरुद्धानां च सेवनात्|| Charaka Vimanasthana 5/18

Majjavaha Strotas is vitiated due to crushing injury, excessive discharge, trauma due to compression and repeated consumption of incompatible or virrudha ahara (foods).

Symptoms of vitiation of Majja Dhatu

रुक् पर्वणां भ्रमो मूर्च्छा दर्शनं तमसस्तथा| अरुषां स्थूलमूलानां पर्वजानां च दर्शनम्|| मज्जप्रदोषात्| Charak Vimanasthana 28/18

Symptoms of vitiation of majja dhatu is pain in the joints, unconsciousness, giddiness, blackouts, and abscess in the joints.

Management of vitiation of Majja Dhatu

मज्जशुक्रसमुत्थानामौषधं स्वादुतिक्तकम्| अन्नं व्यवायव्यायामौ शुद्धिः काले च मात्रया|| Charak Sutrasthana 28/18

Majja Dhatu disorders is treated with diet which is having sweet and bitter taste, exercise, and timely mental and physical purification (Panchakarma Therapy).

The critical concept of Majjadhara Kala and Pittadhara Kala

एवमा येव पित्तधरा सेव मज्जाधरैति|

As per Ayurveda, there is a relationship between Majjadhara Kala and Pittadhara Kala. And this relationship has been established in ‘Vishavega’ topic. So different factors which causes dusthi of Agni also causes various diseases of Pittadhara Kala and Majjadhara Kala, and so the treatment principles.

Ayurvedic treatment for leukemia  in Mumbai 

The main goal of Ayurveda therapy is to find the cause of the Leukemia, while the therapeutic approach of Ayurveda is simply divided into two major categories:

1) Oral medications.

2) Panchakarma.

Oral medications

1) Suvarna Vasant Malini Rasa (सुवर्ण मालिनी वसंत) in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients

As mentioned in Ayurveda, Suvarana Malini Vasant is a herbo-mineral formulation with major ingredient as Suvarna Bhasma (gold), and traditionally has many health benefits. The ingredients of Suvarna Malini Vasant is Suvarna Bhasma, Mukhta Bhasma, Darada, Maricha, Kharpara, Parada, Gandhaka, Vyosha, Tamra Bhasma, and Loha Bhasma. The above mixture is titrated with kantakari swarasa, dhatura swarasa, and katuki swarasa.

Benefits of Suvarna Vasant Malini Rasa (सुवर्ण मालिनी वसंत) in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients

  1. a) Suvarna Malini Vasant as Rejuvenation in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients: Suvarna Malini Vasant helps to promotes vitality, health, and longevity in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients. Suvarna Malini Vasant can also be called as Rasayana in Ayurveda.
  2. b) Suvarna Malini Vasant as Nervine Tonic in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients: Suvarna Malini Vasant is a good nervine tonic, and helps to support nervous system and improve cognitive functions in blood cancer patients or leukemia.
  3. c) Suvarna Malini Vasant boosts Immune System in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients: Suvarna Malini Vasant boosts immune system and help leukemia or blood cancer patients to better cope up with the disease.
pooja element for ayurvedic treatment of leukemia

2) Updansa surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients

Updansa surya rasa is a arsenical compound mentioned in Ayurveda. Somal or Arsenic Tri-Oxide as mentioned in Ayurveda is titrated with Trifala Kadha, Solanum nigrum, and lemon juice. This titration is given for consecutive 42 days. After 42 days small pills are rolled. It is important to note that Updansa surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) is a arsenical compound and should be consumed under strict medical advice.

Benefits of Updansa surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients

Arsenic Trioxide (Somal) has shown efficacy in various types of cancer but its efficacy is well established in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Updansa surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) has a potential is many other hematologic malignancies and solid tumors.

  1. a) Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) has demonstrated efficacy against various subtypes of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).
  2. b) Lung Cancer: Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) has shown promising results in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), and its efficacy is even better if it is used in combination with radiotherapy.
  3. c) Liver Cancer: Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) can be used in combination or as a single agent in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).
  4. d) Breast Cancer: Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) proves beneficial in breast cancer and its various subtypes.
  5. e) Prostate Cancer: Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) proves beneficial in prostate cancer as a single agent or in combination.

Arsenic Trioxide (Somal) or Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) is beneficial in leukemia or blood cancer through induction of apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation, and inhibition of angiogenesis. Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) facilitate in modulation of cellular signaling and so proves beneficial in leukemia or blood cancer. Updansa Surya Rasa (उपदंस सूर्य रस) also facilitate in induction of differentiation and apoptosis in leukemia or blood cancer patients.

3) Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati in Leukemia or Blood Cancer Patients

Allium sativum (Rasona) has effect on leukemia which is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of white blood cells. Rasona, as mentioned in Ayurveda is of ushna virya and vrishya in nature. As per modern research, Allium sativum (Rasona) has many potential benefits in leukemia and it is elaborated further:

  1. a) Induction of apoptosis: Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati as mentioned in Ayurveda can induce apoptosis or programmed cell death in leukemia cells or blood cancer cells. It induce apoptosis or programmed cell death in leukemia or blood cancer cells by inhibiting their growth and facilitating destruction of the cancer cells.
  2. b) Anti-inflammatory Activities: It is a well-known and established fact that chronic inflammation plays important role in the development and proliferation of leukemia or blood cancer. Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati helps to reduce inflammation and so proves beneficial in leukemia or blood cancer.
  3. c) Immunomodulatory effects: Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati modulate the immune system, and so helps in recognizing and destroying the leukemia or blood cancer cells. Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati helps in boosting natural defenses to combat leukemia or blood cancer.
  4. d) Anti-Angiogenic effects: Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati possess anti-angiogenic effects thereby potentially limiting the blood supply to the leukemia or blood cancer cells.
  5. e) Antioxidant effects: Allium sativum or one of its formulation Rasonadi vati or Lasunadi vati neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. The oxidative stress causes DNA damage and thereby further leads to leukemia or blood cancer.

4) Purgation or Virechana Karma (विरेचन कर्म) in Leukemia or blood cancer patients

Virechana Karma is one of the purification therapies mentioned under Panchakarma in Ayurveda. Virechana Karma mainly focusses on eliminating excessive dustha doshas mainly pitta dosha and toxins from the body. Virechana Karma involves administration of purgative medications to induce controlled and gentle purgation which eventually stops on its own.

Virechana Karma involves poorva karma or preparatory phase in which oleation of the patient is done through medicated ghee which help in liquefying the dustha doshas and transporting the toxins toward gastrointestinal tracts for further elimination through administration of purgative drugs.

Virechana Karma helps in balancing Pitta Dosha and improving digestion of the liver cancer patients. It even enhances metabolism, and promote mental and physical well-being of leukemia or blood cancer patients.

About ‘Team Cancer In Ayurveda’

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is a dedicated group of researchers and practitioners who are committed to exploring the potential of Ayurveda in managing cancer. With a holistic approach, Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ aim to combine ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific methods to develop safe and effective strategies for supporting and managing cancer patients.

The mission of Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and evidence-based medicine, ultimately contributing to improved outcomes and better quality of life for those affected by cancer. Together, they strive to create a brighter future in the fight against cancer, inspired by the age-old principles of Ayurveda.

Best Yoga Asana for Cancer Patients

Best Yoga Asana for Cancer Patients

What is Cancer?

Cancer is complex group of diseases, and is characterized by the uncontrolled, unregulated, and abnormal growth of the cells within the body. Under normal and regulated circumstances, a cells is expected to undergo growth, division, and death at the end of its life cycle but in the cancer the cells acquires capability of uncontrolled replicative potential and immortality due to genetic mutations, acquired or hereditary. This further leads to formation of a neoplastic mass or a tumor.

Cancer can be of many different types generally classified based on the part of the body that it is affecting, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer etc. Cancer can be caused by many different factors like acquired or hereditary genetic mutations, exposure to cancer causing agents or carcinogens, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, certain viruses like EBV, HTLV etc., and other environmental factors like exposure to radon gas. Every cancer is different based on the prognosis and responds differently to the treatment.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice of a physical, mental, and spiritual aspect of an individual to bring peace, and harmony in the life of an individual. Regular practice of yoga is an art, and a science that is key to a healthy and a peaceful life. Yoga originated in India dating back to 2700 B.C. and promotes various wide range of techniques, and disciplines to promote well-being of an individual.

The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from ‘Yuj’ which means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’ as per Sanskrit texts. As per different texts on the Yoga, regular practice of Yoga leads to the union of one’s individual consciousness with that of universal consciousness to promoting perfect harmony between mind, body, and spiritual aspect on an individual, and the same is key to healthy and a peaceful life.

Further, yoga has four broad classifications: 1) Karma Yoga – Where body is utilized for the Yoga-Sadhana. 2) Bhakti Yoga – Where emotions are utilized for Yoga-Sadhana. 3) Gyana Yoga – Where mind and intellect are utilized for Yoga-Sadhana. 4) Kriya Yoga – Where energy of the body is utilized for Yoga-Sadhana.

The aim of all this Yoga-Sadhanas is to achieve mukti or moksha or nirvana. Moksha (the state of liberation) or Kaivalya (freedom from life and death cycles) is the main and ultimate objective of Yoga-Sadhana.

Key components and various style of Yoga

The key components of Yoga include:

1) Asanas (Poses): Asanas includes different physical postures to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. There are different types of poses (asanas) with specific physical and mental benefits, and further increases flexibility in the body.

2) Meditation: The most fundamental and basic practice of Yoga is meditation. Through meditation we can achieve reduction in stress of the cancer patients, and further enhance mindfulness in cancer patients.

3) Pranayama: Pranayama involves practicing different techniques of controlled breathing, to achieve increased lung function and increased oxygenation of the body. Pranayama promotes relaxation of both mind and body of cancer patients.

Various styles of Yoga:

1) Hath Yoga: Hath Yoga involves focusing on different poses and breathe control to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual balance in cancer patients,

2) Vinyasa Yoga: It is a dynamic style of Yoga that links with practice of breath with Yoga.

3) Bikram Yoga: It involves practicing 26 poses of Yoga in hot and humid environment.

4) Yin Yoga: It involves practice of different poses of Yoga-Asanas, and further holding it to target connective tissue and promote relaxation.

5) Iyengar Yoga: It promotes using props to achieve proper alignment and correct posture while performing yoga.

Shavasana is a very simple pose, but it can be very powerful.

Best Yoga Asana for Cancer Patients

Cancer patients should always prefer to go with gentle asanas that which is found to be appropriate by healthcare team or trained Yoga Instructor. Decision to advice a particular Yoga regime to a cancer patient is based on the cancer from which the patient is suffering from, and overall general health of the patient. Further is mentioned few Yoga Asanas with their respective health benefits in cancer patients:

1) Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose) in Cancer Patients: Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall Pose is type of yoga asana that involves lying flat on the back, and legs raised and extended against the wall. Viparita Karani has multiple health benefits in terms of it improves venous circulation in the legs, reduces stress, and further benefits in reducing lymphedema that can be resultant of a cancer related surgery. It can also be beneficial in back pain that can be resultant of lack of exertion in cancer patients or bed ridden patients.

2) Sukhasana (Easy Pose) in Cancer Patients: Sukhasana or Easy Pose or Comfortable Pose is a type of Yoga asana that involves being seated in a position that is to be done while doing meditation. It involves being seated cross legged in an easy pose. Sukhasana is calming and relaxing in nature for cancer patients. Sukhasana can help in improving posture in cancer patients and can be done by most of the peoples.

3) Balasana (Child’s Pose) in Cancer Patients: Balasana or Child Pose is done by kneeling on the yoga mat with both the big toes touching, and the lengthening the spine and head facing the ceiling followed by lowering the torso between the thighs and forehead touching the ground. Arms are also extended alongside the body, and you can stay in this position as long as it is comfortable. Balasana or Child Pose has multiple health benefits in cancer patients like providing stress relief by reducing anxiety, and helps in gentle back stretch thereby relieving tension and discomfort in hips and thighs. Most important, Balasana can improve digestion in cancer patients. It can also improve shoulder and neck movements in post-operative head and neck cancer patients.

4) Tadasana (Mountain Pose) in Cancer Patients: Tadasana or Mountain Pose involves standing with both feet’s together, and further distribute the weight evenly across the feet. Further thighs are engaged with lifting the kneecaps, and both the shoulders are rolled back, and down. Arms are hanging by the side of the body with palms facing forward. This position is held for a minute and then body is allowed to relax. Tadasana helps in improving the posture and improving balance, and the stability in cancer patients who are developing cachexia. Tadasana can help in improved circulation and prove energizing to cancer patients.

5) Shavasana (Corpse Pose) in Cancer Patients: Shavasana or Corpse Pose involves lying down flat over the back on a yoga mat in a comfortable position and arms by your side, and palms facing upwards. Eyes are closed and gentle breathing is initiated with consciously relaxing all the group of muscles of the body. Shavasana position can be kept for 5 to 15 mins, and later body movements can be initiated by wiggling the fingers. Shavasana is one of the important asanas for cancer patients by deeply relaxing mind and body of the patients. It can create calmness and clarity in the mind of cancer patients, and further help in stress reduction.

Many other asanas that can prove beneficial in cancer patients are Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose), Pranayama (Breathing Exercises), Matsyasana (Fish Pose) etc. It is most important to note that any type of yoga asanas should be performed by cancer patients only under the instructions of trained Yoga Instructor.

About Team ’Cancer In Ayurveda’

Dynamic team of Expert Ayurveda Practitioners bringing the best of 3000 years old Science of Ayurveda for the benefit of peoples suffering from Cancer. Team of Cancer In Ayurveda has a shared dream about well-being and treatment of patients suffering from Cancer.

Kindly connect with us for successful management of Cancer through Ayurveda.

Panchakarma Treatment in Lung Cancer

Best Exercise for Lung Cancer Patients

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer or bronchogenic carcinoma is a type of cancer that originates in the lung tissues. It is one of the most common type of cancer, and is a leading cause of deaths that can be attributed to any cancer worldwide. Approximately overall 11.6% cases of all the cancer cases recoded globally was attributed to lung cancer in year 2020.

Lung cancer has caused approximately 18.4% of all the cancer related deaths worldwide, and so it is known to be leading cause of cancer related deaths. It is estimated that approximately 2.2 million new lung cancer cases was diagnosed globally in year 2020, and approximately 1.8 million deaths was attributed to lung cancer in year 2020.

Smoking tobacco is one of the leading cause of lung cancer, and accounts for approximately 85% of all the lung cancer cases recorded. It is estimated that smoking tobacco will cause approximately 1 billion deaths in 21st century, and has left approximately 100 million people dead in year 20th century. All forms of tobacco has a negative health impact, and can cause varieties of other cancer like colon cancer, bladder cancer etc.

There are two main types of lung cancer: 1) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and 2) Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC). Classification of the lung cancer depends on the characteristics of the cells involved in the lung cancer. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 85% of all the lung cancer cases diagnosed.

Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) accounts for almost 15% of all the Lung Cancer cases diagnosed. SCLC tends to be more aggressive in nature and metastasize at earlier stages. Treatment of Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) tends to be associated with guarded prognosis.

Side-Effects of different treatment modalities in Lung Cancer Patients

There are many treatment modalities that is administered or advised to lung cancer patients, and each such modality is with its own group of side-effects. The most commonly administered treatment modality for lung cancer patients is 1) Surgery. 2) Radiotherapy. 3) Chemotherapy. 4) Targeted Therapy. 5) Immunotherapy.

Side effects of Surgery in Lung Cancer Patients

1) Pain and discomfort in the chest: Pain and discomfort in the chest can be evident at the surgical site. Pain can also be due to damaged intercostal nerve during surgery or due to perineural invasion of the tumor

2) Shortness of breath: Shortness of breath post-surgery during mild to moderate exertion can be due to reduced overall lung volume, as lobectomy is the most commonly surgical modality for lung cancer. Shortness of breath may persist for few weeks post-surgery and may get better with time.

3) Reduced Lung or Pulmonary Function: Lung cancer patients who have undergone lobectomy or pneumectomy suffer from significant decrease in the lung capacity or functional reserve capacity. Reduction in the functional reserve capacity of post-pneumectomy lung cancer patients affects the exercise or exertional capacity of the patient.

4) Swelling due to fluid build-up (Lymphedema): Lymphedema can happen in the lower limbs post-surgery of lung cancer patients due to surgical removal or excision of lymph nodes. Lymphedema can be quite debilitating post-surgery in lung cancer patients.

Side effects of Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer Patients

1) Fatigue: Unexplained fatigueness is one of the most common side-effects of post radiotherapy treatment in lung cancer patients. Fatigueness in lung cancer patients post radiotherapy can be experienced by unexplained sensation of tiredness and unable to carry out day to day daily activities properly. Fatigueness is unaffected by sleep or rest. Mechanism behind fatigueness post-radiotherapy is still unexplained.

2) Cough or shortness of breath due to Radiation pneumonitis: Radiation pneumonitis is an inflammatory condition that can develops in the lungs post-radiotherapy. Radiotherapy damaged the cells lining the alveoli, and resultant trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation. Radiation pneumonitis can develops after weeks or months post-radiotherapy and is evident by cough, shortness and difficulty in breath. Mild cases of radiation pneumonitis can resolve on its own, and more advanced cases can lead severely impaired pulmonary functions.

3) Post-radiotherapy pulmonary fibrosis (PRPF): Post-radiotherapy pulmonary fibrosis (PRPF) is the development of progressive fibrosis or scarring in the lungs as the late side-effects of radiation therapy. Post-radiotherapy pulmonary fibrosis (PRPF) is a long term treatment related complication that result in progressive build of scar tissues in the lungs and is evident by shortness in breath, and compromised pulmonary function. The exact mechanism of development of Post-radiotherapy pulmonary fibrosis (PRPF) is still known but high dose of radiotherapy which if given as curative intent can be reason behind it.

Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation.

Best Exercise for Lung Cancer Patients in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a traditional science of Indian medicine and is practised in India since many centuries. Ayurveda has advised various types of treatment modalities that can deal with various aspects of the lung cancer treatment related side-effects as mentioned above. ‘Ayurveda’ when allied with ‘Yoga’ can help the patients to deal with various side –effects that has originated after treatment (Surgery or Radiotherapy) of lung cancer.  Both (Ayurveda and Yoga) can advise the patients different breathing techniques and exercise to effectively increase or preserve residual lung volume or functionality that can is affected post treatment in cancer patients. Further is mentioned some breathing techniques or exercises:

1) Pranayama

As mentioned in Yoga, pranayama refers to the practice of breath control. Pranayama is derived from two words, “prana’ which means life force and “ayama” means to control. So pranayama means a technique or exercises to control one’s life force through breath. Pranayama is an ancient technique that is practised and is been mastered in India by many prolific Yogis since many centuries. Pranayama involves various techniques that helps to achieve harmony in physical, mental, and spiritual aspect of a human being by channelizing the life force.

Benefits of Pranayama

Regular practice of pranayama has many beneficial effects over the lung capacity, lung function and the respiratory health of an individual, and the same benefits can be experienced by lung cancer patients under the guidance of the Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’. Different benefits of pranayama in side-effects due to different treatment modalities in Lung Cancer Patients is mentioned below:

A) Improved Oxygen Exchange: Pranayama involves the technique of deep and controlled breathing, and it further helps in optimal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. Pranayama can help in better gaseous exchange in the blood the lung cancer patients suffering from post-radiation pneumonitis or post-radiation pulmonary fibrosis. Pranayama can also increase the respiratory efficiency in reduced lung or pulmonary function post lobectomy or pneumectomy in lung cancer patients.

B) Strengthened Respiratory Muscles: Pranayama involves the technique of mastering the breathing by practice of inhalation and exhalation. While practicing the pranayama on a regular basis, it helps to engage and strengthen the muscles of breathing, such as the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm, and the abdominal muscles. More effective and efficient breathing can help to cope up with complains of shortness in breath due lobectomy or pneumectomy or radiation pneumonitis in lung cancer patients.

C) Enhanced Lung Flexibility: Various breathing techniques as described in pranayama involves or engages the expansion and the contraction of the lungs multiple times. This practice of expanding and contracting the lungs improves or maintains the lung elasticity and flexibility. The benefit of improving the lung elasticity and flexibility can prove beneficial in patients who are gradually developing post-radiotherapy pulmonary fibrosis (PRPF).

Other known benefits of pranayama in side-effects due to different treatment modalities in lung cancer patients are increased lung capacity, reduction in respiratory rate, improved lung function and improvement in overall respiratory health.

The several different types of pranayama mentioned in yoga are – 1) Nadi Shodhana or Anulom Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing). 2) Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath). 3) Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath). 4) Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath).

Best Exercise for Lung Cancer Patients according to Modern Sciences

The exercise regime that is advised to lung cancer patients depends on the multiple factors like type and the stage of the lung cancer, overall general health of the individual is also taken into consideration to determine the intensity of the exercises regime that can be advised to the patients.

A) Aerobic Exercises: Post-surgical cases of lung cancer can be advised low intensity aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, cycling etc. Such low intensity aerobic exercises helps to maintain the residual functionality of the lungs and improve the cardiovascular status of the patients. Low intensity aerobic exercises can also help to deal with post-radiotherapy fatigue, and help them to carry out their day to day daily activities properly.

B) Deep Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing exercises can be advised to lung cancer patients as it facilitates in improving in reserve lung capacity, improved gaseous exchange, and physical as well as mental relaxation. Deep breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing or pursed-lip breathing can be beneficial in patients suffering from shortness of breath post-surgery. It can also prove beneficial in patients who are suffering of from, and or to prevent Post-radiotherapy pulmonary fibrosis (PRPF).

C) Flexibility and Stretching: Gentle stretching exercises in lung cancer patients can help to deal with muscle pain and fatigue that can be present in general in lung cancer patients. It can also help to deal with fatigue that can develop post-radiotherapy in lung cancer patients.

D) Strength Training Exercises: Strength training exercises using light weights or resistance bands helps to maintain the muscle mass, and improve cardiovascular and respiratory capacity of lung cancer patients.

About Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is a dynamic group of Vaidya’s who are pioneer in Ayurveda and are well trained to apply ayurvedic principles in successful management of different types of cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ are in a firm belief that different types of exercises can help in dealing with different types of treatment related side-effects that can arise in lung cancer patients.

What is the Best Exercise for Cancer Patients

What is the Best Exercise for Cancer Patients?

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a complex disease, and is further characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal division of cells in an individual. Cancer cells can invade the surrounding tissues, and spread to different part of the body through blood and the lymphatic system. Spreading and invasion of the cancer cells to adjacent tissues, and to different parts of the bodies is called metastatis. Metastatis can prove fatal to cancer patients.

Cancer is a broad term that refer to group of diseases, and there are many different types of cancer, each with its own unique characteristics. Further is mentioned some most common type of cancer:

1) Breast Cancer: Breast cancer affects the breast tissues, and is most common type of cancer in women’s.

2) Lung Cancer: Lung cancer originates in the lung tissues, and smoking is one of its major causative factors.

3) Colorectal Cancer: Colorectal cancer primarily affects colon and rectum of an individual, and usually originates at benign polyp which can be characterized at cellular level as dysplasia or metaplasia. This benign polyp overtime can acquire additional genetic mutations, and further gets neoplastically transformed as cancer cells.

4) Ovarian Cancer: Ovarian cancer originates in the ovaries, and is often difficult to detect it at earlier stages.

5) Leukemia: Leukemia affects the blood and the bone marrow, and causes excessive production of the myeloid cells.

6) Liver Cancer: Liver cancer originates in the liver, and is often associated chronic liver disease. Chronic liver disease can be characterized by cirrhosis of the liver due to chronic alcohol abuse, chronic hepatitis b infection etc.

Many other different types of cancer are present, and is caused by combination of factors like hereditary and acquired genetic mutations, environmental factors, and multiple lifestyle abnormalities.

What is exercise?

Exercise refers to a planned physical activities that is performed with an intention to improve and maintain physical fitness, and overall wellness of an individual. As per Ayurveda, exercises or vyayama also encompasses, and improves mental fitness and durability of an individual.

Exercise involves engaging in to different planned movements and physical activities that stimulate muscles, and improves cardiovascular functions. Exercise helps to develops muscles and improve overall general health of an individual. Exercise can help in reducing weight of an individual and so reducing the risk of cancer in an individual.

Different types of exercises

There are several types of exercises mentioned, and each is developed targeting different aspect of fitness:

1) Aerobic Exercises:  Aerobic exercises increases heart rate and breathing, and is also called as cardiovascular exercises. Aerobic exercises facilitates in improving cardiovascular health and helps to burn down calories.

2) Strength Training: Strength training involves using resistance to build muscles and strength. Resistance can include weights, different grade of resistance bands, and or own body weight. Strength training helps to improve and tone up the muscle mass.

3) Balance Exercises: Balance exercises helps to improve the balance and stability of an individual, and thereby reducing the risk of fall. Balance exercises proves beneficial in older individuals, and senile cancer patients.

4) Flexibility Exercises: Flexibility exercises helps in improving flexibility and range of movements of the joints, and the muscles. Flexibility exercises involves doing different stretching exercises like Pilates, tai chi and yoga.

5) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT helps in burning calories, and improving cardiovascular functions. HIIT consist of doing alternating short bursts of intense exercises followed by period of rest or low intensity exercises.

Concept of Exercise/ व्यायाम in Ayurveda

As mentioned in Ayurveda, Vyayama means all the planned exertional activities and it involves stretching of different parts of the bodies. Further Ayurveda has described that exercises or vyayama as one of the most important modality in improving firmness and stability in the body.

शरीरचेष्टा या चेष्टा स्थैर्यार्था बलवर्धिनी| देहव्यायामसङ्ख्याता मात्रया तां समाचरेत्||३१|| Charak Sutra 7

Exercise or Vyayama as mentioned in Ayurveda help in ameliorating lifestyle disorders, and non-communicable and communicable diseases. Exercises or vyayama is vital for optimal health, and stability in the body.

Benefits of exercise/vyayama

लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं स्थैर्यं दुःखसहिष्णुता | दोषक्षयोऽग्निवृद्धिश्च व्यायामादुपजायते||३२|| Charak Sutra 7

Balanced and optimal exercise or vyayama imparts lightness in the body, strength to fulfil physical and mental duties, stability and endurance in the body, balancing the doshas and stimulation of Agni or digestive power.

Contraindications of ‘Excessive Exercise/Vyayama’

श्रमः क्लमः क्षयस्तृष्णा रक्तपित्तं प्रतामकः| अतिव्यायामतः कासो ज्वरश्छर्दिश्च जायते||३३|| Charak Sutra 7

Feeling exertion from different other physical and mental activities, feeling of fatigueness, wasting of the body from different diseases like Cancer, Diabetes etc., feeling of extreme thirstiness, bleeding from different part of the bodies, cough, fever and vomiting are contraindication from doing excessive exercise.

As per Ayurveda, cancer patients who are developing cachexia should always do mild exercise or vyayama.


Cachexia is a complex, and is one of the debilitating condition that is evident by progressive loss of weight mostly muscle mass loss, and profound weakness. Cachexia proves fatal in approximately 50% of cancer patients. Cachexia can also develop in various other health conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic infection or inflammatory conditions.   

Cachexia can be classified in Ayurveda as Vyadhi Shoshit/ व्याधि शोषित. So Cachexia or व्याधि शोषित patients should always concentrate on mild form of exercise or vyayama as it will help to prevent further muscle loss, and preserve stability and balance in cancer patients.

Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning, or “cardio.”

What is the best exercise for cancer patients?

Best or the recommended exercise for cancer patients is needed to be planned on an individual basis, and it depends upon type and the stage of the cancer of the patient, ongoing or the treatment received, and the patient’s overall general health and functional status.

Prior initiating exercise programme it is always necessary or mandatory to always consult the patients treating medical oncologist as intense exercise in cancer patients is always associated with risk factors like internal or external bleeding as cancer tumor is highly vascular but vessels are friable or fragile. Intense exercise can also increase the risk of fractures like vertebral fractures. Further is mentioned some types of exercises or vyayama that can be advised or recommended to cancer patients under guidance of his treating oncologist.

1) Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercises consists of different activities like walking, cycling, swimming, and dancing. Walking is one of the most important aerobic exercise to be undertaken by cancer patients as it helps to keep the cancer patients mobile, independent, and maintain balance.

Walking can be at a slow place, and or brisk walking can also be recommended on an individual needs of the cancer patients. Different other aerobic exercises like cycling, swimming, or even dancing of mild to moderate intensity can help to build up the cardiovascular endurance, muscle mass and stability in the cancer patients.

2) Strength Training: Strength training using resistance bands and mild to moderate grade of weight lifting can be recommended in cancer patients based on the opinion of the patient’s treating medical oncologist. Mild to moderate grade of weight lifting help to maintain the muscle mass and preserve the functional capabilities necessary for daily activities. Most important of all strength training helps to prevent or reverse osteoporosis in cancer patient which can develop due to lack of physical activities. Mild amount of strength training is also recommended in cachexia patients as it helps to prevent or revert muscle loss, and so reducing the morbidity.

3) Flexibility and Stretching: Flexibility and stretching involves gentle stretching of the muscle and joints through different modalities like Yoga, Pilates, tai chi etc. Flexibility and stretching exercises is most important in cancer patient post-radiotherapy treatment.

Post-radiotherapy development of fibrosis or restriction of movements in the muscle and joints is most common complaints experienced in cancer patients. Doing different stretching and flexibility exercises can help to prevent or ameliorate post – radiotherapy fibrosis in cancer patients.

For example jaw muscle and neck muscle exercises in patients who have received radiotherapy for head and neck cancer can help to presence the mobility of jaw and neck muscles.

4) Breathing Exercises: Breathing exercises is most important in lung cancer patients, especially in patients who have received radiotherapy. Post-radiotherapy pulmonary or lung fibrosis is one of the most debilitating condition which develops gradually over year after the treatment of radiotherapy is taken for lung cancer or lymphoma.

Breathing exercises can involve doing Anulom – Vilom pranayama (अनुलोमविलोम प्राणायाम), Kapalbathi (कपालभाति) etc. Such breathing exercises prevent the functionality of the lungs and increase the standard of living of the patients.

5) Functional Exercises: Functional exercises plays most important role in rehabilitation and training of cancer patients to fulfil their daily duties independently, and increase the standard of living of the patients. Debilitating condition develops in cancer mostly post-surgery like arm swelling post radical mastectomy in breast cancer patients or amputation of the limb post sarcoma or osteosarcoma.

About ‘Team Cancer In Ayurveda’

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is dynamic and an experienced group of Vaidya’s and Yoga Specialist who are prolific and experienced in management of every aspect of cancer through Ayurveda.

Kindly connect with Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ for successful management of Cancer through Ayurveda.


Best Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment in India

‘Best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India’

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing our top pick for the best ayurvedic cancer treatment in India. We’ll also discuss about Cancer and some of the benefits of ayurvedic treatments and how they can help improve your quality of life and also about “Best Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment in India”.

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells and further spread of the abnormal cells to neighbouring tissue and organs, as well as distant organs which is termed as metastasis. Metastasis in real terms can prove detrimental to cancer patients. Metastasis is an indication of cancer disease progression and is achieved by direct invasion of the malignant cells in the adjacent tissue or intravasation of the abnormal or the malignant in the blood stream or lymphatic system with extravasation of the cells and further growth or division at an appropriate site.

Cancer can occur in any part of the body; accordingly, we have different types of cancer named on the organ (Lung Cancer, Brain Cancer etc.) or tissues (Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma etc.)  in which it has originated. According to the statistics available some of the most common types of cancer are lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer etc.

There are many factors that has been identified which can increase the predisposition of cancer like hereditary genetic disorders, improper lifestyle habits and unhealthy diet like modern day junk foods. Smoking tobacco is one of the major contributory factors which predisposes an individual to many types of cancer predominantly as cancer of lung, mouth, stomach and oesophagus which are more common.

Symptoms of Cancer

Symptoms of cancer can vary over vast range depending on stage and organ or tissue in which it has originated or is currently affecting. But some common symptoms are fatigue, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, unexplained pain and changes in skin colour or texture.

Here are some common symptoms that may indicate you are suffering cancer:

  1. Fatigue: Unexplained tiredness or lack of energy experienced creating difficulty in completing day to day task, in spite of been not involved into any physically or mentally exhausting talk.
  2. Pain: Unexplained pain in any part of body not responding to or relapsing again in spite of conventional management. The pain gradually worsens with time.
  3. Weight loss: Unexplained weight loss in spite of not intending or trying to do so. Unexplained weight loss may be accompanied by loss of appetite.
  4. Skin changes: Unexplained changes in the colour, shape and size of a mole or a lesion on the skin.
  5. Changes in bowel or bladder habits: Unexplained changes in bowel or bladder habits contrary to regular day to day schedule related habits of passing stools or urinating. Passing of blood in the urine or stool, and or on and off episodes of constipation and diarrhoea.
  6. Persistent cough: A persistent or unexplained cough that doesn’t go or doesn’t respond to conventional treatment. It can even present with blood in the sputum.

It is important to take care that having the above-mentioned symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have cancer, as the above-mentioned different class of symptoms can be experienced in many other health conditions as well. If you start experiencing above mentioned symptoms, it always better to consult your health care provider and reach an appropriate diagnosis.

Cancer incidence in India

Cancer is a major emerging health concern in the global world and in India too. According to the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) of India published in year 2020, cancer of lung, mouth, stomach and oesophagus were the most common cancers among males in India. Cancer of breast and cervix uteri were the most common cancers among females in India.

It is estimated that number of new cases diagnosed per year is expected to increase from 13.9 lakhs (1.39 million) registered in year 2020 to 15.77 lakhs (1.5 million) in year 2025. The highest incidence of cancer is observed in north-eastern states and the highest burden of cancer in the north east were seen in the cancers of the oropharynx, nasopharynx, hypopharynx, oesophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, larynx, lung and cervix uteri.

Thyroid cancer incidence rate is rising and it was most common in the districts of Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam in Kerala. Leukaemia’s and Lymphomas were the most common types of childhood cancers. The highest incidence rate of childhood cancer was seen in Delhi. There is a rising trend of increase in cases of cancer breast in India, while cases of cancer cervix uterus are declining. The highest burden of breast cancer is observed in metro cities.

According to National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) latest report the Age adjusted incidence rate (AAR) of cancer in India is 87.7 per 100,000 population for males and 94.2 per 100,000 population for females. The AAR for both Genders combined is 90.2 per 100,000 population.

It is important to note that cancer incidence varies accordingly in geographical region on India with a higher predominance of cancer in urban areas owing to the rampant industrialization in comparison to rural areas resultant of moderate and healthy lifestyle in rural areas. Higher cancer incidence in urban areas in comparison to rural areas can also be explained by the fact of low incidence of metabolic disorders in rural areas.

It is also important to note that cancer incidence in India can be more than stated here due to inadequate reporting and sparse medial health system in rural area or distant areas. Under-reporting of the cancer cases can also be fuelled by the fact that most cancer cases are diagnosed at advanced stages and lack of screening related awareness among masses.

Cancer and Ayurveda

Ayurveda is traditional system of medicine that has originated in India around 5000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from two words “ayu” (life) and “Veda” (knowledge), and it rightly means Ayurveda is “science of life”.

According to ayurvedic philosophy or principles, the human body is composed of five elements (panchamahabhutas) – 1) Earth (Prithvi) 2) Water (Jala) 3) Fire (Agni) 4) Air (Vayu) and 5) Ether (Akash). There elements of the nature or panchamahabhutas combine to form three different types of doshas which are known as 1) Vata Dosha (Vayu + Akash) 2) Pitta Dosha (Agni + Jala) and 3) Kapha Dosha (Prithvi + Jala). Each person has unique combination of different doshas, and the same will determine physical and mental characteristics of that person.

In Ayurveda, cancer is roughly described as “Arbuda”. Arbuda as mentioned in Ayurveda can be called Cancer. But not all different types of ‘Cancer’ can be called ‘Arbuda’. It is that specific composition of dustha doshas and medha dhatu which is mentions in ‘Samprapti of Arbuda’, and when the same affects different dhatus (Raktadi) and avyav can lead different forms of Cancers, and not all can be categorized as Arbuda as it is mentioned that Arbuda affects Mansha dhatu only, below is mentioned reason for same.

Ayurvedic treatment of cancer involves a holistic approach that focuses on establishing and maintaining balance of the doshas so as to achieve an equilibrium status that can prove beneficial for the health of the individual. Ayurveda also helps to get rid of toxins (dustha doshas) through different treatment approaches and helps to ameliorate the disease or vyadhi as mentioned in Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic treatment for cancer can include different and wide range of therapies like herbal drugs, ayurvedic massage (abhyanga), dietary modifications or changes, panchakarma, yoga, lifestyle changes etc.

  • Ayurvedic massage (Abhyanga) in Cancer – Abhyanga is an ayurvedic form of whole body massage with Herbal medicated oils treated as per ayurvedic principles. Abhyanga brings softness (mruduta) in doshas and helps in the elimination of the dustha or bad doshas. Abhyanga with balya oil like “Bala Oil” can also help in reversing cachexia in cancer patients.
  • Ayurvedic herbal remedies in Cancer – Natural herbs and plant derived medicine or active compounds like piperine, curcumin etc. can help in treatment of the cancer that too with no considerable side-effects. Some herbs that are used to treat cancer are 1) Neem (Azadirachta indica). 2) Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 3) Ginger (Zingiber officinale 4) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 5) Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) 6) Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 7) Daruharidra (Berberis Aristata).
  • Ayurvedic dietary changes in Cancer– It is well known fact that a balanced and healthy diet is important for well-being and health of an individual. A balanced and healthy diet in sense of Ayurveda is a concept of whole meal which contains all the six rasas (1) Madhur Rasa 2) Amla Rasa 3) Lavan Rasa 4) Katu Rasa 5) Tiktha Rasa 6) Kashay Rasa that is mentioned in Ayurveda. Every rasa plays a vital role in health and well-being of an individual, and should be consumed in desired amount only. Not too much and not too less. As in Ayurveda it is called ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet’- Over Consumption of any and everything is prohibited
  • Yoga in Cancer – As mentioned in old Ayurvedic and Indian texts are both yoga and meditation are practices to promote or strengthen physical, mental and spiritual well-being of a person or an individual. Yoga is a science that is originated in India and practiced since ancient times. It is a science to improve and strengthen spiritual, physical and mental well-being of a person. It involves practice of series of different asanas (postures) to improve flexibility, strength and balance. The regular practice of different asanas (postures) as mentioned in Yoga can help to reduce stress and anxiety in cancer patients, and improve in overall strength and flexibility of cancer patients. Some studies suggests that Yoga can have positive impact on immune system of cancer patients and can help the patient to combat different cancers and infections that which they may acquire as a result of lowered immunity in Cancer Patients.
  • Panchakarma in Cancer – Panchakarma is a traditional form of Ayurvedic therapy which involves series of rejuvenation, detoxification and cleansing techniques or procedures that helps to balance body (sharir), mind (mana) and spirit (Aatma). The term “Panchakarma” means ‘five different procedures” in old sanskrit text that refer to five main procedures that is used to eliminate dustha doshas and eliminate toxins from body. The five different procedures of Panchakarma are:
  1. Vamana (Emesis therapy): This karma or procedure involves actions of induced emesis with helps of ayurvedic medicated formulations like madanphala etc. Vaman helps in eliminating toxins or dustha dosha from upper respiratory tract and digestive tract.
  2. Virechana (Purgation therapy): This karma or procedure involves actions of induced purgation with help of formulation of ayurvedic medicated purgatives like Trivrutta etc. Virechana help to cleanse the bowel and remove toxins from the body.
  3. Basti (Enema therapy): This karma or procedure involves action of administering herbal enemas prepared with many different ayurvedic formulations through anal tract. Basti helps to clean the colon and remove dusta dosha from the body.
  4. Nasya (Nasal therapy): This karma or procedure involves instillation of herbal oils and powders through the nose to cleanse sinuses or upper respiratory tract of dustha doshas.
  5. Raktamokshana (Bloodletting therapy): This procedure involves using leeches or other methods like venepuncture (siravedha) to remove disease causing dustha rakta or bad blood from the body.

Panchakarma should be done under trained ayurvedic doctors or ayurvedic clinic.

What is ‘Best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India

To answer this we need to understand what best treatment means. Best treatments are often designated as the treatments which have been widely proven to be successful most of the times. Which have been accepted by one and all. But alas in reality such treatment are rare. And when the question is about ‘Best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India’ it gets even more sparse.  So then how can someone define which is the best Ayurvedic treatment in cancer for themselves or for their loved ones suffering from cancer. It’s easy, consider a treatment which shows result in most of the cases but doesn’t suit you or is not accessible to you, it can’t be the best treatment for you.

For an individual the best treatment means “Best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India”  is the one which is tailor made for them. While being based on strong scientific principles retains the individual touch that only ayurveda guarantees. The treatment has to be accessible and compatible. Our panel of expert doctor’s promise you exactly that. We strive to give you the best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India. With the best of Panchakarma & medicine, a treatment plan made with care and concern. Tailored to your need, and the need of your body & mind. To give you the Best Care there is. So if you want the ‘Best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India’ do reach out to us we promise the best!!

About Team Cancer In Ayurveda

Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is of Ayurvedic practitioners understands the importance of a holistic approach to cancer treatment. We believe that Ayurvedic treatment for cancer can complement modern medicine and provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their care.

Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is of highly experienced Ayurvedic doctors who have been trained under the best Vaidya’s in India. They have been practicing Ayurveda in various parts of society, and in different conditions, which has given them a nuanced experience in treating cancer patients.




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