What is Breast Cancer?
Breast Cancer is a type of cancer that develops or originates in the cells of the breast. This cancer can originate in the milk carrying ducts (ductal carcinoma) or in the gland that produces the milk (lobular carcinoma). It is most common cancer in women, but can also occur in men, but quite rare.
Treatment options for Breast Cancer:
1) Surgery: Lumpectomy (removal of tumor) or mastectomy (removal of entire breast).
2) Radiation Therapy: In radiation therapy, high energy rays are used to destroy cancer cells.
3) Chemotherapy: Chemotherapeutic drugs are used to kill or stop the growth of the cancer cells.
4) Hormone Therapy: Hormone Therapy drugs are used for hormone receptor positive cancers.
5) Immunotherapy: It helps to boost the immune system and fight the cancer cells.
6) Targeted Therapy: In this drugs are prescribed that specifically target specific molecule and stop its growth.
What is Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS)?
Breast-Conserving Surgery (BCS) is also known as lumpectomy or partial mastectomy. It is a surgical procedure which is aimed at removing the cancerous part of the breast along with normal tissue while leaving the rest of the breast intact. It is most common and viable option of early stage breast cancer and is commonly combined with various other treatment modality like radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
A) Goals and Advantages of Breast-Conserving Surgery (BCS):
1) It helps in removal of cancerous tumor in the breast while preserving the overall appearance and shape of the breast.
2) It helps to achieve clear margins or with no cancer cells at the border of the excised tissue. It helps in complete removal of cancer tissue.
3) It helps to retain most of breast tissue. 4) It has a shorter post-surgery recovery time compared to mastectomy.
B) Disadvantages:
1) Post-Breast Conservation Surgery the patient may require radiation therapy to reduce chances of recurrence.
2) There is always a risk of need of second surgery if margins are not clear.
3) In Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS), there is always a heightened risk of recurrence compared to mastectomy
What is Mastectomy?
Mastectomy is a surgical procedure in which one or both of the breast are removed, either partially or completely. Mastectomy serve’s a dual purpose either to treat breast cancer or further to prevent it. Depending on specific condition and treatment goals, there are several types of mastectomies:
1) Total (Simple) Mastectomies:
In this entire breast is removed, including the nipple, areola, and most of the breast tissue. Typically, it does not involves removal of lymph nodes.
2) Modified Radical Mastectomy:
It involves removal of the entire breast along with some of the nearby lymph nodes under the arm (axillary lymph nodes). This surgery is mostly performed for the cancer of the breast.
3) Radical Mastectomy:
It involves removal of the entire breast, associated axillary lymph nodes, and further the chest wall muscles (pectolaris major and minor). It is not routinely performed today and further it is found that less invasive may be as effective.
4) Skin Sparing Mastectomy:
It helps to remove the breast tissue, nipple, and areola but preserves most of the skin over the breast.
5) Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy:
In this nipple and skin is removed but most of the underlying breast tissue is removed.
6) Double-Mastectomy:
In Individual’s who are at a high risk for breast cancer, such as mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes a preventive surgery is performed which involves removal of both the breast.
Benefits for Mastectomy:
1) It is ideal treatment of choice in early or advances stages of Breast Cancer.
2) It helps in prevention of breast cancer in high risk individual or prophylactic mastectomy.
3) It helps in management of recurrent or invasive breast carcinoma.
Treatment of Breast Cancer through Ayurveda
Dr. Ravi Gupta, a well renowned Ayurvedic Oncologist, provides holistic and natural treatment for breast cancer based on traditional Ayurvedic principles. He focuses on integrating traditional Ayurvedic treatment principles with modern treatment modalities. Dr. Ravi Gupta, Ayurveda Cancer Consultant focuses on treating the root cause of breast cancer and enhances overall well-being of cancer patients.
Key treatment modalities are:
1) Herbal Medicine: Dr. Ravi Gupta advises and prescribes potent anti-cancer herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Bhallatak (Semicarpus Anacardium).
2) Panchakarma Therapy (Detoxification Therapy): Detoxification therapies like Vamana, Virechana, Basti etc. helps to eliminate toxins or ama from the body and so proves beneficial in breast cancer patients. It also helps to strengthen immunity in cancer patients.
3) Rasayana Therapy (Rejuvenation Therapy): Rasayana Therapy or Rejuvenation Therapy to improve immunity and vitality in breast cancer patients. It also helps in early recovery in breast cancer patients.
4) Dietary Therapy: Dr. Ravi Gupta, Ayurveda Cancer Consultant advises personalized anti-cancer diet that helps to build health and maintain weight in breast cancer patients. This diet plans are based on traditional Ayurvedic Principles.
For Ayurvedic treatment of Breast Cancer, Kindly call