Hello and Welcome! CancerInAyurveda: Advice, updates and treatment.


As we all know ‘Is Cancer mentioned in Ayurveda or not?’ or ‘Cancer can be called Arbuda or not?’, the following debate has been going since many decades with advent of Allopathy Science. Many eminent and accomplished ayurvedic experts have and had a varying and contrasting views spiraling around the above mentioned ‘million dollar’ questions, some agreeing to the views that indeed Cancer is mentioned in Ayurveda and is mentioned as ‘Arbuda’, and some not agreeing to the same as ‘Cancer’ cannot be called ‘Arbuda’ as a small chapter has been dedicated to same for a Maharoga like Cancer which is definitely fatal if not treated at an earlier stages.

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide accounting for nearly 1 in 6 deaths occurring or more than 10 million deaths worldwide in year 2020. Cancer is a common term used for abnormal and rapid growth of mutated cells in any part of the body. It can effect wide range of tissues or organs. Other common terms used for cancer are malignant tumor or neoplasms. If you or a loved one is looking for the best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in Mumbai, you've come to the right place.

In this blog post, we'll be sharing our top pick for the best ayurvedic cancer treatment in India. We'll also discuss some of the benefits of ayurvedic treatments and how they can help improve your quality of life. 
Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells and further spread of the abnormal cells to neighbouring tissue and organs, as well as distant organs which is termed as metastasis. Metastasis in real terms can prove detrimental to cancer patients.

Cancer is a complex disease, and is further characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal division of cells in an individual. Cancer cells can invade the surrounding tissues, and spread to different part of the body through blood and the lymphatic system. Spreading and invasion of the cancer cells to adjacent tissues, and to different parts of the bodies is called metastatis. Metastatis can prove fatal to cancer patients.

Lung cancer or bronchogenic carcinoma is a type of cancer that originates in the lung tissues. It is one of the most common type of cancer, and is a leading cause of deaths that can be attributed to any cancer worldwide. Approximately overall 11.6% cases of all the cancer cases recoded globally was attributed to lung cancer in year 2020.Smoking tobacco is one of the leading cause of lung cancer, and accounts for approximately 85% of all the lung cancer cases recorded.

In this blog post, we'll be sharing our top pick for the best ayurvedic cancer treatment in India. We'll also discuss some of the benefits of ayurvedic treatments and how they can help improve your quality of life. Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells and further spread of the abnormal cells to neighbouring tissue and organs, as well as distant organs which is termed as metastasis. Metastasis in real terms can prove detrimental to cancer patients.

Mouth cancer which is also synomously called as oral cancer refers to cancer or neoplasm that originates in different part of the mouth like the gums, lips, tongue, roof or the floor of the mouth (palate), and the throat. Majorly cancer in the mouth originates from the squamous cell (flat cells) that lines the surface of the mouth and is called as squamous cell carcinoma. But cancer can even originate from other cells that reside in the mouth like adenocarcinoma etc.

Blood Cancer are a type of cancer that effects the production of the blood cells, and thereby affecting the functioning of the blood. Blood Cancer can originate in the bone marrow or in the lymph nodes. Blood Cancer can affects the functioning and the production of various types of blood cells. Let’s elucidate further how functioning of different types of blood cells are affected:

Ayurveda is a traditional and holistic system of medicine that has originated in India 5000 years ago. It is well known fact that Ayurveda is derived from two words firstly from “Ayur” that means life and second from “Veda” which means knowledge or science. So popularly Ayurveda is called “Science of Life” or “Art of Healthy and Harmonious Living”.




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