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Role of Goat milk in lung cancer

goatmilk in cancer

What is Lung Cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which some of our body cells grows in uncontrolled manner, spreads to other parts of the body and destroy them. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made from trillions of cells. Cancer starts when a gene or several genes mutate and create cancerous cells i.e. abnormally growing cells. These cells form tumors, which are lumps of tissue. They may break away from tumors using lymphatic system or blood stream to travel to other areas of your body. Lung cancer is one in which anormal growth of cells starts in the lungs. Lungs are two spongy organs in the chest that controls breathing.


Types of lung cancer-

a) Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – This is most common type of cancer that tends to grow slowly. There are several subtypes of NSCLC.

b) Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) – Also known as ‘Oats -cell’ cancer. This is most aggressive type of lung cancer. It grows and spreads quickly, often starting in bronchi and spreading to other parts of the body. It is caused by heavy smoking and makes up about 20 % of all lung cancers.

c) Carcinoid – It is less common type of lung cancer which is further classified as either typical or atypical. They grow slowly and usually does not spread beyond the lungs.

d) Mesothelioma – This is a rare case, cancer of the chest lining and most often caused by asbestos exposure.

Causes of Lung cancer-

People who smoke tobacco have the greatest risk of lung cancer. Other causes include passive smoking, exposure to certain toxins like asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel as occupational substances, Diesel fumes, soot, HIV infection, history of lung diseases and family history.

Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation.

What is Ayurveda?

It is an oldest and traditional system of Indian medicine. In Sanskrit it means ‘science of life’. The basic principle of Ayurveda is to treat illness by maintaining balance in the body, mind and consciousness through proper diet and lifestyle management with herbal medications and panchakarma treatment. According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of four basics-dosha, dhatu, mala and agni. There are three primary doshas or energies in our body- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each of these doshas has its own unique qualities and an imbalance in any of these doshas can lead to various health issues.

Core Principles of Ayurveda:

a) Concept of Tridoshas – Ayurveda recognizes three primary doshas (energies)-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which govern our body and mind. Understanding and balancing them is basic diagnostic tool and treatment principle for good health.

b) Diet and Nutrition – In Ayurveda, diet is an important part of life and considered as one of the three pillars of life i.e. tri-upasthamba. Eating the right food according to an individual’s dosha or constitution can help balance the imbalance of doshas and promote holistic health. Ayurveda promotes eating Sattvic foods (fresh and natural) and avoiding rajasic (pungent, spicy) and tamasic foods (Spoiled. Stale).

c) Prevention of diseases – Ayurveda emphasizes and believes in prevention of diseases rather than just curing the diseases.

d) Concept of Panchamahabhutas- Ayurveda believes in five basic elements- Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space. Everything in universe including human being is composed of these five elements. These elements in varied proportion makes three humors known as Tridoshas, which govern creation, maintenance and destruction of bodily tissues.

e) Panchakarma therapy- Panchakarma therapy includes five major treatment methods that helps to detoxify the body and restore balance of doshas, these includes Vaman, Virechan, Nasya, Basti and Raktamokshan.

f) Yoga- Both Ayurveda and Yoga are ancient practices that have been used for centuries to promote physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Yoga includes practicing certain asanas, meditation and mudras. It emphasizes on proper breathing, proper postures, proper relaxation with dhyan-dharana and positive thinking. This approach helps in better healing from a diseased state.

Treatment of Lung Cancer through Ayurveda

Dr. Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda is an esteemed medical professional and specializes in holistic Ayurvedic treatment of lung cancer. Ayurveda is an ancient system of Indian Medicine and focuses on balancing between mind, body, and spirit that helps to treat various diseases like Lung Cancer.

Ayurvedic treatment of Lung Cancer advised by Dr. Ravi Gupta involves combination of dietary modifications, herbal medicines, lifestyles modification, and different detoxification therapies. The primary goal of Ayurvedic treatment of Lung Cancer involves boosting the immune system, reducing and controlling the growth of the tumor, and improving overall quality of life of Lung Cancer patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Lung Cancer includes different modalities like:

a) Herbal Remedies: Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda advises vast range of Ayurvedic herbs like Kantakari, Vasa, Ashwagandha, Bharangi, and Tulsi for the treatment of Lung Cancer. Ayurvedic herbs of Lung Cancer possess good anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties. Certain Ayurvedic Herbs helps to ameliorate various symptoms of Lung Cancer and also the symptoms that has arisen due to different treatment modalities for Lung Cancer like Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy etc.

b) Diet and Nutrition: Ravi Gupta advises specialized diet to lung cancer patients. It is well known fact in Ayurveda every individual has a unique combination of doshas and it called Prakriti of that individual. A tailor made diet is advised that suits the Prakriti of that individual and helps to maintain his health. Diet of lung cancer should be rich in anti-oxidant, fruit, vegetables, etc. Such diet helps in natural healing of lung cancer patients. Diet in lung cancer should be light, nutritious, and easily digestible.

Goat milk can prove extremely beneficial in lung cancer patients. Goat milk fulfills the criteria of lung cancer patients as to be easily digestible and nutritious. If goat milk is not available, then it can be substituted with cow’s milk.

c) Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy: It is a branch of Ayurveda that focuses on well-being, rejuvenation, and health of an individual. Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy helps to enhance immune system of lung cancer patients through its Immunomodulatory effects. A good immunity in lung cancer patients can helps to fight better with lung cancer.

Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy helps the body to heal and recover from different toxins that accumulate due to cancer related treatment like chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy provides nourishment to the tissues and helps the body to recover effectively from cancer treatment related damage.

Dr. Ravi Gupta emphasizes on unique care of lung cancer patients and the Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy is tailored as per unique constitution of Doshas or Prakriti of an individual. Dr. Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda advises different Ayurvedic formulations for Rasayana Therapy prepared from various herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) etc.

d) Detoxification Therapy: Dr. Ravi Gupta advises various detoxification therapy mentioned in Panchakarma branch of Ayurveda. Detoxification therapy helps to cleanse the toxins from the body and improves well-being of an individual.

For treatment of ‘Lung Cancer’ through Ayurveda in Mumbai (India), kindly contact Dr. Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda over +91-9819274611 or you can even email us over: cancerinayurveda@gmail.com.


Role of diet in cancer management-

Cancer and its treatment can sometimes negatively affect your appetite, making it difficult to have a balanced diet. It may lead to cachexia which is associated with severe weight loss, muscle loss and fat loss. Diet and nutrition is an integral part of cancer related treatment. A healthy nutrient dense diet may help reduce the risk of malignancy, provides better tolerance to treatment and its side effects, helps in better recovery, and keeps up energy and vitality in cancer patients. Ayurvedic texts have detailed discussion about the concept of ‘Aam’.

Aam denotes the abnormal and impaired process of digestion and metabolism that leads to build up of toxic byproducts which cannot be neutralized or eliminated by the body. In Ayurvedic view, all diseases including cancer are originated from this ‘aam dosha’. Aam Dosha is formed due to malfunctioning of ‘Agni’ that is digestive fire. To correct Agni, proper diet management is a crucial step.

Ayurvedic properties of Goats milk- 

According to ayurveda, lungs are considered as kapha dosha predominant sthan {place/organ}. Due to vitiation of qualities of kapha dosha, the mucus turns highly viscous which hampers normal airflow through lungs. Abnormal kapha dosha can lead to many health issues specifically in kapha dosha predominant sthan {place/organ} that is lungs including cancer.


As far as lung cancer is concerned, goat’s milk may help preserve lung cellular integrity and reduce inflammation by lowering oxidative stress. Traditional ayurvedic texts recommends using goat’s milk to treat infections like tuberculosis because of its natural medicinal properties which helps to cure pulmonary TB. Ayurvedic texts have detailed discussion about qualities of Aja dugdh {goat’s milk} where it is said to be laghu i.e. easier to digest and most beneficial in symptoms like Jwara {fever}. Shwas {shortness of breath. Wheezing}. Raktapitta {coughing out blood} and Shosh {weight loss. cachexia} which are common symptoms seen in lung cancer patients.

Health benefits of goat’s milk-

Goat’s milk has many potential health benefits. It is easier to digest than cow’s milk because it has smaller fat globules. It has short and medium chain fatty acids that break down faster providing quick energy to cancer patients. It is considered as a very good source of protein that helps cancer patients in gaining weight in a healthier way and prevents muscle loss. Also, it has more calories than other types of milk that also adds to healthy weight gain.

It is considered as a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin D. These vitamins and minerals are very useful for overall healthy functioning of the body. It has less lactose than cow’s milk so it can be a good alternative for patients with sensitive stomach. Overall goat’s milk has immunomodulatory effects. Allergy management, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer properties.

Hence. Goat’s milk is highly recommended in lung cancer patients for overall wellbeing and better recovery.

About Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’

Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ consists of Ayurvedic practitioners who are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care for cancer. We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ believe that Ayurveda can complement modern medicine and provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their care. Our personalized approach to treatment, extensive knowledge of Ayurvedic herbs, use of Panchakarma, and modern parameters make us one of the most dynamic teams of Ayurvedic cancer experts in Mumbai.

We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ are committed to helping patients manage their condition effectively and provide them with the support and guidance they need throughout the process.




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