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Panchakarma Treatment in Lung Cancer

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What is Panchakarma treatment as per Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian Medicine and Panchakarma is one of its important treatment modality. Panchakarma consists of series of detoxification and rejuvenation therapies that helps to ameliorate vast range of diseases and treat its root cause.

The term “Panchakarma” is derived from or translates to “five actions” or “five treatments”. These five different treatment modalities in Panchakarma helps to cleanse the body of the dustha doshas. Panchakarma helps to balance doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) of the body and promote well-being of an individual.

The five main treatments of Panchakarma are:

a) Vamana (Therapeutic Vomiting): Vamana is mentioned for cleansing or removing dustha doshas from head and neck region, and also from urdhava amashaya. Vamana helps to purify dustha kapha dosha from the body and also helps to ameliorate ailments related to it. Vamana involves induction of controlled vomiting and helps to clear mucus and toxins from the respiratory and the Gastrointestinal Tract.

b) Virechana (Purgation Therapy): Virechana is mentioned for cleansing or removing dustha doshas from ado amashaya region. Virechana helps to purify pitta dosha from the body and helps to ameliorate ailments related to it. Virechana involves induction of controlled loose stools and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

c) Basti (Enema Therapy): Basti Therapy is mentioned as a therapeutic enema consisting of herbal oils or decoction. This herbal oil or decoction helps to cleanse the colon and further helps to purify Vata Dosha and ameliorate diseases related to it.

d) Nasya (Nasal Administration): Nasya involves administration of herbal oils or powders through the nose. It helps to clear doshas from the urdhavagata region that is nasal passages, sinuses, and head region.

e) Raktamokshana (Bloodletting): Raktamokshana involves removing small amount of blood from the veins and this helps to detoxify the body. Raktamokshana helps to purify the blood in the body and helps in amelioration of diseases related to it.

Panchakarma is usually customized and tailored as per individual constitution of doshas (Prakriti), General Health or Bala of that individual, and specific imbalance of doshas from which the patient is suffering from. Panchakarma should always be done under the guidance of Ayurveda Practitioners.

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the lungs. Lungs consist of two spongy organs and is located within the chest. Lungs plays one of the most vital role in the body and facilitates exchange of gases. It helps in the absorption of oxygen and expelling carbon-dioxide.

Lung cancer is one of the most common type of cancer and has a significant contribution in mortality due to cancer. Lung cancer is broadly classified into two main type based on the histopathological appearance:

a) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): This is the most common type of lung cancer and accounts for almost 85% of all lung cancer cases diagnosed. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) has several subtypes which includes:

  • Adenocarcinoma: It is usually found in outer parts of the lungs and is more common in non-smokers.
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma: It is usually common in central part of the lungs and more common in smokers.
  • Large Cell Carcinoma: It can originate in any part of the lungs and tends to spread more rapidly.

b) Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) is a less common type of lung cancer and accounts for almost 15% of all the cancer cases diagnosed. Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) tends to spread more rapidly and are aggressive in nature.

Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation.

Role of Panchakarma in Treatment of Lung Cancer

a) Vamana:

It is well established fact that when lung cancer is detected at earlier stages then surgical resection is best known option for the patient. If the lung nodule is unresectable due to some unavoidable anatomical locations or if the patient is suffering from cardiac or renal ailments then Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy is required to be planned.

Mrudu Vamana Therapy (Mild) can be planned before chemotherapy or radiotherapy for better results. For general ayurvedic treatment of lung cancer it’s better to evaluate the risk hemorrhage before Vamana is advised and if given, it should always be Mrudu Vamana.

b) Virechana

Virechana is one the most important treatment modality in Lung Cancer as it helps in purification or detoxification of doshas that are causative factors in lung cancer. Prior initiating the Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy to lung cancer patients, Virechana Therapy can be planned so to have better treatment response.

After surgical treatment of lung cancer, Rasayana Therapy needs to be planned to prevent relapse of lung cancer. Virechana Therapy helps to detoxify or remove the dustha dosha from the body and causes in agni deepana (increase digestive power). Virechana Therapy leads to Kostha Shuddhi and helps in better absorption of Rasayana Dravya’s. After Virechana Therapy, different Rasayana like Vardhamana Pippali Rasayan, Kushamanda Rasayan can be planned.

c) Basti

In lung cancer patients who are debilitated by the disease and are suffering from cardiac ailments or multiple co-morbidities, Basti Therapy can be planned. For Koshtha Shuddhi of lung cancer patient with an increased risk, Shodhaniya Basti is more viable option compared Virechana Therapy.

Lung cancer patients who are suffering from extreme weight loss due to Raktha (Blood) and Mansa (Muscle) Kshaya (Loss), Yapana Basti can be planned. Yapana Basti is one the best treatment modality in cachexic lung cancer patients who needs to gain weight and to improve general health.

Matra Basti with Bala Oil can also be planned in lung cancer patients as it is easier to administer and does not require purva and paschata karma of basti to be followed. Bala Oil helps the cancer patient to gain weight and improve the raktha (Blood).

d) Nasya

Nasya Treatment can be prove extremely beneficial in the treatment of Lung Cancer, and in Head and Neck Cancer too. Nasya is prominently used urdhava jatrugata vikara or region of the body above clavicle, and it involves lungs too. Kshar Oil or Rasanjan Oil can be used in Nasya Treatment of Lung Cancer Patients.


About Team ‘Cancer in Ayurveda’

Our Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ consists of Ayurvedic practitioners who are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care for cancer. We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ believe that Ayurveda can complement modern medicine and provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their care. Our personalized approach to treatment, extensive knowledge of Ayurvedic herbs, use of Panchakarma, and modern parameters make us one of the most dynamic teams of Ayurvedic cancer experts in Mumbai.

We at Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ are committed to helping patients manage their condition effectively and provide them with the support and guidance they need throughout the process.




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