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Ayurvedic Treatment of Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung Cancer is a significant cause of mortality in cancer patients and is a leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Lung Cancer is a malignant tumor that originate in the lungs and is caused due to certain mutations or abnormal changes in the DNA. This mutated or altered cells multiply uncontrollably and results in the formation of a tumor. 

There are two types of Lung Cancer:

  1. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): This is the most common type of cancer and tends to grow slowly. There are several subtypes of Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
  2. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC): It is more aggressive type of lung cancer and spreads rapidly. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) generally have poor prognosis and is less common than Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

What causes of Lung Cancer?

The exact cause of lung cancer is complex and smoking tobacco is the primary risk factor of lung cancer. It is also well known fact that lung cancer can also affect non-smokers due to other factors like secondhand smoke, radon gas, asbestos etc.

Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation.

Statistics of Lung Cancer:

Lung Cancer statistics in Gulf Countries like Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) present’s a unique and varying data regarding incidence of lung cancer due to unique lifestyle pattern, environmental conditions, and healthcare infrastructure. Below is mentioned key statistics regarding Lung Cancer:

  1. a) Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia has a higher incidence of lung cancer compared to other Gulf Countries due to increase in smoking rates and deteriorating environmental factors.
  2. b) United Arab Emirates (UAE): United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a moderate incidence of lung cancer. Men are being affected more than women due to high incidence of smoking among men.
  3. c) Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman: The countries have a low incidence of lung cancer but the trend in incidence of lung cancer is gradually increasing.
  4. d) Mortality Rate: Lung Cancer related mortality in Middle East Countries is high, primarily due to late diagnosis. Especially in Saudi Arabia and UAE, the mortality rate due to lung cancer is high due to high incidence of the disease.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer:

Lung Cancer can show wide range of symptoms, ranging from no symptoms in its early stage till debilitating symptoms in advanced stages. Further we will elucidate most common symptoms of Lung Cancer: –

a) Persistent Cough: Lung Cancer can be evident by gradually progressing worsening of cough. This cough may not respond to conventional or standard line treatment.

b) Coughing up blood: Coughing up small amount of blood can be a sign of lung cancer. This can be progressive and should require immediate medical attention.

c) Pain in the chest: Lung Cancer can be evident by pain in the chest. This pain can be gradually worsening and be present during deep breathing, coughing, and laughing.

d) Unexplained loss of weight: Lung Cancer can also be evident by unexplained loss of weight. This loss of weight is more than 10% of weight without even attempting to do so.

e) Shortness of breath or dyspnea: Lung Cancer can be evident by shortness of breath due to fluid accumulation in the lungs or obstruction of airways.


Treatment of Lung Cancer through Ayurveda

Dr. Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda is an esteemed medical professional and specializes in holistic Ayurvedic treatment of lung cancer. Ayurveda is an ancient system of Indian Medicine and focuses on balancing between mind, body, and spirit that helps to treat various diseases like Lung Cancer.

Ayurvedic treatment of Lung Cancer advised by Dr. Ravi Gupta involves combination of dietary modifications, herbal medicines, lifestyles modification, and different detoxification therapies. The primary goal of Ayurvedic treatment of Lung Cancer involves boosting the immune system, reducing and controlling the growth of the tumor, and improving overall quality of life of Lung Cancer patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Lung Cancer includes different modalities like:

a) Herbal Remedies: Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda advises vast range of Ayurvedic herbs like Kantakari, Vasa, Ashwagandha, Bharangi, and Tulsi for the treatment of Lung Cancer. Ayurvedic herbs of Lung Cancer possess good anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties. Certain Ayurvedic Herbs helps to ameliorate various symptoms of Lung Cancer and also the symptoms that has arisen due to different treatment modalities for Lung Cancer like Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy etc.

b) Diet and Nutrition: Ravi Gupta advises specialized diet to lung cancer patients. It is well known fact in Ayurveda every individual has a unique combination of doshas and it called Prakriti of that individual. A tailor made diet is advised that suits the Prakriti of that individual and helps to maintain his health. Diet of lung cancer should be rich in anti-oxidant, fruit, vegetables, etc. Such diet helps in natural healing of lung cancer patients. Diet in lung cancer should be light, nutritious, and easily digestible.

Goat milk can prove extremely beneficial in lung cancer patients. Goat milk fulfills the criteria of lung cancer patients as to be easily digestible and nutritious. If goat milk is not available, then it can be substituted with cow’s milk.

c) Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy: It is a branch of Ayurveda that focuses on well-being, rejuvenation, and health of an individual. Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy helps to enhance immune system of lung cancer patients through its Immunomodulatory effects. A good immunity in lung cancer patients can helps to fight better with lung cancer.

Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy helps the body to heal and recover from different toxins that accumulate due to cancer related treatment like chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy provides nourishment to the tissues and helps the body to recover effectively from cancer treatment related damage.

Dr. Ravi Gupta emphasizes on unique care of lung cancer patients and the Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy is tailored as per unique constitution of Doshas or Prakriti of an individual. Dr. Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda advises different Ayurvedic formulations for Rasayana Therapy prepared from various herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) etc.

d) Detoxification Therapy: Dr. Ravi Gupta advises various detoxification therapy mentioned in Panchakarma branch of Ayurveda. Detoxification therapy helps to cleanse the toxins from the body and improves well-being of an individual.

For treatment of ‘Lung Cancer’ through Ayurveda in Mumbai (India), kindly contact Dr. Ravi Gupta, M.D. in Ayurveda over +91-9819274611 or you can even email us over: cancerinayurveda@gmail.com.





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