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Blood Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Blood Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

What is Blood Cancer?

Blood Cancer are a type of cancer that effects the production of the blood cells, and thereby affecting the functioning of the blood. Blood Cancer can originate in the bone marrow or in the lymph nodes. Blood Cancer can affects the functioning and the production of various types of blood cells. Let’s elucidate further how functioning of different types of blood cells are affected:

1) Red blood cells (RBC’s): Red blood cells transport oxygen from lungs to rest of the body. When production and functioning of RBC’s are affected in different type of blood cancers it can lead to anemia. Anemia can be evident by fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, dullness in the skin tone etc.

2) White Blood Cells (WBC’s): White blood cells plays a crucial role and are one of the vital components in the body immune system. Immune system helps to fight different types of infections and is crucial in healthy life. When WBC’s are affected in blood cancer it can lead to a weakened immune system thereby an increased risk of opportunistic infections.

3) Platelets: Platelets plays a crucial and vital role in blood clotting and helps to stop the bleeding. When production of platelets is affected in different types of blood cancers it can lead to increased risk of excessive bleeding or bruising.

What are different types of Blood Cancer?

There are different types of blood cancer and some more important types is elucidated further:

1) Leukemia: Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that evident by excessive and abnormal production of white blood cells in the bone marrow. These large and excessive population of the white blood cells leads to diminished production and proliferation of their normal counterparts thereby leading to heightened risk of infections and stasis of the blood in the vessels.

2) Lymphoma: Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system and affects the lymphocytes of the blood leading to its abnormal and excessive production of B-Cell, T-Cell, and or NK Cells. Lymphocytes plays a vital role in human immune system. Lymphoma primarily occurs in lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, and sometime other parts of the body.

3) Multiple Myeloma: Multiple Myeloma is a type of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells. Plasma cells plays a vital role in human immune system and produces antibodies. In multiple myeloma plasma cells produces abnormal antibodies so leading to diminished immune system and increased susceptibility to infections.

4) Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS): Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a group of syndrome that leads to abnormal and increased production of blood cells in the bone marrow. Occasionally myelodysplastic syndrome can transform to Acute Leukemia.

What are causes of Blood Cancer?

Blood Cancer in short is known as abnormal and excessive production of certain blood cells thereby affecting production and function of normal blood cells. It is a well-known fact that exact cause of different types of blood cancer is not known but some known factors that can cause increased risk of blood cancer. Certain causes are elucidated further:

1) Genetic Predisposition: Genetic predisposition are certain types of hereditary genetic abnormalities that increases an individual’s predisposition to blood cancer. Genetic predisposition runs in the families and may increase an individual the risk of blood cancer.

2) Exposure to certain chemicals: Exposure to certain chemicals such as benzene can increase the risk or predispose to blood cancer. Due to certain chemical certain genetic abnormalities is acquired and it can lead to increased risk of blood cancer.

3) Certain medical treatments: It is well known facts blood cancer can develop secondary due to certain medical treatment that is given for a known cancer. Chemotherapy, immunosuppressive therapies, radiation therapy etc. can lead to development of secondary blood cancer. Secondary blood cancer generally have a poor prognosis.

Other known risk factors of blood cancer are viral infections, immune system disorders etc.

Blood Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient and traditional system of medicine that has originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The word “Ayurveda” is derived from ‘Ayur’ that means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge or science. Hence, Ayurveda means science of life or knowledge of life.

It is a well-known fact in Ayurveda that health and wellness is defined by balance and harmony between mind, body, and spirit. As per Ayurvedic principles, an individual consist of Panchamahabhutas (Five Mahabhutas) and Trayodoshas (Three doshas). The Panchamahabhutas are: 1) Aakash (Space). 2) Vayu (Air). 3) Agni (Fire). 4) Jala (Water). 5) Prithvi (Earth). The three respective doshas are: 1) Vata (Vayu + Aakash). 2) Pitta (Agni + Jala). 3) Kapha (Jala + Prithvi).

Ayurvedic treatments include different herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, lifestyle management, yoga etc. These Ayurvedic treatment or modalities helps to achieve the balance between the doshas so to improve health and wellness of an individual.

Many treatment modalities is mentioned in Ayurveda for blood cancer patients and it is described further:

1) Herbal Treatment of Blood Cancer

Herbal treatment for blood cancer consists of various herbs that can help to reduce the incidence of cancer if used in daily life and there are many other herbs also helps to treat blood cancer in developed. Few such herbs are mentioned further:

a) Hemidesmus indicus (Sariva) in Blood Cancer

Hemidesmus indicus is also commonly known as Sariva in Ayurveda has various medicinal properties and multiple therapeutic benefits. As per Ayurvedic texts Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) proves beneficial in different blood disorders like leukemia etc. and has detoxifying and rejuvenating properties.

  • Blood Purification: Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) helps to cleanse the blood and due to its detoxifying properties helps to removes toxins from the blood. Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) proves beneficial in skin ailments, allergies, and various inflammatory conditions.
  • Digestive Health: Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) proves beneficial in different digestive ailments and improves agni (digestive fire). Sariva also proves beneficial in digestion of aam (undigested material).
  • Immune Support: Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) helps to boost the immunity and so proves beneficial in blood cancer patients.

b) Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) in Blood Cancer

Tinospora cordifolia which is also commonly known as Giloy or Guduchi in Ayurveda has a long traditional and ancient history of medicinal uses. Certain medicinal uses of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) is mentioned further:

  • Anticancer Potential: Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) is well known for its cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. Tinospora cordifolia due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can potentially inhibit the growth of the blood cancer. As per Ayurveda, it is also a well-known fact that Guduchi can play a vital role in cancer prevention.
  • Immunomodulatory properties: Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) plays a vital role in supporting the immune system and so it helps in combating various opportunistic infection that blood cancer are susceptible of. Guduchi helps to balance the vitiated doshas and so proves beneficial in blood cancer patients.
  • Antioxidant properties: Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) possess good antioxidant properties and helps to reduce cells oxidative stress. Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) also helps in prevention of normal cells during different anti-cancer treatment or modalities.

2) Panchakarma Therapy for Blood Cancer

Panchakarma therapy is a traditional and ancient system of Indian medicine, Panchakarma therapy through its detoxification and rejuvenation properties proves beneficial in blood cancer patients.  It also helps to restore harmony between doshas and so restore balance between mind, body, and spirit. Balance of the doshas is most important for healthy life and disease amelioration. The five main procedure of Panchakarma are: 1) Vamana. 2) Virechana. 3) Basti. 4) Nasya. 5) Raktamokshana.

Virechana Karma for Blood Cancer

It is well known fact that Leukemia in Ayurveda is also defined as dosha dusthi that affects majjavaha strotas can lead to Leukemia, It is also well defined that as per Ayurveda, there is a relationship between Majjadhara Kala and Pittadhara Kala. For treatment of Pittadhara Kala, Virechana karma is one of the best option and so Virechana karma also proves beneficial in dosha dusthi of Majjadhara kala e.g. Leukemia or Blood Cancer.

Virechana Karma means controlled and induced bowel movements through administration of certain herbal formulations. Virechana Karma improves Agni or digestive power, eliminates dusthi in Pitta Dosha, and improves overall mental and physical well-being of an individual. It should also be noted that a blood cancer patient should take Virechana Karma from a trained Ayurvedic Practitioners.

3) Ayurvedic Clinics Specializing in treatment of Blood Cancer / Ayurvedic Doctors for Blood Cancer Treatment

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is a dedicated and a focused group of Ayurvedic Practioners and Researchers that are dedicated towards exploring the potential of role of Ayurveda in Treatment and Management of Blood Cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is dedicated toward a integrative approach of traditional wisdom and knowledge of Ayurveda and modern scientific approach. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is also dedicated toward establishing a holistic approach of Ayurveda toward treatment of Blood Cancer.

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ advises various herbal medications, lifestyle management, and dietary recommendations in management of Blood Cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ focuses on prevention, symptom management, and better nutritional support of Blood Cancer Patients.

Kindly contact Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ for ‘Best Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment of Blood Cancer’.




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