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Mouth Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Mouth Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

What is mouth cancer?

Explore the transformative potential of Ayurvedic treatments for mouth cancer, offering holistic approaches rooted in ancient wisdom. From addressing neoplasms in diverse oral regions to targeting specific cancer types like squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, Ayurveda provides personalized care to restore balance and promote healing. Experience the power of natural remedies and tailored therapies in combating mouth cancer, rejuvenating both body and spirit.

Mouth cancer which is also synomously called as oral cancer refers to cancer or neoplasm that originates in different part of the mouth like the gums, lips, tongue, roof or the floor of the mouth (palate), and the throat. Majorly cancer in the mouth originates from the squamous cell (flat cells) that lines the surface of the mouth and is called as squamous cell carcinoma. But cancer can even originate from other cells that reside in the mouth like adenocarcinoma etc.

Cancer in the mouth originate as a non-healing sore or ulcer evident by pain in the mouth, and difficulty and pain in the mouth while chewing or swallowing. Mouth Cancer is also evident by non-healing red or white patches in the mouth, and in advanced mouth cancer can also be evident by hoarseness in the mouth, lump in the neck etc. 

What causes mouth cancer?

Mouth Cancer is caused by multitude of known factors which includes acquired or hereditary genetic abnormalities, environmental causes, abnormal lifestyles choices, and certain chronic infections mostly which are sexually transmitted. Some causes of mouth cancer is elaborated further:

1) Chronic Tobacco Use or Exposure: As it is well known and researched ‘tobacco’ contains multiple carcinogenic agents or chemicals that causes abnormal genetic mutations in the cells lining the mouth and further such more genetic abnormalities is accumulated leading to cancerous growth. Chronic tobacco exposure can be due to cigarettes and bidi smoking, tobacco chewing or commonly called as surti in India, cigar smoking, or tobacco snuff. It is estimated that tobacco will kill around 1 billion people in 21st century.

2) Chronic Alcohol Consumption: Chronic and frequent alcohol consumption is one of the major causative factor of mouth cancer. Chronic alcohol exposure causes irritation of the lining of the mouth subsequently leading to accumulation of genetic abnormalities and further cancerous transformation of the cells in the mouth. It is also well known fact that smoking tobacco while consuming alcohol has a synergistic effects and higher rate of cancer incidence.

3) Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection: Infections from certain strain of Human papillomavirus (HPV) can lead to mouth cancer but mostly orophyrangeal carcinoma. The most common strains of Human papillomavirus (HPV) involved in development of mouth cancer is HPV-16 and HPV-18.

4) Diet: It is well known and established that a diet of an individual which is low in fruits and green leafy vegetables have an increased incidence of mouth cancer. So a diet which is rich in fruits and green leafy vegetables contains essential vital nutrients and antioxidants that lowers the risk of mouth cancer.

Other known risk factors of mouth cancer is betel leaf chewing with tobacco (paan), sun exposure, poor oral hygiene, and acquired or hereditary genetic abnormalities.

Mouth Cancer Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic science that has its origin 3000 years ago. Ayurveda is not only meant for treatment of diseased individual but also a science which preaches or inculcates how an individual should remain healthy. So popularly Ayurveda is called a ‘Science of Life’.

In Ayurvedic texts many different modalities (Dincharya) are mentioned which when followed judiciously in your daily life help in the prevention of mouth cancer. Certain modalities mentioned in Ayurveda such as Kavala Dharan, Gandush Dharan, and Danta Dhavan etc. helps to cleanse the mouth of the Dustha Doshas so helps to prevent from mouth cancer. Many treatment modalities is mentioned in Ayurveda for mouth cancer patients and it is described further:

1) Herbal Treatment of Mouth Cancer

Herbal treatment for mouth cancer consists of various herbs that can help to reduce the incidence of cancer if used in daily life and there are many other herbs also helps to treat mouth cancer in developed. Few such herbs are mentioned further:

a) Khadir (Acacia catechu): Khadir possess various medicinal properties which proves beneficial in mouth cancer. Khadir through its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties potentially aid in anti-cancer treatment. Khadir also helps in cancerous growth affecting the various parts of the mouth like gums, lips, tongue etc. through it’s astringent properties.

b) Daruharidra (Berberis aristata): Daruharidra has a long history of use in traditional system of Ayurvedic medicine. Daruharidra possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that proves beneficial in mouth cancer patients. Rasanjan or Rasont is prepared from Daruharidra proves beneficial in various ailments including certain types of cancers especially mouth cancer. Rasanjan possess anti-inflammatory properties, promotes wound healing, and support the immune system.

2) Panchakarma Therapy for Mouth Cancer

Panchakarma is one of the most important traditional Ayurvedic treatment modalities that help in detoxification of the body. Detoxification helps in restoring balance and harmony in the doshas. Balance of the doshas is most important for healthy life and disease amelioration. In Ayurveda, Panchakarma also helps in rejuvenation of the body. Rejuvenation helps to restore health and well-being of an individual. The five main procedures of Panchakarma are: 1) Vamana. 2) Virechana. 3) Basti. 4) Nasya. 5) Raktamokshana.

Nasya Therapy for Mouth Cancer Patients

Nasya Therapy is a traditional modality of Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment and it involves administration of Ayurvedic medicated oils or different herbal preparations through nostril. Nasya is one of the most important Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that works well over the Head, Neck, and Upper thorax region.

During Nasya Therapy gentle face massage with Ayurvedic Medicated Oil is done and steam (swedana) karma is done while protecting the eyes. Further, head is tilted slightly back ward in the lying position and Ayurvedic medicated oil is instilled through the nose in mouth cancer patients.

3) Ayurvedic Diet for Mouth Cancer Patients

Nutrition is one of the most important concern in mouth cancer patients due to trouble in ingesting foods. During earlier stages of mouth cancer nutrition or diet of mouth cancer patients can be unhindered but as the cancer progresses nutrition or diet starts getting affected and patients start losing weight. Weight loss can also be due to effects of Cancer Progression.

Optimal weight is necessary for longevity and good standard of living for cancer patients. In Ayurveda under the term of ‘Laghu and Supachya’ Ahar certain diets are mentioned that are easy to digest and provide optimal nutrition to mouth cancer patients. Certain Diets are mentioned below:

a) Mutton Soup for Mouth Cancer Patients: Mutton Soup is prepared by taking 100gms of mutton with good amount of water in pressure cooker and desired amount of spices are added. A thin and watery soup is prepared and it is given to the patient of consumption slowly.

Mutton soup

Mutton Soup is easy to digest and is one of the best food for weight gain in mouth cancer patients. Muscle soup also helps to build muscle mass in cancer patients and so helps to ameliorate mouth cancer.

b) Green Moong Dal Soup in Mouth Cancer Patients

It is a well-known fact in Ayurveda, Green Moong Dal is one of the best of all the pulses mentioned in Ayurveda. Moong Dal soup is easily digestible and good aphrodisiac. Moong Dal soup helps the patients to gain weight and increase its health and potency.

4) Ayurvedic Clinics Specializing in Mouth Cancer / Ayurvedic Doctors for Mouth Cancer Treatment

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is group of dedicated Ayurvedic Doctors that specializes in holistic and tailored approach toward treatment of mouth cancer patients. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ comprises skilled and well trained Ayurvedic Doctors, Researchers, and Nursing Staff that takes best medical care of the mouth cancer patients.

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ takes into consideration different Ayurvedic treatment modalities in the management of mouth cancer. Different treatment modalities include herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and detoxification procedures. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ also focuses on different treatment modalities that help to further boost and enhance the immunity of the patient so as to ameliorate cancer in the mouth.

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ also prescribes different type of Ayurvedic herbal medicines for mouth cancer treatment. This herbal formulation has anti-cancer properties, and promote tissue healing.

Kindly contact with Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda‘ for successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Mouth Cancer.




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