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Best Yoga Asana for Cancer Patients

Best Yoga Asana for Cancer Patients

What is Cancer?

Cancer is complex group of diseases, and is characterized by the uncontrolled, unregulated, and abnormal growth of the cells within the body. Under normal and regulated circumstances, a cells is expected to undergo growth, division, and death at the end of its life cycle but in the cancer the cells acquires capability of uncontrolled replicative potential and immortality due to genetic mutations, acquired or hereditary. This further leads to formation of a neoplastic mass or a tumor.

Cancer can be of many different types generally classified based on the part of the body that it is affecting, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer etc. Cancer can be caused by many different factors like acquired or hereditary genetic mutations, exposure to cancer causing agents or carcinogens, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, certain viruses like EBV, HTLV etc., and other environmental factors like exposure to radon gas. Every cancer is different based on the prognosis and responds differently to the treatment.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice of a physical, mental, and spiritual aspect of an individual to bring peace, and harmony in the life of an individual. Regular practice of yoga is an art, and a science that is key to a healthy and a peaceful life. Yoga originated in India dating back to 2700 B.C. and promotes various wide range of techniques, and disciplines to promote well-being of an individual.

The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from ‘Yuj’ which means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’ as per Sanskrit texts. As per different texts on the Yoga, regular practice of Yoga leads to the union of one’s individual consciousness with that of universal consciousness to promoting perfect harmony between mind, body, and spiritual aspect on an individual, and the same is key to healthy and a peaceful life.

Further, yoga has four broad classifications: 1) Karma Yoga – Where body is utilized for the Yoga-Sadhana. 2) Bhakti Yoga – Where emotions are utilized for Yoga-Sadhana. 3) Gyana Yoga – Where mind and intellect are utilized for Yoga-Sadhana. 4) Kriya Yoga – Where energy of the body is utilized for Yoga-Sadhana.

The aim of all this Yoga-Sadhanas is to achieve mukti or moksha or nirvana. Moksha (the state of liberation) or Kaivalya (freedom from life and death cycles) is the main and ultimate objective of Yoga-Sadhana.

Key components and various style of Yoga

The key components of Yoga include:

1) Asanas (Poses): Asanas includes different physical postures to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. There are different types of poses (asanas) with specific physical and mental benefits, and further increases flexibility in the body.

2) Meditation: The most fundamental and basic practice of Yoga is meditation. Through meditation we can achieve reduction in stress of the cancer patients, and further enhance mindfulness in cancer patients.

3) Pranayama: Pranayama involves practicing different techniques of controlled breathing, to achieve increased lung function and increased oxygenation of the body. Pranayama promotes relaxation of both mind and body of cancer patients.

Various styles of Yoga:

1) Hath Yoga: Hath Yoga involves focusing on different poses and breathe control to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual balance in cancer patients,

2) Vinyasa Yoga: It is a dynamic style of Yoga that links with practice of breath with Yoga.

3) Bikram Yoga: It involves practicing 26 poses of Yoga in hot and humid environment.

4) Yin Yoga: It involves practice of different poses of Yoga-Asanas, and further holding it to target connective tissue and promote relaxation.

5) Iyengar Yoga: It promotes using props to achieve proper alignment and correct posture while performing yoga.

Shavasana is a very simple pose, but it can be very powerful.

Best Yoga Asana for Cancer Patients

Cancer patients should always prefer to go with gentle asanas that which is found to be appropriate by healthcare team or trained Yoga Instructor. Decision to advice a particular Yoga regime to a cancer patient is based on the cancer from which the patient is suffering from, and overall general health of the patient. Further is mentioned few Yoga Asanas with their respective health benefits in cancer patients:

1) Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose) in Cancer Patients: Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall Pose is type of yoga asana that involves lying flat on the back, and legs raised and extended against the wall. Viparita Karani has multiple health benefits in terms of it improves venous circulation in the legs, reduces stress, and further benefits in reducing lymphedema that can be resultant of a cancer related surgery. It can also be beneficial in back pain that can be resultant of lack of exertion in cancer patients or bed ridden patients.

2) Sukhasana (Easy Pose) in Cancer Patients: Sukhasana or Easy Pose or Comfortable Pose is a type of Yoga asana that involves being seated in a position that is to be done while doing meditation. It involves being seated cross legged in an easy pose. Sukhasana is calming and relaxing in nature for cancer patients. Sukhasana can help in improving posture in cancer patients and can be done by most of the peoples.

3) Balasana (Child’s Pose) in Cancer Patients: Balasana or Child Pose is done by kneeling on the yoga mat with both the big toes touching, and the lengthening the spine and head facing the ceiling followed by lowering the torso between the thighs and forehead touching the ground. Arms are also extended alongside the body, and you can stay in this position as long as it is comfortable. Balasana or Child Pose has multiple health benefits in cancer patients like providing stress relief by reducing anxiety, and helps in gentle back stretch thereby relieving tension and discomfort in hips and thighs. Most important, Balasana can improve digestion in cancer patients. It can also improve shoulder and neck movements in post-operative head and neck cancer patients.

4) Tadasana (Mountain Pose) in Cancer Patients: Tadasana or Mountain Pose involves standing with both feet’s together, and further distribute the weight evenly across the feet. Further thighs are engaged with lifting the kneecaps, and both the shoulders are rolled back, and down. Arms are hanging by the side of the body with palms facing forward. This position is held for a minute and then body is allowed to relax. Tadasana helps in improving the posture and improving balance, and the stability in cancer patients who are developing cachexia. Tadasana can help in improved circulation and prove energizing to cancer patients.

5) Shavasana (Corpse Pose) in Cancer Patients: Shavasana or Corpse Pose involves lying down flat over the back on a yoga mat in a comfortable position and arms by your side, and palms facing upwards. Eyes are closed and gentle breathing is initiated with consciously relaxing all the group of muscles of the body. Shavasana position can be kept for 5 to 15 mins, and later body movements can be initiated by wiggling the fingers. Shavasana is one of the important asanas for cancer patients by deeply relaxing mind and body of the patients. It can create calmness and clarity in the mind of cancer patients, and further help in stress reduction.

Many other asanas that can prove beneficial in cancer patients are Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose), Pranayama (Breathing Exercises), Matsyasana (Fish Pose) etc. It is most important to note that any type of yoga asanas should be performed by cancer patients only under the instructions of trained Yoga Instructor.

About Team ’Cancer In Ayurveda’

Dynamic team of Expert Ayurveda Practitioners bringing the best of 3000 years old Science of Ayurveda for the benefit of peoples suffering from Cancer. Team of Cancer In Ayurveda has a shared dream about well-being and treatment of patients suffering from Cancer.

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