Head and neck cancers in India are emerging as major public health problems, which are mostly lifestyle related, have a lengthy latent period and need dedicated infrastructure and human resource for treatment. Head and neck cancer develops from tissues in the lip and oral cavity (mouth), larynx (throat), salivary glands, nose, sinuses or the skin of the face. The most common types of head and neck cancers occur in the lip, mouth, and larynx.Ayurvedic treatment for Head and Neck Cancer aims to strengthen the body’s immune system, which can help fight against cancer. It can also prevent the spread of tumors and reduce symptoms such as weight loss, sore throat and ear pain. Herbal therapies can improve the quality of life and relieve some side effects in patients with head and neck cancers that have a history of mucositis. This can improve their quality of life and help them tolerate treatments such as radiotherapy better. Statistically overall, 57.5% of global head and neck cancers occur in Asia especially in India. Head and neck cancers in India accounted for 10.3% of overall cancers in males and 4.6% in females in year 2020. In India, 60 to 80% of patients present with advanced disease as compared to 40% in developed countries.


1) Alcohol and Tobacco

Alcohol and tobacco are major risk factors for cancers of the head and neck. All tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, snuff, or a type of chewing tobacco called betel quid) are linked to head and neck cancer (except for salivary gland cancers). Drinking any type of alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor, also raises the risk of getting cancers of the mouth, throat, and voice box.

2) Human Papilloma Virus

HPV can infect the mouth and throat and cause cancers of the oropharynx (back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils). This is called oropharyngeal cancer. HPV is thought to cause 70% of oropharyngeal cancers. The HPV vaccine was developed to prevent cervical and other cancers of the reproductive system. The vaccine protects against the types of HPV that can cause oropharyngeal cancers, so it may also prevent oropharyngeal cancers.

3) Occupational Exposures

Occupational exposures, or being exposed to certain substances while on the job, can increase the risk of getting cancers in the nasopharynx. Working in the construction, textile, ceramic, logging, and food processing industries can cause people to be exposed to substances like wood dust, formaldehyde, asbestos, nickel, and other chemicals.

Different Sections of Head and Neck Cancer

1) Mouth (oral cavity or oral cancers)

2) Tongue

3) Throat (cancers of the oropharynx and tonsils, nasopharynx and hypopharynx)

4) Nose or sinuses (nasal and sinus cancer)

5) Salivary glands

6) Middle ear.

Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancer

1) Mouth Cancer

  • A white or red sore that does not heal on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth.
  • Swelling in the jaw.
  • Unusual bleeding or pain in the mouth.
  • A lump or thickening.
  • Problems with dentures

2) Pharynx Cancer

  • Trouble breathing or speaking.
  • A lump or thickening.
  • Trouble chewing or swallowing food.
  • A feeling that something is caught in the throat.
  • Pain in the throat that won’t go away.

3) Larynx Cancer

  • A change in your voice, such as sounding hoarse
  • pain when swallowing or difficulty swallowing
  • a lump or swelling in your neck
  • a long-lasting cough or breathlessness
  • a persistent sore throat or earache

4) Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer

  • Blocked sinuses that don’t clear.
  • Sinus infections that do not respond to treatment with antibiotics.
  • Bleeding through the nose.
  • Headaches.
  • Pain and swelling around the eyes.

Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer in Modern Medicine

  • Radiation therapy
  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy

Ayurvedic treatment for Head and Neck Cancer

Ayurveda is the oldest Indian indigenous system of medicine system and is known from very early times for preventing or suppressing various tumours. And nowadays scientists are keener to researches on Ayurveda for the management of cancer.

Ayurvedic treatment for Head and Neck Cancer therapies can improve the quality of life and relieve some side effects in patients with head and neck cancers that have a history of mucositis. This can improve their quality of life and help them tolerate treatments such as radiotherapy better.

The main goal of Ayurveda therapy is to find the cause of a Cancer while the therapeutic approach of Ayurveda is simply divided into three major categories

1) Oral medications 2) Panchakarma Treatment 3) Kaval/Gandush Dharan

Oral Medications

1) Katafal (Myrica Esculenta)

Known locally as kaphal or kafal, Myrica esculenta is found in the hilly regions of northern India and Nepal, especially in the regions of Garhwal and Kumaon of Uttarakhand, southern Bhutan and western Nepal especially at elevations of 900–1,800 m (3,000–6,000 ft). Modern research has revealed Katafal has anti-proliferative and anti-oxidant treatment in Cancer.

2) Acorus Calamus (Vacha)

Acorus calamus (also called sweet flag, sway or muskrat root, among many common names is a species of flowering plant. It is a tall wetland monocot of the family Acoraceae, in the genus Acorus. Sweet flag is a herbaceous perennial, 2 m (79 in) tall. Its leaves resembles those of the iris family. Sweet flag consists of tufts of basal leaves that rise from a spreading rhizome. Acorus calamus shows apoptotic activity on the oral cancer cells by degrading its DNA.

3) Heerak Bhasma

Heerak (Diamond) is a most popular and desirable gem stone. The bhasma of heerak is a well-known organo-mineral preparation, used for rasayana, ayushya, vrishya, tridoshagna and arbuda. Heerak Bhasma is well known for its antitumor activity and provide significant symptomatic relief to the patient with cancer. It also works very well in cancer patient who have developed cachexia due to cancer and thereby increase the life expectancy of the patient.


1) Vaman and Virechan

If Cancer is confined to tounge or oral cavity, Mrudu or Uttam Vaman can be advised. And if cancer has spread to throat or oesophagus then is better to avoid uttam virechan or a mrudu vaman can be administered with utmost care.

2) Nasya

Nasya is the shodhan procedure which can perform urdhavajatrugata shudhi. Administration of the medicine through nasal route is known as Nasya. Nose is the root for head, the diseases related to head is best treated by this procedure. Kshar Tel Nasya is best preferred in treatment of Head and Neck Cancer.

Kawal/Gandush Dharan

1) Different medicated oil or kwath can be held in mouth for a particular period of time. It helps can help to ameliorate cancer, and will symptomatically help in pain, discharge and foul smell from the Cancer.

What is Ayurveda?

As known for centuries, Ayurveda is a traditional and indigenous system of medicine originated in India centuries ago. Ayurveda is popularly called ‘knowledge of life’ or ‘science of life’ and is considered one of the oldest system of medicinal science in the world. Ayurveda is approximately around 5000 years old.

Ayurveda envisages a holistic approach toward health and wellness, and is a strong believer and promoter of achieving balance between mind, body and spirit. The definition of complete health includes equilibrium between mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda strongly advocates importance of ‘doshic system’ which when is in equilibrium promotes well – being of a person, and when the same doshic system is imbalanced paves way for different diseases or rogas in the body.

Principles of treatment in Ayurveda is to restore balance and equilibrium in doshas so as to promote well-being of a person. Various treatment method in head and neck cancer is advocated through dietary changes, yoga, Panchakarma therapy, lifestyle modifications, and oral herbal medications. It is duty, and imperative for Ayurvedic practitioner to asses an individual unique constitution of doshas and factor of imbalance in the same. On the basis of above assessment an Ayurvedic practitioner can chart out customized treatment plan in Head and Neck Cancer which suits to the individual best. Ayurvedic treatment for Head and Neck Cancer aims to strengthen the body’s immune system, which can help fight against cancer.

What is ‘Head and Neck’?

‘Head and Neck’ refers to the anatomical structure of the body roughly over the clavicular region, and includes important structure that are head, neck and its associated parts. The ‘Head and Neck’ region comprises various vital parts like skull, brain, jaw, throat, cranial nerves, carotid artery, jugular veins, lymphatic channels etc. Head is most uppermost part of the body and consist of several different organs like brain, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Further, the neck connect head to rest of the body and is composed of different vital parts like vertebrae, muscles, thyroid gland, veins, arteries, and most importantly from cancer point of view it contains various draining lymphatic vessels. Neck also contains one of the most important organs for voice production which is larynx. Larynx contains vocal cords and is most important for voice production. The most common site of ‘head and neck’ cancer is the oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, nasopharynx, and the hypopharynx. Cancer at different sites in ‘head and neck’ region causes wide range of symptoms, and should be evaluated and treated accordingly.

What is Head and Neck Cancer?

Head and neck cancer refers to the cluster of cancers that originates in different tissues and organs of the head and the neck region. Head and neck cancer can originate or occur in different areas like lip and oral cavity (mouth), larynx (throat), salivary glands, nose, sinuses or the skin of the face.oral cavity, lips, larynx, oropharynx, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, salivary glands and thyroid glands. Head and Neck cancer accounts for almost 4% of all cancers diagnosed, and affects around 27% of women’s population. The mean age of diagnosis of head and cancer is 40 years of age expect cancers of the nasopharyngeal region and the salivary glands which can affect at much younger age. Tobacco is one of the most prominent cause of cancers in different sites in the head and neck region, and alcohol could have a synergistic effects.
Infection by Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays an important role in development of certain types of cancer in the head and the neck region, and most importantly in the oropharynx region. HPV positive head and neck cancers tends to affect at younger age, and most probably affects individuals with history of multiple sexual partner’s particularly those individual involved in mostly oro-genital sex.
The most common type of cancer is squamous cell carcinoma and effects the linings of mouth, throat and the larynx. It has a strong association with alcohol and tobacco use. One of the rare cancers of head and neck region is small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, and a diffuse non-Hodgkin pattern lymphoma could be seen in upper aerodigestive tracts. Thyroid Cancer is a cancer of thyroid gland which is located in the neck, and is considered a separate category of cancer.

Head and Neck Cancer Statistics

Head and Neck Cancer is a significant health concern globally as well as in India. Below is some statistics of head and neck cancer in India as well as globally:

1) High Incidence: Head and Neck Cancer is one of the most common type of cancer in India. It is estimated that approximately 30% of all cancer cases detected are head and neck cancers. Globally, overall approximately 1million cases of head and neck cancer will be detected, and further accounting for almost 4 percent of all cancer cases diagnosed.

2) Tobacco related cancers: Smoking tobacco, and or chewing tobacco is one of the major risk factor for head and neck cancer in India. It is estimated that approximately 80% of all head and neck cancer cases can be attributed to tobacco use. Globally, incidence of head and neck cancer cases varies widely by region. Certain regions of South and Southeast Asia have higher incidence of Head and Neck Cancer due to high prevalence of tobacco use, betel leaf chewing.

3) Oral Cancer Cases: Cases of Head and Neck Cancer especially of the region of oral cavity like cancers of lips, tongue, gums, and the inner membrane of the mouth is more prevalent in India, and can be attributable to higher burden of tobacco use.

4) Risk Factors: Risk factors for Head and Cancer are except tobacco is excessive alcohol consumption, Human Papilloma Virus Infection (mostly for people involved in oro-genital sex), exposure to certain occupational chemicals and substances, not maintaining good oral hygiene, and most important of all dietary factors.

5) Late Diagnosis: One of the major health concern regarding Head and Neck Cancer is advanced stage of diagnosis. This particular situation can be definitely attributed to lot of stigma around the society regarding diagnosis of cancer, lack of awareness compounded by lack of healthcare facilities in rural areas. Poor prognosis and survival is resultant of late stage diagnosis of head and neck cancer.

6) Disease Specific Survival: Survival in Head and Neck Cancer depends upon multiple factor like stage of diagnosis, site of the cancer, treatment option available, general health of the patient, and many other factors. Estimated 5 year survival in Head and Neck Cancer is approximately 60% globally, and it can vary depending on multiple factors.


It is to be noted that incidence of head and neck cancer can vary depending on multiple factors and specific population under study, a detailed study of head and neck cancer statistics is the need of the hour so as to improve better diagnostic and screening facilities and facilitate early diagnosis, and a better curative treatment. A detailed study of head and neck cancer statistics can help to implement better awareness programmes related tobacco and alcohol cancer causing factor.

Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology

Head and Neck Cancer is a major public health issue in current era and accounts substantial number of cases worldwide, and in India too. Further is mentioned some important key points in epidemiology of Head and Neck Cancer:

1) Incidence of Head and Neck Cancer: The incidence of head and neck cancer vary widely across the globe, and shows higher incidence in South and Southeast Asia due cultural habit of chewing and smoking tobacco in form of beedi. Even incidence of certain types of head and neck cancer like laryngeal cancer and oropharyngeal cancer can also vary widely across different regions of the world and India too.

2) Tobacco Use: Consuming tobacco in smoke or smokeless form is one of the major causative factor for head and neck cancer. It is estimated that over 80% of the cases of head and cancer is caused by tobacco consumption. Indeed, tobacco is the largest preventable causative factor of cancer. It is even estimated that tobacco habits have killed approximately 100 million people in 20th century, and would further kill approximately 1 billion people in 21st century.

3) Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol consumption is one the significant health concern and causative factor for head and neck cancer. Alcohol can cause wide range of cancers, and if consumed with tobacco can have a synergistic effect in causing cancer.

4) Human papillomavirus (HPV): Infection by Human papillomavirus (HPV) in particular HPV – 16 is associated with increased risk of head and neck cancer in particular oro-pharyngeal cancer. HPV affects mostly individuals who have multiple sexual partners, and in particular actively involved in oro-genital sex.

5) Other risk factors: Many other risk factors are occupational exposure to certain chemicals and substances, poor dental or oral hygiene, chewing betel leaf and areca nut, and most important of all unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

6) Preventive measures: Stopping tobacco and alcohol consumption is one of the major avoidable risk factor in prevention of head and neck cancer. Prophylactic HPV vaccination in sexually active adolescents can prevent HPV related oropharyngeal carcinoma. Promoting policies and habits of healthy diet and active lifestyle can definitely help in reducing the burden of head and neck cancer.

Epidemiological studies is one of the most important aspect in strategizing preventive modalities. Awareness based on reduction of tobacco and alcohol consumption can be charted out which can be different in urban and rural areas. Epidemiological studies can also help in guiding government policies which can further promote awareness in masses regarding early diagnosis and prevention of head and neck cancer.

Types of Head and Neck Cancer

Head and Neck Cancer basically refers to group of cancers that originates in different tissues and areas of the head and neck region. The type of head and neck cancer can be differentiated based on the specific area in which it has originated. Some most common type of head and neck cancer are:

1) Mouth Cancer / Oral Cavity Cancer: Oral cavity cancer basically originates in the mouth, including lips, tongue, gums, and the internal lining of the cheeks. Predisposition of the cancer in these areas is mostly due to tobacco and alcohol use.

2) Oropharyngeal Cancer: Oropharyngeal cancer basically originates in the back of the throat, including posterior 1/3rd part of the tongue, tonsils and the soft palate. One of the major predisposition of cancer to this area is due to Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Mostly it carries good prognosis if diagnosed and treated earlier.

3) Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma originates basically in the nasopharynx. Nasopharynx is the upper most part of the throat which is behind the nose. It is more common in people of certain regions like of Chinese and Southeast Asian region. Predisposition of cancer to this area can be basically due to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection.

4) Laryngeal Cancer: Laryngeal cancer basically originates into larynx. Larynx is also commonly known as voice box. Cancer in this region can basically affects the vocal cords, the epiglottis, and the other parts of the larynx. Laryngeal Cancer can affect voice production noted by hoarseness in the voice.

5) Hypopharyngeal Cancer: Hypopharyngeal Cancer basically originates into hypopharynx. Hypopharynx is lower part of the throat, and it connects to the esophagus. Predisposition of the cancer in these areas is basically due to tobacco and alcohol use.

6) Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer: Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer basically originates in to paranasal sinus region and the nasal cavity. Paranasal sinus is air filled spaces around the nose, and it helps is phonation.

7) Salivary Gland Cancer: Salivary Gland Cancer basically occurs in major salivary glands like the parotid, submandibular, and the sublingual glands. Cancer can also affect small salivary glands which is distributed across the oral cavity and the throat.

Head and Neck cancer can also be classified on the basis of its histological and cellular characteristics, or on the basis of its cell of origin. Histological classification further guides to differentiate and identify the cellular composition of the cancerous growth. Some most common histological type of head and neck is:

1) Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histological subtype of head and neck carcinoma. Basically it originates from squamous cells that line different structures of head and neck region like mouth or the oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx and hypopharynx.

2) Adenocarcinoma: Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that originates into the glandular cells. Adenocarcinoma in head and neck cancer can occur in salivary glands, and the nasopharynx.

Many other different types of carcinoma based on histological subtypes occurring in head and neck region are Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma, Acinic Cell Carcinoma, Small Cell Carcinoma, Undifferentiated Carcinoma, Melanoma, and a rare subtype of Sarcoma.

Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer can cause wide range of symptoms depending on the area, size, stage, and the histological subtype of the cancer. Some common symptoms of cancer are:

1) Oral symptoms

a. Mouth ulcers or a sore that does not heals or responds to conventional line of treatment or management.

b. Red or white patches on the gums, inner lining of the mouth, or tongue.

c. Pain in the mouth of persistent in nature.

d. Hoarseness or unusual change in the voice.

2) Nasal or Sinus Symptoms

a. Frequent and unusual nosebleeds.

b. Change or loss in the sense of smell.

c. Unilateral mass or feeling of stuffiness in the nose.

3) Throat Symptoms

a. Persistent and gradually worsening cough that does not responds to conventional line of treatment or management.

b. Sensation of persistent sore throat.

c. Difficulty and pain in swallowing which gradually worsens.

c. Felling of lump or a mass in the throat.

4) Ear Symptoms

a. Pain in the ears.

b. Tinnitus (ringing sound) in the ear.

c. Changes or loss in hearing

5) Facial Symptoms

a. Unexplained swelling or lump over the face mostly over one side.

b. Felling of numbness or weakness over the face mostly over one side.

c. Drooping of one side of the face (facial paralysis).

6) Systemic or General Symptoms

a. Unexplained loss of weight even not intending to do so.

b. Unexplained fatigue or weakness.

c. Unexplained and gradual worsening headache

It is most important to note that above mentioned symptoms can be present in many non-cancerous conditions. However, it is advisable to consult to doctor to get to an appropriate diagnosis. Early detection and timely treatment plays a crucial role in head and neck cancer prognosis.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer

Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer depends upon multiple factors like type of cancer, stage at which the cancer is detected, and the location of the cancer. For the treatment of the cancer patients general health status and preferences is also taken into consideration. In current era, studies of molecular genetics also play a considerable role in treatment of head and neck cancer like mutations in driver oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene.
1) Surgery 2) Radiation Therapy 3) Chemotherapy 4) Targeted Therapy 5) Immunotherapy 6) Palliative Care
In successful treatment of head and neck a personalized treatment plan is need of the hour aided by combination of different treatment modalities for better prognosis in the results. A multidisciplinary approach comprising of different healthcare professional like medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologist are additive to successful treatment of cancer patients.

Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer in Ayurveda / आयुर्वेद में सिर और गर्दन का कैंसर

In Ayurveda, certain types of cancer but not all can be classified under the category of ‘Arbuda / अर्बुद’.Like breast cancer which is called स्तन अर्बुद in Ayurveda, head and neck can also be classified under Arbuda or अर्बुद. For example cancer of tongue can be called Jivha Arbuda / जिव्हा अर्बुद. Throat Cancer can be called Kanth Arbuda or कंठ नासा in Ayurveda. Likewise nasal or nasal sinus cancer is called nasa arbuda or नासा अर्बुद.
So we can further infer that basically Arbuda / अर्बुद can affect multiple areas in the head and neck region, and can be designated based on the part in the head and neck region where it affecting.
The underlying etiopathology or सम्प्राप्ति of the Arbuda remains the same but intensity of the doshas involved in Arbuda / अर्बुद can vary on the causative factors responsible, and the part or स्थान (like जिव्हा, कंठ, नासा etc.) where it is affecting. This explains the varying prognostic grades of different types of cancer or अर्बुद of the head and neck region, and is mentioned in Ayurveda as:
  • Sukha Sadhya / सुख साध्य – Good Prognosis.
  • Kricchra Sadhya / कृच्छ्रसाध्य – Difficult Prognosis.
  • Yapya / याप्य – Incurable but Manageable.
  • Asadhya / असाध्य – Poor Prognosis.
So it can be strongly advocated that concept of prognosis is not alien to ayurveda, contrary it has been well defined and mentioned throughout the ayurvedic texts.

Arbuda, as mentioned in Ayurveda is Kricchra Sadhya / कृच्छ्रसाध्य, Yapya / याप्य, and or Asadhya / असाध्य in nature and difficult to treat. Arbuda, if relapsed is definitely life – threatening to the patient.

Concept of Arbuda in Ayurveda

Arbuda, as mentioned in Ayurveda is derived from Sanskrit words “arbh” which mean “to increase” or “to grow” and “uda” means “swelling” or “tumor”. So Arbuda can be called a tumor or a mass which gradually grows. Arbuda is mentioned in Sushrut Nidansthana Chapter 11. One of the major causative factor for arbuda is asamyak ahara and vihara or in common terms we can define unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Modern science has been recently started recognizing that improper diet plays an important role in almost 50% of the cancer cases diagnosed.

Unhealthy diet and lifestyle leads to vitiation of doshas, prominently vata and kapha doshas which further affects mansha dhatu leading to ‘arbuda’. It is well known fact that Vata Dosha is responsible cell division. A normal vata dosha would lead in controlled cell division and would initiate it when needed. But a vitiated vata dosha lead to or causes uncontrolled cell division.

Any cell division further requires building blocks to divide and proliferate, these growth factor and materials to grow or proliferate further is provided further by Kapha dosha. Vitiated Kapha Dosha promotes or creates an improper microenvironment or scientifically called as tumor microenvironment which leads in sustenance of the growth signals and lead to uncontrolled growth and proliferation.

Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer in Ayurveda / आयुर्वेद में सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर का इलाज

Ayurveda is an ancient and time tested science whose principles are based on wisdom of the nature. Ayurveda promotes a concept of healthy diet and lifestyle, and prevents arbuda/cancer from developing. Ayurveda is in a strong belief that in causative factor of cancer unhealthy diet and lifestyle plays a major role, and current modern research is also proving so. So Ayurveda promotes samyak ahar and vihar or healthy diet and lifestyle, and is one of the major factor in the prevention of the head and neck cancer.
The main goal of Ayurveda therapy is to find the cause of a Cancer while the therapeutic approach of Ayurveda is simply divided into three major categories

1) Oral medications.

2) Panchakarma Treatment.

3) Kaval/Gandush Dharan.

Oral Medications

1) Katafal (Myrica Esculenta)

Myrica esculenta which is commonly known as kaiphal or kathphal in Ayurveda is a small decideous tree and is native to himalayan belt, including, India, Nepal, and Bhutan. The tree belongs to the family Myricaceae and is highy valued for its fruit. Various parts of the plants like fruit, bark, and leaves is used in different Ayurvedic formulations. Myrica esculenta or Kathphal is rich in essential nutrients, Vitamin C and different kind of minerals. It has different kind of anti-oxidants and bioactive compounds that help in promoting good oral health, and to prevent oral cancer.

Myrica esculenta is beneficial in improving digestion by stimulating the agni and proves beneficial in respiratory condition due to its expectorant properties, and to relieve congestion. Myrica esculenta has good anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in managing different skin conditions.

Myrica esculenta contains various bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and various other anti-oxidants. Myrica esculenta exhibit good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in prevention of oral cancer, and has a potential therapeutic benefits against oral cancer.

Kathphaladi Choorna in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

Kathphaladi Choorna is prepared by mixing powder of Kathphala (Myrica esculenta), Shati (Hedichium Spicatum), Kirattiktha (Swertia Chirayata), Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus), Karkatshrungi (Citrulus Colocynthis) and Pusharmoola (Inila racemosa) in equal amounts.

It balances vata and kapha dosha which is major causative factor in arbuba. It can be consumed with honey or luke warm water.

2) Khadir (Acacia catechu)

Acacia catechu which is commonly known as catchu or black cutch. It is a species of tree which belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is a plant which is native in India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and other parts of the Southeast Asia. Acacia catechu is a medium – size deciduous tree which can attain heights upto 20 meters. It has several medicinal uses and is being used since ancient days. Acacia catechu has properties of astringent, antidiarrheal, and anti-inflammatory. It is used in diarrhea, oral disorders, throat disorders, skin issues, and stomach ailments.

Acacia catechu has various bioactive compounds which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This properties help in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, which help in reducing head and neck cancer or mouth cancer development and progression. Acacia catechu has strong cytotoxic effects on head and neck cancer or mouth cancer cells. It helps in inducing cell death (apoptosis), and inhibit cell growth in head and neck cancer or mouth cancer.

Acacia catechu has an anti-metastatic effects. Through its anti-metastatic effects it helps in inhibiting spread of the cancer cells from primary tumor of head and neck region or mouth to other parts of the body. Acacia catechu has good chemo protective effects, and helps to protect normal cells from the toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs. It further enhances the sensitivity of the chemotherapy to head and neck cancer cells or mouth cancer.

Khadiradi Vati in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

Khadiradi vati which is also known as Khadiradi Gutika is traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulations in tablet form. The components of khadiradi gutika are Acacia catechu (Khadira), Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), , Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Dalchini), Piper longum (Pippali), Syzygium aromaticum (Lavang), Terminalia belerica (Bibhitaki), Acorus Calamus (Vacha), Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia), and various others.

Khadiradi Vati or tablets is drug that is basically prescribed in maintaining good oral and dental health. Khadiradi Vati can be effectively used in bad breath in head and neck cancer or mouth cancer patients. Khadiradi Vati astringent, anti-microbial properties and anti-inflammatory properties can benefit greatly in Head and Neck Cancer or mouth cancer patients. Khadiradi Vati enhances digestion and stimulate appetite in head and neck patients.

3) Heerak Bhasma or Ash of Diamond or Diamond Bhasma

Heerak Bhasma which is also known as Ash of Diamond or Diamond Bhasma, is an Ayurvedic formulation which is made or prepared by processing diamonds. According to Ayurveda texts, heerak or diamond is considered one of the most valuable gemstones and exhibits wide range of therapeutic properties. To prepare Heerak Bhasma, heerak is first made to undergo series of purification and detoxification processes which includes grinding with ayurvedic decoctions and later is made to undergo heating under controlled environment resulting formation of Heerak Bhasma or Ash of Diamond or Diamond Bhasma.

Heerak Bhasma in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

Heerak Bhasma possess strong rejuvenating and anti-neoplastic cells properties. Heerak Bhasma due to its tikshna and vyavayi guna or property works well over rapidly dividing cancer cells like in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer. Heerak Bhasma works well in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer patients who are suffering from weakness, general debility, cachexia, sexual disorder etc.

Heerak Bhasma works well in patients who have received WBRT (Whole Brain Radiotherapy), and as a consequence is suffering from memory loss and cognitive dysfunction. Heerak Bhasma enhances memory and cognitive function.


1) Vaman and Virechan

If Cancer is confined to tongue or oral cavity, Mrudu or Madhyam Vaman can be advised. And if cancer has spread to throat region then is better to avoid vaman karma, and mrudu or Madhyam Virechan can be administered with utmost care.

2) Nasya

Nasya is one of the karma or procedure mentioned in Panchakarma which involves instillation of ayurvedic medicated oils, powder or choorna or juice extract of herbal plants through the nostrils or nasal passage. Nose is called doorstep of Head and Neck region, and any medicines instilled or administered through nose works well in disorders of the Head and Neck Region.

Nasya is commonly used in disorders of acute and chronic sinusitis, certain specific types of headaches, neurological disorders and Head and Neck Cancer, and even in Lung Cancer too.

Kshar Tel or Oil Nasya in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

By Kshar Tel or Oil in Ayurveda we generally mean ‘Apamarga Kshar Oil’ or oil which is prepared from Ash of Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera). Still Ayurveda allows Kshar Oil to be prepared from many other Kshar as mentioned in Ayurveda and it depends over the wisdom of the Vaidya’s.

Kshara (Alkali) is prepared from ashes of plant drugs, and is generally used in form of solution or crystal. Kshara by is definition facilitate in Ksharana (Destruction) of Mansha Dhatu (Tissue), and the same is expected in Arbuda disease as in arbuda roga mansha dhatu is polluted (dusthi) by the doshas. Kshara also has properties of Chedana (Excision), Bhedana, and Lekhana (Scrapping). It’s also has tridoshahara properties, which helps in treatment of cancer disease pretty well. Oil or Tel prepared from Kshara also exhibits the same property.

Apamarga Kshara Oil or Tel is prepared by heating under mild flame mixture of Apamargakshariya Jala, Sesame Oil, and Apamarga Kalka. Local applications of apamarga kshara oil also proves beneficial in cancer related non-healing ulcer mostly seen in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer.

Kaval and Gandush in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

Kaval and Gandush are two Ayurvedic procedures aimed at achieving overall oral and dental hygiene, and is quite effective treatment modality against oral or mouth cancer. Both procedures involves holding and swishing the ayurvedic medicated oil or decoction in the mouth. But both the procedures are different in term of liquid which you are holding.

Kaval Dharana

Kaval Dharana which in current times is popularly known as oil pulling. In kaval, oil typically sesame oil or any other ayurvedic medicated oil is swished in the mouth for 10 – 15 mins. Ayurvedic medicated oil comes in contact with different parts in oral cavity like teeth and gums. Afterward, the oil is spitted out and mouth is rinsed with water.

Benefits of Kaval Dharana in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

1) Kaval Dharan helps to promote dental and oral health in mouth cancer patients by removing plaques, bacteria etc. It also strengthen the base of the teeth in the gums.

2) Kaval Dharana can benefit in mouth cancer patients through its anti-microbial properties, and it also help in reducing gum inflammation and bleeding.

Gandush Dharana

In Gandush Dharana an herbal decoction or any other ayurvedic medicinal liquids is held in mouth and swished around the oral cavity for 3 – 5 minutes. It is later spitted out and mouth is rinsed with water.

Benefits of Gandush Dharana in Head and Neck Cancer or Mouth Cancer

1) Gandush helps in removing the entrapped food particles, bacteria and toxins from the oral cavity of mouth cancer patients. Gandush promotes ‘dental and oral’ health and hygiene.

2) Gandush Dharana improves digestion in mouth cancer patients and enhances voice of the patients.

Both Kaval and Gandush have been practiced in Ayurveda through centuries, and has numerous oral and dental benefits in head and neck cancer or mouth cancer patients.

About Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’

Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ is a cumulative approach taken be different Ayurvedic practitioners in term of Ayurvedic treatment of Cancer. Team ‘Cancer In Ayurveda’ very well recognizes that cancer is a complex disease and is influenced by multiple factors.

Team ‘Cancer in Ayurveda’ comprises group of experts from different disciplines, and is vouching for complete and comprehensive ayurvedic care and management of cancer patients. Kindly connect for complete Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment.


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